Emptyness is bliss?

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Now, I will be frank. This one is more philosophic then the other topics so far. So there's your warning.

Now I don't know if you have heard the saying "Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power,". Now this quote is kinds bad. Why you ask? Well it is because it (Ironically) takes a very ignorant view of this. Now I have 3 main points to support this so here it is.

Before I begin I want to say in curtain circumstances this quote is fine. I am just looking at it in general. Not in any  particular view. With that out of the way on with the show.

     My first argument is that ignorance isn't necessarily bliss. Now before you go "Well of coarse Spino, it is talking generally," to that I say, it is still not right. Have you ever considered when this part of the quote is supposed to be used? Well I will give you an example. 

Say you have lived on an island for your entire life. You are now lets say 30. Now on this island you had no contact with the outside world. So one day you go to Canada. Wile hiking you stumble on what the locals call a bear. You walk up to it because you know nothing about it. The bear then mulls you, you are killed before you know what happens. 

Now I kid you not this is exactly how this part is supposed to be used or at lest the most common view of it. Now would you call this "Bliss" or "Happiness"?  Now yes I see that you would not be worried about the bear because you had no clue what it was, so you would not be scared. That is not bliss. Bliss is a state of extreme happiness. I would not classify this as a state of extreme happiness. It is also important to know what ignorance is. Now by most accounts Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge. Now if say in that situation I talked about earlier.  If you had not know about what the creature was. You could infer that it is not safe to get close due to several things. Such as the noises and movements of the bear.

So I would argue that a better word for that would be; stupidity. Stupidity has two parts that make it better for this. One it does involve a lack of information. The difference is that with "Stupidity" it is that lack of information paired with bad judgement. So you can see already how much better this fits into our senaro. So, in the first part it would look like it would be better said like this; "Stupidity is bliss...".  

Now I am not condoning the word. The word stupid and stupidity are now used as insults instead of a simple observation.

Well that was part one of the three part thing I will do for this. I just think that this phrase needs an overhaul. I have heard it so often and I am tired of people using it to justify things that don't have a valid connection to this saying. So I encourage you, if you think I have messed up or have said something that is wrong, please correct me. It does me no good to be right. A quote I have made is "If I have won an argument I have gained nothing" meaning that it is only through correction that I gain info.

This has been Spino. Thanks for reading! 。(⌒෴⌒。)

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