Chapter 2

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This chappy is for my friend Otaku_girl_55555 ! Go check out her story! Thanks for the encouragement! 😆
Disclaimer time!
Nayuki: Anime_lover_18 doesn't own Naruto. Sadly. 😔
Me: AW THANKS! YOU CARE! *glomps her*
Guy and Lee: SO YOUTHFUL! *stars in eyes*
All: See ya!
Nayuki's POV
I sighed as I woke up then I yawned and looked at my clock.  It read 8:40. The academy starts at 8:30 (A/N I'm going of my own assumptions of when the academy starts okay? 😅) 
As I connected the dots I suddenly screamed,"OH SHIT......AKEMUSHROOMS (A/n thought I was cuss?) I'M LATE TO THE ACADEMY!!"
That idiot of a brother didn't wake me up I thought angrily. 
I rushed to do my morning routine and put my hair in its usual pigtails. I grabbed an apple as I walked out of our apartment and ran all the way to the academy. 
♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ To the academy♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
As I walked through the door I saw a VERY interesting scene unfolding.  I saw Onii-chan and Sasu-kun locking lips with each other.  The kiss lasted for about five seconds until they broke it from shock. 
I busted out in laughter as everyone looked at me and I said between giggles, "Wow Onii-chan I didn't know you liked him like that?! Now I'm gonna have to call you the Hoka-gay and Sas-gay!"
"Shut up Imouto." Naruto said while turning away with a red face.
"It's not like that. I like someone else." Sasuke muttered under his breath
The fangirls were about to beat Naruto up until I transported in front of Naruto caught the girl's fist and said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." With a dark aura behind me as I cracked my knuckles.
The fangirls backed away slowly scared of me when I get mad.
"Thanks Imouto." Naruto said as he scratched his neck awkwardly.
"No problem." I replied back with a grin.
"Okay everybody sit down I'm going to tell you your teams!" Iruka shouted from the front of the room.
I went to go sit down between Naruto and Sasuke as Iruka started to announce teams.
"Due to having an uneven amount of students in this class one team will have an extra member." Iruka announced
"I wonder which team that will be." I whispered to Sasuke.
"If they're on my team they better not slow me down." He responded snobbishly.
I gave him a side hug and said, "Oh come on Sasu-kun. Don't be such an emo." He blushed and looked away.
"Squad 8: Kiba, Shino, and Hinata. Squad 10 Choji, Ino, and Shikamaru. Squad 7: Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, and Nayuki."
"Yeah we're on the same team Sasuke and Naruto!" I exclaimed while side hugging both of them.
Sasuke hned then looked away blushing due to close contact.
"YEAH WE ARE BELIEVE IT!!" Naruto cheered loudly.
"Meet your sensei's in your assigned classrooms after lunch." Iruka told us before dismissing us to lunch.
Sasuke asked if we could eat lunch together and I agreed quickly before finding a lunch spot away from all his fangirls. I told Sasuke I needed to go to the restroom but when I came back Sasuke wasn't there. I shrugged it off and went to look for Naruto when I sensed Sasuke's chakra. I found him in a clasroom tied up.
"Do you need help?" I asked with an innocent smile.
He hned under the tape meaning yes so I untied him and he said kinda angrily, "When I get my hands on Naruto he is going to get it." Sasuke exclaimed angrily with a tick mark on his head.
"I'm going with you so Naruto doesn't get hurt to severly." I added as he ran off.
When I got outside I heard Sakura saying, "I don't understand why you like both of them so much. They are alone and Naruto just gets into to much trouble and Nayuki has such a bad attitude and helps Naruto with his pranks. If my parents caught me doing that I would be so punished. You should just leave them alone." She concludes.
I was standing next to Sasuke when she said that. She didn't even notice me standing next to him.
"You don't understand the loneliness we have been through it will never compare to the love of your parents." He said angrily with a shadow covering his eyes.  Sakura looked so shocked when he said that.
You're annoying. Go away." He spat with disgust.
"Sasu-kun?" I said with tears in my eyes as I stared at him. "Did she mean every word she said about us?" I questioned with tears falling. He didn't respond. Instead he grabbed me and gave me a hug while I was sobbing until I had no more tears to shed. He would calm me saying she didn't mean it and he stroked my hair softly.
"Thanks Sasu-kun. I needed that." I said with a smile so bright that it would put the sun to shame.
"No problem." He answered back with a small smile.
"Now to the classroom!" I exclaimed with my happy bubbly attitude back as I jumped on Sasuke's back.
"Hn" he said while carrying an extremely happy kuniochi on his back.
As we walked into the classroom I saw Sakura glaring at me because I was on Sasuke's back. I smiled back at her determined to make her my friend. Sasuke gently set me on the ground as I ran up to Naruto trying to put an eraser on the door.
"WHATCHA DOING?!" I yelled at him and he fell off the chair from fright. I caught him and said,"So whatcha doing?" I repeated again only quieter.
"Our sensei is later than any other sensei so I'm going to give him a punishment for being so late. BELIEVE IT!"
"Ok then I'll help!" I exclaimed
"Naruto and Nayuki? You're going to get in trouble when the sensei comes in. Take it down!" Sakura said
"But he deserves it for being so late!" I explained. Just as I said that I heard a thump and saw a man with gravity defying silver hair in a jonin vest and a mask covering his mouth and nose and his forehead protector covered one of his eyes.
Naruto and I burst out laughing.
"Sensei I tried to stop them I'm sorry!" Sakura tried to explain. But the inner Sakura exclaimed CHA! I love this!
"My first impression of you is you're all idiots." He said. I ran up to give him a hug.
"Sorry sensei! We couldn't resist it!" I said with a cute smile on her face.
Kakashi's POV
She is so KAWAII! I thought.
"Ok meet me on the roof." I said with Nayuki still hugging me.
When they sat down on the roof in this order Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Nayuki I said, "Ok let's introduce ourselves."
Nayuki's POV
I heard Sakura ask, "How do we do that?"
Stupid I thought in my head
Kakashi responded by saying, "Well say your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and your dream."
"Can you introduce yourself as an example?" Sakura asked and I nodded in agreement with her.
"Okay. My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes don't feel like telling you. I don't have any hobbies and I never really thought about my dream."
We all sweatdropped at his 'introduction.'
"Okay you first with the orange jumpsuit."
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen and playing pranks with my sister Nayuki." We highfived. "I dislike the three minutes you have to wait for the ramen. My hobbies are trying and comparing different kinds of ramen and my dream is to become Hokage and making everyone accept me and Nayuki. I also want to be strong enough to protect Nayuki like she protected me."
He grew up in an interesting way. Kakashi thought.
"Ok Bubble gum hair next." Kakashi said.
"My name is Sakura Haruno and my likes are..." looks at Sasuke and giggles.
"My hobbies are..." looks at Sasuke with heart eyes. "And my dream is.." looks at Sasuke and squeals.
"And what are your dislikes?" Kakashi asked.
"Naruto and Nayuki!" Naruto anime cried and I looked at her with a sad face.
"Next, Duckbutt hair." Kakashi said.
Sasuke ignored the 'nickname' and started his introduction. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I like my best friend Nayuki and tomatos. I dislike a lot of things and my dream- no ambition, I will kill a certain some one and restore my clan."
"And last of all, Pigtails." Kakash says.
"Hello! My name is Nayuki Uzumaki and my likes are my brother Naruto, my best friend Sasuke." Sakura glared at her. "also dangos and cookies! My dislikes are when people are mean to me and Naruto." Sasuke's face showed a flash of guilt for not being able to protect her. "My hobbies are training, cooking, drawing, and playing pranks with Naruto. My dream is that Naruto and I will be accepted by the village and to be a Legendary Sanin!" Nayuki ended with a dazzling smile.
"Ok that's good that you are all different. Meet at training grounds 18, early tomorrow for our survival exercise." Kakashi told us.
"But sensei that is what the academy was for." Sakura said.
"But this is a different exercise. This is the real test for becoming genin." Kakashi said with an evil glint in his eye."You won't like what I am going to say though."
"Tell us sensei! Tell us!" Naruto excitedly yelled.
"Ok, the chance you have of failing is 66%." Kakashi said.
All of us looked really nervous even Sasuke who usually keeps his cool looks nervous.
"Also don't eat breakfast or you'll puke. Well see you tomorrow!" Kakashi poofed away with what looks like a closed eye smile.
"Ne Sasuke want to train together tonight?" I asked him with a smile.
Sasuke and I trained until we were exhausted then we both went home.


Hello! I hope you like my story so far! ( ^ω^ ) Please don't be afraid to comment! It really encourages me to write more.  Also please vote!
Anime_lover_18 🐢🦄

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