Chapter 4

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Oh my gosh I am so sorry about the long wait! I was really busy doing things. Sadly this chapter isn't very long but I will keep trying to update regularly again.


Also thanks to ayakakelly and ElectricAquaflame for commenting and voting! Thank you!

On a side note I love the video! It's so cute! (≧∀≦)

Nayuki's POV

I woke up but I felt something warm on my waist.

It's probably Sasuke. I sighed

"Sasuke, wake up." I whispered to him as I try to slowly remove his hand from my waist.

He groans and his eyes snap open and his face is covered in red from the position we were in. My face was buried in his chest and he was holding my waist.

"Oh sorry." He takes his arm off me and jumps out of the bed in shock.

"It's fine." I giggled at his flustered expression.

"Well, I'm going to cook some breakfast. What do you want?" I said while getting out of bed.

"Hm, I don't know. You can make anything. Because your food is delicious." Sasuke muttered the last part with a light blush on his face.

"Okay~" I sang. "And I heard the last part!" I yelled while running to the kitchen.

I finally decided the make ramen for me and tomato onigiri for Sasuke. I also decided to make lunch for the rest of my team. So I made some bento boxes.  Sasuke came into the kitchen with his hair still wet and hanging from his face from the shower he just took.

Dang, he looks good right now. I thought. Man, I wish it could be like this all the time. Just me and Sasuke.
But if I tell him that I like him, he will treat me like his fangirls and not care about me anymore. I thought sadly.

Sasuke's POV

I wish it could be like this all the time.

Wait am I in love with my best friend? I questioned myself.

I pushed the thought away.

I can't be in love. I need to get stronger to kill Itachi.

But I could forget about revenge and protect my best friend.

We could be together like this all the time.

I'll get stronger for her then.

Nayuki's POV

Am I in love with my best friend?

I can't resist the fact that he is hot as hell.

I can't love him, no! He will push me away like everyone else though.

Sasuke snapped me out of my thoughts by saying,"Let's go get ready for the mission."

Time Skip brought to you by Tamaki's emo corner >~<

"Sasuke at point A."
"Nayuki at point B."
. . .
"Naruto at point C dattebayo!"

"You're slow Naruto. So what is your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked.

"Five meters, and remind me again why we have to do these stupid missions?" I asked.

"Because." Kakashi answered vaguely.

"Hn" Sasuke grunted which I hope means yes.

"Me too dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Okay everyone move!" Kakashi yelled.

We all jumped from our hiding spots in trees and bushes into the middle of the small clearing.  Naruto grabbed the cat as it scratched his face and it yowled.

"Here bro, give her to me." I told him.

Naruto handed the cat to me without a second thought as it purred in my arms and I was petting it.

"Does it have the ribbon on its right ear?" Kakashi asked us.

"Yep!" I chirped happily.

"Nice job everybody! Mission catch missing cat Tora is complete." Kakashi said while what looks like a closed eye smile.

                                                                   In The Hokage's office

We all watched in horror as the cat was being crushe-excuse me I mean hugged by a very large woman.

"Oh Tora I missed you so much!" The Firelord's wife said as she squeezed the cat tighter if that is even possible.

"That cat deserved it!" Naruto exclaimed

"Uh bro, I don't think anyone deserves this kind of treatment." I watched the poor cat's eyes practically popping out.

Sasuke contributed greatly to our conversation by saying, "Hn." All the time.

"Ok, options for the next mission for Team 7 include digging out potatoes, babysitting the firelord's s-" the Hokage got cut off by Naruto crossing his arms in an 'x' and me yelling in unison,"NO!"

That earned us each a bonk on the head from Kakashi.


"You guys can't do higher rank missions because you aren't advanced enough!" Iruka yelled dramatically as he pointed at us.

Gramps started giving us a lecture about missions and different ranks and stuff while Team 7 was listening to Naruto talking.

"I had pork miso last night so what do you think we should eat tonight Nayuki?"

"I really like the vegetable one. You should really start eating vegetables more Naruto."

"I don't really li-"

"Were you even listening?!" Gramps yelled at us

"I am so going to get it later." Kakashi scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Gramps mushroom sighed," Well I guess if you all want it this bad I can give you a C rank mission which will be a simple escort. Bring in the client."

An old man with a hershey kiss hat and a sake bottle walked in. He also smelled like sake which I thought was gross.

"What?! These brats are supposed to protect me?!"

My eye twitched

"And the shortest one is he even supposed to be a ninja?!"

We lined up seeing that Sasuke was the tallest, Naruto in the middle, and me the shortest.

"Ha! Nayuki is the shortest!" My brother accused at me.

I gained an irk mark as Sasuke says,"Hn, Dobe he said he."

"Hey! I'll kill you!" Naruto runs to Tazuna with a kunai but stops midway by getting grabbed by Kakashi.

"And that little girl, it looks like she couldn't even hurt a fly!"

I snapped and flash stepped behind him so fast it only looked like a blur of yellow. I held a kunai to his neck as I whispered to him quietly," Well this 'little girl' can kill you in the flash of an eye."

His eyes widened as I said that but then Kakashi reacted quickly and pulled me by the collar away.

"Ok everyone meet at the gates in an hour." Kakashi tells us.

Naruto and I raced home to pack our clothes and other things.

I kinda want to bring my katana, well I can't be too safe. I shrugged as I put my katana in its sheathe and slung it over my shoulder as I put my backpack on.

Naruto and I walked to the gates as I saw Sasuke standing there with his back facing us so I decided to surprise him.

I ran up to him quietly and right before I jumped I yelled out, "FOR NARNIA!!!"

Scaring him Sasuke turned around and saw a flash of yellow as I glomped him. Surprisingly he hugged back and when we let go my brother yelled at me, "Why do you have to hang around that Teme so much Imouto?"

Before I got a chance to answer Sasuke smirked,"Hn maybe it is because she likes me better."

Naruto pointed at Sasuke,"Hey! You wanna go te-"

"Let's go!" Kakashi interrupted our conversation before it got ugly.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Naruto and I yelled in unison.

"Are you sure I can trust these brats?" Tazuna said

"Hey! I will become Hokage dattebayo!" Naruto shot back

"Yeah! Don't ever doubt my brother!" I yelled too.

"When you become Hokage is when I will grow wings and fly!" Tazuna insulted.

"Hmph! Don't listen to him bro! I believe in you!" I gave him a Gai and Lee pose.

Naruto anime cried and hugged me saying that I am the best sister ever.

When we walked out of the gates Naruto and I jumped for joy!

"Why are you dobes so excited?" Sasuke questioned.

We ignored the insult,"This is our first time out of the village dattebayo/dattebane!" We said in unison.

We walked for a while then I saw a puddle which was kinda odd because it hasn't rained for a while.

Hm I sense two chakras in this. I have to be on my guard. I thought while studying the puddle closely.

"Oi Dobe hurry up." Sasuke told me while staring at me weirdly.

"Okay~" I sang as I skipped by him. My katana was close to my hand as I skipped humming a tune.

All of a sudden I saw two ninja in weird clothes jump out and attack Kakashi sensei and he got slashed in half as Naruto and I cried his name.

Sasuke immediately jumped into action and was fighting one while the other one was coming toward me so I grabbed my katana and jumped toward him as he blocked my attack with a kunai. He was the one that had more strength as we tried to push each other back I tried to grab a kunai from my pouch and threw it at him while we were pushing our blades against each other. He dodged the attack and threw his weird weapon spikey ball thing at my brother who was frozen in the spot I reacted quickly and flash stepped in front of him just in time to block his attack with my katana but Naruto, still frozen, I didn't notice but Naruto got a small cut from the blade. As I was about to stab him with my katana Kakashi sensei magically appeared in front of me and grabbed both men at the same time.


My eye twitched in annoyance as I yelled angrily,"WHY THE ACTUAL HECK DID YOU LEAVE US WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!!! YOU IDIOT!" I bonked his head repeatedly and my hair got loose from the pigtails and formed the ninetails.

Kakashi's POV

Well she inherited her mom's temper and strength. I thought while bumps formed on my head.

"Can I tie these guys up first and then you can lecture me later?" I asked in annoyance.

"Oh sure!" Nayuki said with a cheesy grin and I sweatdropped and everyone anime fell from the dramatic mood change.

I tied the demon brothers to a tree one of them questioned me," How did you know that we were going to attack?"

"Well I saw a puddle when it hasn't rained for days. And you didn't hide your chakras well enough." I told them

"Yeah!" Nayuki yelled in the backround.

Nayuki's POV

Kakahi-sensei walked back and Tazuna asked him,"Why did you leave the brats to fight if you knew then?"

"I had to find out the reason why they came. It was for you right Tazuna?" Kakashi-sensei asked him

Tazuna started to sweat nervously. "Uh yeah." He finally admitted.

"Well we might have no choice then to go home because this could be a B rank mission or higher because those men were Chunin level. The next person we encounter could be a Jonin level or higher. Plus Naruto is poisoned." Kakashi concluded.

"Well I don't want my brother to be hurt so we should go home." I said

"Why?" I heard my brother say.

"Why am I always the weak one? I should be the one protecting my sister now." Naruto said sadly and he stabbed himself with a kunai and got all the poisoned blood out.

"Uh Naruto you might want to stop the bleeding or you might die from blood loss." Kakashi said with a closed eye smile.

My brother started waving his hand frantically and I sighed, "Here bro, give me your hand. I may not be the best at medical ninjutsu but I know the basics."

As I was going to heal his hand I saw the wound slowly heal so I brought out some bandages and wrapped it around his hand. He is so lucky that he has half of the ninetails while I only have a fourth of it because I share it with dad. I thought.

"Well now that Naruto is all bandaged up we can continue on the mission!" I yelled while pointing down the path.

"Well I guess so..." Kakashi mushroom sighed.

"Let's go!" I yelled while swinging my arms around Sasuke and Naruto by the shoulders."


So what do you think?
Tell me in the comments below!
Also sorry if I made some mistakes please met know how I can fix them!


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