Chapter 7

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Nayuki's POV
I was about to take a bite out of the delicious smelling food that Tsunami had whipped up in the kitchen when the door slammed open.

You wouldn't guess who was at the door? Sasuke and Naruto! Surprised? I'm not.

"We made it all the way to the top!" My brother shouted as he grinned lighting up his whole face.

"Oi Dobe, don't do that or we'll fall." Sasuke deadpanned to Naruto

But my brother didn't listen and they both fell on the ground as the whole table shared some laughs.

"Well I'm done eating so I'm gonna turn in for the night." I yawned as I stretched.

~In da morning~

I jolted up from my futon and I went to go guard the bridge with Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke. We left Naruto behind because he needed to rest from all the chakra he exhausted yesterday.

As we walked onto the bridge it was covered in a thick layer of fog. As I looked closer it seemed to be that all the bridge builders had...died?!

Kakashi-sensei took the pulse of one of them and warned us," They aren't dead. Some one just knocked them out."

*one fight scene later*

Sasuke was trapped in the ice mirrors with Haku and Kakashi-sensei was fighting of Zabuza and I was guarding Tazuna.

I need to think of a plan to help Sasuke. I glanced over to the raven haired boy that was getting more beat up by the second. I could send a shadow clone to help him. Or I could leave a shadow clone here to guard Tazuna.

But that would leave him practically out in the open. As I was thinking this I hear some confident yelling,"DON'T WORRY SASUKE I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU!"

I snap my head to look towards where the ice mirrors are and I see Sasuke hitting Naruto lecturing him about how he could've distracted Haku and they both would've escaped. I sweatdropped.

"You guys watch out!" I screamed as I saw Haku getting ready to throw his needles.

*skip to the end of the battle* (I'm so sorry but I cannot write fight scenes for my life)

I looked sadly at the body of Haku when I remembered something.

"Hey! Hey! I have a healing jutsu I can use to save Haku!" I yelled as I ran over grabbing some bandages.

I quickly kneeled down and I ripped a long strip of bandages off.

"How do you know how to use healing jutsus?" Zabuza questioned as I glanced over to look at him. He was also hurting. My hands glowed a soft green as I hovered it over Haku's chest.

"Well, Naruto and I would sometimes get beat up by villagers so it was kinda essential. Plus nobody ever truly deserves to die." I smiled

A little while later Haku was all patched up but he lost a lot of blood. As I was about to heal Zabuza I heard a bunch of yelling coming from behind me. I turned my head to see a very large group of men with weapons.

Then at the front I see Gato who was was man with a very weird mustache.

"Hahahahaha I only hired you Zabuzu so when you finish your job I will kill you! But it looks like you failed your job. Get them men kill them all!" Gato yelled at his men while pointing at all of us.

Obviously Zabuza got very mad at this so he asked my brother for a kunai and took his mask off his mouth.

It looked like he had shark teeth so he put the kunai in his mouth and somehow killed all of the men.

"Hey come here!" I motioned to Zabuza as I slowly but steadily healed his wounds.


I waved to Zabuza and Haku as we were about to head off back to Konoha. Just as we were about to leave I heard shouting.

"Wait! Nayuki I have something to give you!" Haku's voice got softer as he brought something out of his pocket. He put his hand over mine and dropped a beautiful necklace with a design of a flower made of ice.

"Thank you for saving me. I don't know how to thank you." He spoke softly as he looked into my eyes.

I smiled,"Thanks! This is really pretty! Also feel free to drop by Konoha anytime you want. Just don't forget to visit me!"

But in the background I heard some wailing noises. Then my brother appeared by Haku poking his chest,"You can't date my sister! She's not allowed to have a boyfriend-tebayo!" He tried to look intimidating.

I laughed,"It's ok Naruto." I walked up to Haku and engulfed him in a hug. "I'll see you later!" I waved as I parted the hug and ran back to where Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke were. I stopped next to Sasuke who seemed like he was burning holes into Haku's skull.

"Ooooooooo is someone jealous~" I teased as I squished his cheeks.

"Tch no." He tried to deny as he removed my hand off his face.

"Okaaay whatever you say." I smirked as I saw his cheeks turned red.

"BYEEEE!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I waved to Haku and Zabuza as we walked off. What a great day to make some new friends.

A/n Hi... um I know I'm a piece of shit for not updating but why would people read this in the first place?! I have school and it's pretty stressful. Welp thanks for reading and thanks for 1k views! Have a nice day/night!

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