Chapter 1

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Full moon night, windy weather, my shadow following me in every step, noise of different types of insects and nocturnal birds making it soothing but Romantic too.

As I started to took more steps something felt like that someone from my backside, I crossed the road from one side to other. I looked back but saw nothing I shrugged it off and started walking again. It's usual for me to take this short cut route which is basically a little forest type of place but I love it cause it's calm and relaxing and I have visited or went by this place many times. This place is so silent that sometimes I feel safe and secure here, I know I sounded creepy but it is better than the harsh, busy world which doesn't have time for me. Even being single I felt myself to be lucky cause being single doesn't means that we don't love anyone it's like waiting for someone and that someone will be the perfect one for me with whom I can spend rest of my life. I  started humming a song.

Long nights, day dreams
Sugar and smoke rings
I have been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you~

"I love strawberries~~~"

I flinched eh what was that, whatever it was it was weird.

"Weird or mysterious *giggles*"

I heard a faint, husky voice of a boy on my left ear and I swear it send shivers down my spine. I increased my speed and went behind a tree. I touched the tree's trunk and a felt a sting on my hand.

Ouch, ahh this ant, uff what's happening with my stupid brain why I am behaving like this.

"Nothing just playing with it"

I again heard that faint voice. I started walking thinking my ears are ringing
And I was so busy thinking of it that I tripped and fell on the ground.

"You are clumsy"

I started walking and then sighed when I saw the main road as soon I forwarded and got into the main road.

"I want you to find my question's answers-"

I turned around and saw no one.
Their was a cherry blossom tree at the middle of the main road and the forest.
It was full pink with white and pink colour of  flowers. I just took some few steps. I felt showers of  flowers falling from the tree, I smiled widely and left from them.

"It was for you-"

Next day :

Somang : hey from where did you got that cut on your knees huh.

Y/n : I fell on the ground.

Somang : omo what's their attached with your hair.

Y/n : is it a spider.....

Somang : no it's a petel of cherry blossom.

Y/n : ohh

Somang : so you went their again, huh

Y/n : yeah.

Somang : I told you not to go there.

Y/n : uff bestie stop talking like a child.

Somang : *pouts*

Y/n : oki oki you are not a child but you are my daughter UwU

Somang : wow now got daughter zoned by my bestie.

Y/n : yesh I am your mom.

Somang : ohh then where is my Papa?

Y/n : you little punk.

Somang : Lamao

Y/n : you know that I am single.

Jin : ikr being single sucks.

Y/n : lol from where did you popped up.

Jin : Just saw you two going in the same track where am going.

Somang : Hey he is from the same office we go.

Y/n : ohh actually I am introvert person doesn't know much about anything.

Somang and Jin : please stob Lieing.

Y/n : I-

Jin : yeah literally she can talk fluently with anyone without being nervous.

Somang : Ikr.

Jin : yeah but do you know my handsome faceu.

Somang : see it in the mirror, it will tell you.

Y/n : pffttt

Jin : I think your daughter is friends with Suga.

Somang : Noh I got it from mah mom.

Jin : which mom.

Somang : Y/n

Y/n : btw Jin don't you like to sing.

Jin : hell yeah I love it.

Somang : Then why didn't you choose as your career.

Jin : I will see about it later *fixing his glasses*

Y/n : Jin, I think you should wear glasses more often.

Jin : why?

Somang : cause you look good in it.

Jin : oh really.

Somang : I was kidding.

Y/n : Stop quarrelling you two.

Hoseok : Booooo!!!!

Jin : Ahhhhh

Somang : yuh stop screaming.

Y/n : good morning sunshine.

Hoseok : good morning.

Y/n : So how was your weekend.

Hoseok : Nothing much, Boss gave me so many files to do.

Y/n : That's sad.

Somang : Bro did he gave you the A files.

Hoseok : No he gave me A,C,D  files.

Somang : I knew it, he is a total bitch.

Hoseok : why what happened?

Somang : Actually last day he was telling me that he could do every files alone but as I am not working hard he will give me those B files to solve and when I asked him what about rest of the three files, he said "I will do rest alone"

Hoseok : welp he is liar indeed.

Jin : And now he will be telling his father that he did so much work.

Y/n : Ikr his father was better Boss than him.

Somang : yeah.

Y/n : guys it's 8:30 and we have only five minutes to enter office or we will get late and that old bitch receptionist will reduce our salary.

Jin : Now watch me run.

Hoseok : me too

Y/n : me three

Somang : me four.

To be continued.........................

So I know the chapter was not that good but I will surely try my best to improve it. I am sorry if I made you upset. Thankyou for reading it for now byee. meet with y'all in next chapter.

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