Chapter 3

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It was morning but still I couldn't sleep the whole night,
Aish my head hurts. I should have listed to Somang, I face palmed.
I got down from my bed, the floor was cold enough for me to shiver both in fear and coldness. It was a bright summer day why I am acting like this.
I tiptoed and removed the curtains which was covering the windows and was not letting the sunlight to come inside,
As I opened the window the slight morning sunlight came and fell on my entire body, it was relaxing as my room was kinda cold,
Wait a minute is my room cold or my temperature is high-
I went to find out where is the thermometer but got distracted by seeing my refrigerator,
Their was a half eaten icecream in the refrigerator,
What the heck I am thinking I may have a cold and-
Ughhh I opened the drawers and started going through so many weird but cool things which I kept but probably forgot,
Uggh why I am like this, Atlast I found the thermometer and put it inside my mouth,
After couple of seconds I took it out and saw 101°c,
Damn I am hot, what the hell I am talking about.
What should I do now?
I took my phone from the table and saw that Jimin had texted me back.
Chim chim : hi, Good morning and nope how could I meet with you yesterday as I am in my business trip from last week.
Huh?! Eomma save me, wth was it yesterday,
I wasted no time and called Somang.
On the call :-
Somang : Hello Y/n where are you, literally you are 15 mins late.
Y/n : Sorry but for today I can't go to office.
Somang : Why? What happened?
Y/n : I am sick-
Y/n : No not for that-
Somang : Then for what?
Y/n : I will talk with you later
Somang : what later? Did chu eat something from morning?
Y/n : Nope
Somang : I am sending breakfast for you, oki.
Y/n : Mhm

End of call :-

I made my bed and then brushed my teeth,
I sat on the bed and started thinking about yesterday. Who every it was he was very suspicious,
He was also not sure about his own answers but how come that person knew so many things about Jimin,
Like he changed his sector-
Ahhhh I was the first one who said "why did you changed the sector-"
Hmmm so was it that same person for whom I fell on the ground that day-
But why me? And I am call him a person, what if he is not a human?
Cause the cab driver didn't saw him
I came out from my imagination when I heard the door bell ringing,
Come in, it is open.

Jungkook : Hii weirdo.

Y/n : ohh cockroach you, what a pleasant surprise.

Jungkook : yuh I am not a cockroach,
It suits you better.
And Somang told me that you have fever.

Y/n : yeah.

Jungkook : She send me to give the breakfast to you.

Y/n : Ohh, give it to me

Jungkook : Nah you sit there I am serving it.

Y/n : Damn from when are you such a gentle man.

Jungkook : I am not cause Somang told me to serve it and wait here until you finish it all.

Y/n : Aish this girl.

Jungkook : here, now eat it

Y/n : Damn it looks delicious.

Jungkook : And it's healthy too now eat it.

Y/n : ok ok

Jungkook : ohh and I forgot to give you this. Strawberry one for you and the banana one for me.

Y/n : Did Somang send it for me too.

Jungkook : Nohhhh I bought it *pouts*

Y/n : Awww so cute.

Jungkook : Hmp weirdo.

Y/n : I know I am weird.

Jungkook : Btw how are you now?

Y/n : I am a bit ok, I took medicines.

Jungkook : Good to know.

Y/n : *nom nom*

Jungkook : Somang was saying that you got cold from eating ice cream.

Y/n : No it's not icecream.

Jungkook : Then?

Y/n : First tell me. Do you believe in ghosts?

Jungkook : No I believe in supernatural powers.

Y/n : hmm ok

Jungkook : why did you suddenly ask me this question?

Y/n : you would probably not believe what happened with me yesterday.

Jungkook : what? Don't say me you saw ghost.

Y/n : Mhm I did.

Jungkook : ......

Y/n : Awww this little bunny is scared.

Jungkook : I am scared of nothing.

Y/n : oh really?

Jungkook : yes.

Y/n : umm where is my phone? Where is her number?

Jungkook : who's number?

Y/n : I showed him the phone screen and damn his face was totally numb.

Jungkook : why are you calling my mom ?

Y/n : Cause she told to me that if I meet with you somewhere then call her once, I know you broke her favourite flower vase yesterday and you didn't went home back -

Jungkook : Damn I swear to god she is scary.

Y/n : So where were you last night?

Jungkook : At Namjoon hyung's home.

Y/n : -_- seriously, your mom would be so tensed that you didn't went back home.

Jungkook : *pouts* leave it I promise today I will go home but first tell me what were you saying about yourself .

Y/n : I told him what happened and told him to not to tell it to someone else.

Jungkook :

That ghost likes you *snorts*

Y/n : yuh, I threw a pillow towards him .

Jungkook : wiggles eyebrows.

Y/n : stop it.

Jungkook : never.

Y/n : here I have finished eating.

Jungkook : good, now I have to go.

Y/n : okii.

Jungkook : Baii, Take care and if that ghost scares you just call me once.

Y/n : Bahahahaha okii, Byeee

I was again alone inside my room,
Uff I think I need some sleep.
I climbed up the bed and went to sleep.

Meanwhile at Office :-

Hobi : Ohh she is sick.

Somang : hmm.

Jin : That's why you send Jungkook to give her breakfast.

Somang : hmm.

Hobi : Are you ok?

Somang : Y/n is hiding something from me-

Jin : like what?

Somang : literally I told her not to took that short cut but who listens to me.

Jin : Don't worry I listen what you say.

Hobi : Jin stop flirting.

Somang : yeah

Jin : you two are jealous from my handsome faceu.

Hobi : Somang leave him, you complete what you were saying.

Somang : I don't like the fact like she is hiding something from me-

Hobi : Maybe it's personal.

Somang : Idk I am not getting good vibes from it-

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