Against School Shooting

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First and foremost please tag everyone you can. Obviously I can't and won't make you, but I am passionate about bringing an end to school shootings and I can't do that alone.

For all of us who don't want to worry about where the exits in school are and how quickly you can get from classroom to classroom, then this speech is for you. If you're tired of worrying about your younger siblings, then this speech is for you. If you're tired of turning on the news to see panicked students running, then this speech is for you. If you tired of being scared, then this speech is for you.

We are the children, the ones who will vote, but it will take even longer before out generation is in positions of power.

We can not wait in silence as children are being murdered, wondering if we are going to be next.

Change is coming whether leaders like it or not, but it needs to come now. Waiting around is equal to more death. People are dying in the background of arguing adults. We are the ones who see this all happening though.

We are but minors and young adults. This means that we are still growing and learning, that our brains are still developing. Yet we all know for a fact, from the six year-olds to the twenty five year-olds that killing children is wrong.

Forget religion, forget race, we are just children who can't drive, who are still scared of the dark. Schools are supposed to be safe, not where parents send their kids to die..

Let all those departed at the hands of guns and the monsters holding them not go unremembered. If they had to die then make if for a reason. They were shot down before they even had a chance to stand up in this world.

I want a world where no one is afraid to get killed at school, where kids don't keep their phones on them for the sole purpose that they might have to text their parents goodbye.

To the adults saying no to change, screaming how we should keep everything how it is, then do me a favor. In the mornings, when you've carefully packed lunchboxes and made sure homework was complete, stop your kids for just a moment. Kiss their foreheads and say "I love you. Goodbye." that way you can end on a good note.

As always I do this for my little sister, may you remain alive and untouched. I love you.

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