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yes guys, this is the last chapter. bombard my nOTIFICATION WITH vOTES AND cOMMENTSSSSS


after two freaking months of trying to figure out his password, i was going to get the password today. like finally. oh my god, i missed my fanfictions.

i wondered why did he decided to tell me the password out today out of all days. maybe i should go home and take a shower first.

"mint yoongi! i'm going home to bathe first!" i shouted. he yelled back an 'okay'.


"what the fuck are you doing here?" i almost screamed as i saw yoongi lying casually on my bed, one of his arm supporting his head.

"waiting for you." he smirked. i rolled my eyes and went to find my hair dryer. once i found it, i plugged it into of the plug and on the switch.

"heyyyyyy. let me do it for you~" yoongi cooed in an agyeo tone. holy shiteu, my hearteu.

he took the hair dryer from hands and turned on the dryer, he then placed it above my hair, while his hands were messing up my hair.

the way his hands were on my hair, it was calming. i had relaxed into his touch that i did not know my hair was dried after a few minutes. the sound of the hair dryer was soon gone.

my hands travelled to my hair and i ran through it. wow, my hair was completely dry. he blew my hair better than i would.

"i should ask you to blow my hair more often," i grinned. i could see him nodding in my peripheral vision. suddenly, i felt something resting on my right shoulder. i then realized it was yoongi's chin.

"don't move. let's stay in this position." yoongi mumbled against my chin. his arms circled my shoulder, while swaying me side to side. my face instantly flush, and all i wanted to do right now was to bury myself ten feet deep under the ground or better ; bury my face against yoongi's chest.

oh god, what am i thinking? i was getting ahead of myself. even though i developed feelings for him, but i didn't know if he really had feelings for me.

"again, what are you doing to me?" he muttered, but it was loud enough for me to hear it.

fucking mint yoongi, what are you doing to me?

"okay so. can i finally know the wi-fi password now?" i said as i released myself from him and turned to face him.

"later. you'll know the password later."

"oh god. the things i do for wi-fi password." i sighed deeply.


"what's this?" i said as i picked up the piece of paper lying on the floor.

"follow the steps written down here if you want to know the wi-fi password." i read the first line. holy god, am i finally getting to know the wi-fi password? god must be blessing me.

i continued to read the piece of paper.

"walk towards the kitchen."

kitchen? don't tell me the password is written on the stove or on the pan or something?

i made my way towards the kitchen and saw puzzle pieces on the kitchen counter. seriously, why is yoongi even doing this stupid kind of game?

"form the puzzle pieces into a complete picture."

i followed the instructions and i got a full picture. there was a word displaying right in front of me.


okay, what on earth is this? but whatever, i shall continue to play this since i'm bored as fuck.

"open the refrigerator and find the container that contains pickles."

i did what it said and a post-it was sticked on top of the container. an arrow was drawn, and above it was a question, 'what is this arrow pointing at?'

at first i wanted to laugh at the ridiculous question, and i was like, duh, isn't the answer down?

but as i thought deeper, maybe the answer wasn't as easy i think it was. so i held the container far away from me, and i was right to think outside of the box.

the answer was either 'me' or 'you'. why? because from my point of view, the arrow was pointing at me. but from yoongi's point of view, the arrow would be pointing at me.

so i figured out since yoongi prepared all of this, the answer would most probably be 'you'.


i read the paper again.

the next instruction was, "just think the answer of this question. what does winnie the pooh likes and what is attracted to the thing he likes? minus the most right two letters of the word."

alright, step by step.

winnie the pooh likes... honey.

what is attracted to honey?

bees. bees are attracted to honey.

minus the two right letter. bees minus 'e' and 's'... that makes the word,


okay, so what's the connection between all this? i don't understand.

i stared at the paper again, looking at the next instruction.

"actually, i'm too lazy to prepare anything now so you may just sit down on the couch and answer the next set of questions."

i laughed a little at his choice of words, and proceeded to sit on the couch.

"who's wi-fi password do you want?"

duh? of course it's yours. and again, from his point of view, the answer was 'his'.

"what's your gender? hint : a not so complicated word."

female? wait, that was too complicated. okay erm... girl? yep, girl.

"who am i to you?"

i froze at while reading that question. exactly, what was him to me? i have feelings for him, but in the end, he was still my friend. but i was hesitant.

so the answer was, 'friend?'.

the last instruction read, "connect all your answers from every question in order. then type the answer as the password of my wi-fi."

i went to my room and saw that my computer was switched on.

i slowly recalled all my answers as i typed in the password.


i was rendered speechless. did mint yoongi just ask me to become his girlfriend?

what a lame way to ask me out, i thought as i chuckled. i clicked 'enter' but the phrase 'INCORRECT PASSWORD' flashed across my screen.

i scoffed. what the effing hell?

"hey, you still haven't answered my question." a deep voice echoed. i look down and saw yoongi appeared from under my bed.

"ohmygod, you've been hiding there the whole time?" i questioned as he stood up.

he chuckled.

"why is the password incorrect?"

"because that wasn't the correct password." he said and flashed me a gummy smile that made me swoon.

"so what's the password?"


"what?" i asked as i typed in the word 'you'. the same words appeared on my screen.

"are you stupid or something?" he joked as he typed in the password slowly to let me see.

i read out the letters. "c,h,a,e"



he pressed the enter button and the same words did not appeared on my screen anymore. instead, "WI-FI CONNECTED" flashed acrossed the screen.

"what the hell?" i screamed. i wanted to strangle the shit out of freaking mint yoongi. "the password so my name all along? holy crap, it took me two months to figure out and the password was just right under my nose."

"so, why the hell is your password my name?"

"to be honest, i've been crushing on you ever since you moved into this house. you did not close your curtains so i always see your actions through the window. sometimes you would jump around your room or bounce repeatedly on your bed, and sing your favourite songs like you are having your own concert. most of the time you are sitting in front of the computer, reading fanfictions. you read smuts too. i know everything you do, but of course when you are changing i cover my eyes. and when you came over and find me, i didn't want to give you my wi-fi password because that wasn't meaningful. i thought we could at least make friends and so we did, i did not regret befriending you at all. and so i'm being unique as fuck and put your name as the password." he smiled.

i didn't know if i should laugh or cry. i didn't know that he was watching me the whole time, because i barely take a glance at the window.

"fucking mint yoongi." i mumbled.

"yes yes. so what's your answer?"

"of course it's yes!" i cried as i jumped at him, hugging him.

"olaf's eager to hug me."

i pulled away from the hug. "because olaf love warm hugs."

"goddamn it, why are you so damn cute?" he said as he leaned in closer and closer, until our lips were inches apart. and he captured his lips with mine, our lips moving gently against each other. it was a sweet and warm kiss that made me have butterflies and fireworks in my stomach. i can't describe the feeling, but it just felt so damn good.

"yay. now i can read my fanfiction again!" i cheered.

"if you have read a lot of fanfics, i think you would be an expert in writing too. so why not write a fanfic about us?"

i laughed. "what will the title be?"

"the title may be simple and short, but it has a deep meaning behind it. and it's our story. our very own story."

"the title will be," he paused, and continued.

"wi-fi password."


warning : long ass author's note ahead



okay fun fact : i wrote all 15 chapts in 2 days. HAHAHAHAHHA

i seriously don't know how this idea came about, but when i started writing, i realized i couldn't stop writing about it XD

anyways, what do you think of the whole story?

and thank you to every single one of reader who votes and comments on my story! <3 i really appreciate it :'))

i'm really happy that i posted this story to share with all of you omg :'))

okay, one last thing, I LOVE YOU ALL OF YOU SO FREAKING MUCH OKAY <3 if you wanna talk to me, just PM me and I will definitely reply back! :')))

ouh and do check out my other stories, 'bribery' and 'snapchat'. i think i might post a jimin one soon HAHAHAHAH I'M JIMIN TRASH TBH

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