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2 March 2018

Yoongi was laughing and the men beating him were confused.

His lip had been busted in almost the exact same spot three months before. It reminded him of Victoria. It sent chills up his spine as he recalled her touch and her gentle eyes of concern. His laugh quickly turned into hysterical sobbing, the tears spilling over quickly and in abundance. His shoulders shook violently where he was sitting in the metal chair. His wrists were tied behind his back and his ankles were tied to the legs of the chair.

One of them leaned over to another with furrowed eyebrows and whispered, "He's fucking insane."

The other couldn't respond because just then, Joongi entered the large barren warehouse. His shoes stepped harshly on the splintering wood, heightening the tension in the room. Yoongi was too busy having a mental breakdown to notice his presence. The men stood up straight as their leader passed them.

Joongi walked right over to Yoongi and bent down to grab his chin. "Pathetic," he spat before letting go.

"Yeah?" the younger asked, his tears subsiding but his cheeks still considerably wet. "I bet you feel like the big man now, right?" He looked up, staring his brother in the eyes. "Just like dad."

Without hesitation, he threw a hard punch to Yoongi's already cut up face. The younger took the blow, only gritting his teeth in response and spitting out some blood. "It doesn't have to be this way, little brother," Joongi said, suddenly soft. He stepped back slowly, hands raised in the air as somewhat of a truce symbol. "Join me and my men and the pain will end."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes, his vision obscured by blood and tears. "I'd rather die," he hissed.

The older stared at him a moment longer before sighing and turning around. "Have it your way." With a simple wave of his hand, the men began toward Yoongi again.

Yoongi snarled, shrieking after the leader. "How could you do this to me, hyung?! I'm your brother!" he screamed.

It seemed to fall on deaf ears because Joongi left without looking back. The punches and kicks started again, filling the silence with grunts and choking sounds. It reminded Yoongi of a bittersweet memory from childhood.

The two boys would often go to the park to escape their tumultuous home life. They would catch butterflies and Joongi taught his younger brother to never hurt living things. That little boy had clearly died a long time ago because the man he called brother was definitely a completely different person.

"I'm your brother!"  


A/N: Short as fuuuuuucccccc sorry ;-;

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