Chapter 7 - I am

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"Where are you?"

Tala's cute-girl voice cracked in my earphones, and her face froze on my phone screen exactly in that moment when she said, you.

I laughed. "You're frozen on my screen and now you look like a fish ready to suck a hotdog, Tal."

"I looove hotdogs."

"Of course, you do. The jumbo kind, right?"

"There are very few things better than a jumbo. Your video cut off too."

I sighed. The saleswoman sent me a curious look. I smiled at her, telepathically communicating that I appreciated her help but didn't need her assistance right now. She got my signal and click-clacked her heels past me to greet another customer.

"Wifi's sketchy," I said, standing my phone on a shelf so I could browse at the selection of bed sheets on display. "I'm at the strip mall."

"Strip mall again? I thought you had the consultation with Cess about her gift shop already. You finished the design, didn't you?"

"Last night."

"How many hours did you put on it yesterday?"

I was back to being a part-time student, concentrating mostly on my family's auto shop since we've expanded and taking in projects where I could stretch my designing skills.

It was mostly referral—a friend of a friend decorating their newly renovated living room, a client I met when I worked for Rick asking help to design their storefront display, a friend from church wanting a custom-designed closet space. I was also selling downloadable bedroom interior designs online. There had only been a handful of people who bought my designs so far, and the money wasn't a lot, but it didn't matter. I was having a blast.

"I must've put seven hours on it yesterday," I said. My cousin Cecille was opening a gift shop at the strip mall. There were five stores—a linen store, a gym, a yoga studio, Cecille's gift shop and a bubble tea place at the end.

I thought this place was lucky. The other day, I met a gorgeous, tattooed guy coming out of the gym, right before a hot and sweaty yoga session with Veronica where someone had farted and I nearly collapsed and died. I felt like a new person after though.

"And I don't have a consult with Cess. I just wanted to look at her space again. Also double check the measurements she sent me. Just in case." I yawned. "Should've done that before I finished the design. Oh well, you live and you learn."

"What time did you sleep?"

"When my tiny tits started to sing me a lullaby. Stop nagging, mom. I'm fine."

"How about food, child? Did you eat?"

"I feel full just hearing you talk."

"Kara," she chided.

Satisfied with the soft texture and simple design, I pulled out a rolled-up bed sheet covered in plastic from the shelf, grabbed the matching pillowcases, and placed them in a shopping basket. Snatching my phone, I turned and continued to browse around the shop.

"I'm picking up my dad after this. He's got a doctor's appointment in an hour, and I want to come with him, see what the doctor say. Then maybe stop by the nursing home, say hi to my girls. One of them will feed me. Stop worrying."

"You should get something right away. I can't believe you nearly fainted the other day because you forgot to eat!"

"Shouldn't have told you that. Was just a busy day, that's all. You want my blood test results too?"

"You're such a smartass. I swear I—Oh! Your video came back on. Ooooh I see your nice, beautiful nostrils."

I laughed, raised the camera to my face then closer to my nose. "Shut up."

Spotting an assortment of toiletries, I propped my phone on the shelf again. I searched for a toothbrush, remembering I needed an extra just in case. When I didn't find any, I reached for a hand lotion tester with pictures of colourful smiling peaches on the packaging, unscrewed the top, smelled it. Nearly gagged. Too sweet. I heard Tala giggle.

I reached for the strawberry scent lotion sample next, took a sniff. This fits her better, I thought. Happy with the light fruity scent.

"Strawberry? You usually go for peachy scents."

"It's not for me."

"I see something else in that basket."

"The extra sheets I had were a little old when I changed the bedding. I wanted to get new ones just in case Veronica needs a place to stay." I stood in line behind an old couple, smiled when I saw them holding hands. "Thanks again, Tal, for saying yes."

Tala's mother, Mrs. Bautista, decided to take Tala with her back to the Philippines and settle there again. Because they didn't want to sell their house, Tala told me that instead of them hiring someone else to watch it, they asked if I could live in it and take care of it. And if I wanted to rent the bedrooms out, I was welcome to do so. I wasn't planning on it, but then I met Veronica.

I met Veronica Strafford when she went to the auto shop, answering an ad for a cashier/clerk my brother, Dylan, had posted online.

She was stunning, with beautiful dark eyes and long, shiny, dark hair. My first impression of her was that she was a tough, capable, self-confident young woman. And yet there was a shyness in her. She didn't say much during the first few days, and I wondered and felt sad for a moment if we would keep getting along.

Her work ethic was excellent. She came in early and stayed late when necessary. She never complained, was always polite, helpful to customers, caught on quickly with anything I taught her. But although friendly, she almost never shared anything about herself. Her shell was too thick, almost impenetrable. Until that night.

We were working late, and she didn't have to stay and help me, but she did. It was almost time for dinner, and she must've been hungry because I didn't see her go out for lunch.

There could be a hundred reasons why she didn't, but I wondered if she was on a diet (what the hell for? She was a knockout) or if she normally didn't eat lunch, or if she didn't have enough money to buy food. And even when I offered her food, she never accepted it.

But that day was unusually busy. We were both exhausted. Then my dad showed up with two bowls of hot food—for me and for her. I couldn't forget the look on Veronica's face that day.

It was a look that reminded me of a child who'd been out playing in the cold too long, got lost and didn't know the way back home. A look that said she was grateful and overwhelmed by the kindness from a stranger who had offered her warmth and didn't know what to do. She looked at my dad, then looked at me as though asking, is this real?

It broke my heart. This girl, this quiet girl, had been taking care of herself for too long. Been alone for too long. Lonely, but afraid to accept another person's kindness. I knew it all too well. I was her. Right then I promised to myself that I would take care of her.

Veronica told me later that she had no one—both her parents passed away and she had no living relative that she knew of. The way she said it was defensive, as though she wouldn't like any pity from me. I told her she was always welcome in my family. We shared a meal that night, and ever since then, she let me be her friend.

It was a joy watching her bloom, watching her defenses come down and allowing herself to trust me as a friend. A few weeks later, mostly because of my relentless probing, I learned about her living situation.

To my shock, she'd confessed that she'd lost her job when the business went bankrupt, got kicked out of her apartment for missing rent, and was now living temporarily with the infamous basketball player on campus, Caleb Lockhart.

Caleb, the notorious playboy. Caleb, the gorgeous, charming, wild boy, whose best friends with the Son of Satan Saint Laurent.

Don't! Don't think about him. I forbid you!   

Apparently, their deal was in exchange for cooking meals for Caleb, Veronica could stay there for free. But it sounded as though she wanted to move out, so I told her if she needed a place, she was welcome to mine.

I knew without a doubt Tala would be okay with it, but I wanted to ask her permission anyway. All Tala asked was, "She has cat eyes, doesn't she?"

"Yeah. Yeah, actually she does."

"I told you about her before."

"What? When?"

"You never take me seriously. I don't remember when. These things don't have schedules. I swear I told you about it...I think."

Tala was a self-proclaimed psychic. Sometimes she'd get things right, sometimes she was way off the mark. It was the same thing as asking someone if they think they were going to poop in the next couple hours. You just never know. "Right. Did these things tell you when I should buy a lottery ticket?"

"Next in line, please," the cashier announced.

I placed my items on the counter.

"I told you that you can rent the bedrooms out. You didn't need my permission, Kar."

"That would be $63.75 cents, please."

"Still. I don't feel comfortable—


I stood on alert at the tone of Tala's voice, zoomed in on her blank eyes on my phone screen. "What?"

"Everything is still the same."

"What is the same?"

"That would be $63.75 cents, please," the cashier repeated. "How would you like to pay?"

"Everything is still the same in that place, but it's so...heartbreaking."

The hairs on my arms stood up. "Tala, you creep."

"Look in the box. You've seen it before."

Then she blinked, smiled as though she'd forgotten all that she just told me. Maybe she did. But Tala also liked to joke around, so I didn't know when she was serious with these things or when she was just teasing.

"Miss?" the cashier waved the pocket-sized machine in front of me. "Did you forget your wallet?"

"I'm sorry." I tapped my credit card, heard the beep.

"Tala!" I heard someone call out to her in the background. "Paki sindi mo naman itong smart TV, anak. Hindi ko alam bakit pinalitan mo yung lumang TV natin. Mas gusto ko yun. Ang hirap gamitin ng remote na ito. Pag sinindi mo, namamatay. Pag pinatay mo, on siyang mag-isa. Litong lito na ako. Bilisan mo ng konti, anak. Oras na ng teleserye ko."

"My mom's calling. Say hi to Tito Mike and Dylan for me."


"Love you. I'll call you later, bish, k?"

"Here's your receipt. Have a great day!"

Before I could say anything else, Tala had already hung up.

When I stepped out of the store, fresh, cool air greeted me and a little whiff of toxic pollution. I didn't care and took a deep breath. It cleared my head a little.

Carting my purchases, I walked past the gym where I met Theo with the military haircut and tattooed brown arms and smiled. Past the yoga studio where Veronica dragged my body out and laughed out loud. The poster on the glass front made me stop and read.

It said a lot of things, but it was that one line that made me invite Veronica to go with me to try it. Sweat the ex out of your pores and mind with hot yoga! I was sold.

I wanted to yell at it, didn't work for me! But I took a deep breath instead because I was a mature woman. I pressed the door code to Cecille's shop, pushed it open.

The space was small, but it was perfect for what she intended it for. Oh, the possibilities. Fishing my measuring tape out of my purse, I pushed my sleeves up my elbows and went to work.

A few minutes later, I stood in the middle of the room, grinning, imagining Cecille's shelves were already installed, the new paint, the lighting and flooring. I loved this feeling. I loved being a part of a project.

When my phone barked a text, I went to it with a big smile pasted on my face. After I read the message, I could feel the smile melting away. My heart started to beat fast. My stomach felt queasy.

Veronica: Hi, Kar. Caleb invited me to his basketball practice tonight. Would you like to come with me? Cameron is going to be there, and if you don't feel like it, please don't worry about it.

A/N: To my Chasing Red readers, do you remember what's coming next? (Please don't read the comments on this paragraph if you don't like spoilers!)

Did you catch any Chasing Red references? I love adding them and love it more when you notice them!

Favorite show right now?

Favorite song right now?

Actor/actress you can see as Kara and Cameron?

By the way, I found my gloves! I searched everywhere. When I'm missing something and I feel strongly that it's just somewhere around my place, I search every nook and cranny. Then end up feeling exhausted because now I have to clean everything. And of course, while searching, some of my things I've kept in storage have now suddenly become the most interesting things and I have to explore every one of them. I had a blast. :)

I hope you enjoyed the first part of this chapter. Take care of yourself, okay? See you in the next one! Love, Isabelle

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