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Will Daybreak Ever come?

As the turmoil starts growing inside, making it difficult to thrive, a ray of light makes its way from the extreme end of the tunnel, vying the darkness.


"Happy 18th Birthday Khushi!!"

The moment she heard the chorus singing aloud, her feet flinched and she was taken aback.

Theatrical quotient, double check.

But in a good way.

Khushi never thought any morning would seem this special.

Not after the few dark days in the past.

A smile curved up on her lips, as she made her way to greet everyone a good morning.

There was Adrienne, Jasmine, and Rebecca of course.

The people who were the most important elements of her life.

All hail girl power!'

She quoted in her mind.

After all what else could make her more happy than starting the day with her loved ones, that too at morning 5.00 am!


"Happy Birthday sweetheart"

Like every year, her mom was the first one to wish her.

Though her silly antics had always agitated Khushi, but every time she saw her mother, a new hope would always embark upon her.

A hope to live.

To stay happy.

If not for herself, then for her. Because that's exactly what Adrienne had done when her life felt like a void after losing her husband. But she lived anyway. Because of her daughters.

Hugging her close, Adrienne handed Khushi her gift.

"So like every year, I still continue to maintain my record of giving you the first gift!"

She said with pride, as if she had won some dictatorship over a country. Well that defined Adrienne anyway. Her drama and beyond natural way of caring for her loved ones.

Khushi chuckled as she agreed to her mom's pride with a nod.

"Like always Mom. Thanks a lot."

She added.


"So you won't open it?"

Adrienne inquired, impatient to know her daughter's reaction on seeing her present.

"You already know Mom, I open all my gifts at the end of the day, Every year."

Khushi stressed on the last two words, her face displaying a playful grin.


Adrienne sighed.

"I know. And you are boring."

She added with a pouty face.

"Hey! Don't say that to her. And now that you are done, can I get some time with my Besty?"

Rebecca averred, irritated with the ultra-long mother-daughter talk.

As she came closer, she handed Khushi a small box wrapped in a glittery blue material.

"Happy Happy Birthday Besty!!"

She hugged Khushi tight and Khushi simply snaked her arms around Ree, thankful to her for all the love and happiness that she had given her ever since the time they were kids.

"..So are you really going to implement your I- open -all -gifts- at- the- end -of- the- night thing on my gift as well? "

She asked Khushi with a hopeful face.

But her hopes soon blended with disappointment when Khushi replied-

"Of course!"

"Argh! I second your Mom. You really are BORING!"

Ree stated, irritated and pouted her perfectionist pout.



"But she can see the gifts, which are unwrapped. She doesn't have to open them at all, isn't it? "

Khushi heard Jazz saying.

The problem with her sister was that she hardly talked.

But when she did, she did talk sense.

That too, a lot for her age.

Khushi heard her mom chuckle at Jasmine's statement, as she finally approached Khushi.

"What's so funny?"

Khushi asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, you will know."

Saying this, Ree quickly blindfolded Khushi with her scarf and she could only hear everyone giggling around her.

"You guys know how much I hate surprises."

Khushi gritted through her teeth, annoyed with whatever was happening.

"Stop blabbering Miss. Khushi, it's going to be totally worth it!"

Her mom remarked.


All Khushi could make out was that they were not inside the house anymore.

She only kept wondering what was really happening.

The time taken suggested that maybe she was standing in the backyard of their house, she thought.

"Ahh, it's freaking irritating, you know. Get this darn thing off me."

As Khushi shouted, the scarf suddenly went away and her eyes were free.


For a second it seemed like her voice could move mountains, she inferred.

After some seconds of seeing things blurred, her pupils slowly adjusted to the light and everything became clearer.

She saw Adrienne standing with a happy smile on her face.

Ree and Jazz were standing on either sides of her mom.

Everything was making Khushi all the more perplexed suddenly.

Finally giving up on the suspense, she shouted-


Adrienne came forward with a smile and after three seconds, took Khushi's right hand forward and handed her a key.



Suddenly, Khushi was speechless.

She was puzzled.

She certainly knew that today she would be officially getting the consent of driving a car and she was legit to do everything that an adult could do.

But she never thought that despite being expected, this moment would seem to be so erratic.

Very, very surreal.

As her thinking continued, she noticed something was different.

But what is it?'

Her conscience popped the question.



Wait a minute!'

The keys!'

Her mind started becoming calculative before she finally spilled,

"Mom, these aren't the keys of your SUV!"

And she finally figured out what was different.

"Told you, it would be worth it"

As the words left Adrienne's mouth, Khushi saw the three women move away from their positions, unveiling a breathtaking sight in front of her, which was too hard for her eyes to believe.

It was too good to be real.


"Chevrolet Impala!!"

She had absolutely no effing idea how pathetically she would have hurt her poor vocal chords, as she shouted the two words like a lunatic seeing sanity for the first time.

She ran towards the thing, err, the sexy baby standing in front of her, touching it's smooth body, trying hard to believe that this was real, this was indeed real.

"So, do you like it?"

Her mom asked, her face enlightened with a million dollar smile.

"You kidding? I LOVE it!!"

Khushi exclaimed with joy, still trying hard to come back to earth since she was flying high in this moment of euphoria.

Her own car!

As she took a vivid view of it, she saw how the blue color adorned and accentuated it's beauty all the more.

It's hard to believe, but she had always had a fascination for such stuff.

Cars like Impala were always known to be the man-material, but for Khushi, it had always been her topic of interest.

As she continued examining this gift, rejoicing every bit of it, her mind discovered that it was a model of the 80's.

"Wow! An antique Chevy Impala"

The words escaped her mouth with a spark of extreme happiness. Vintage was wonderful, after all!

"You are right sweetie. It was your father's."

And that statement of Adrienne instantly brought a pool of emotions in her mind.

Happiness, sadness, nostalgia, helplessness, everything.

"How come I never saw it before, mom?"

"It's because I kept it for maintenance at the town's garage. I specially wanted you to possess this on your 18th birthday. So now, technically you got your 18th birthday presents from your mother as well as your father. Isn't it?"

Khushi threw her arms around Adrienne's neck, pulling her for a bear hug.

Tears escaped her eyes, endlessly, as series of happy feelings engulfed her and at the same time made her emotional.

"So now would you still wait for the end of the day to take a ride?"

Ree teased Khushi as she slowly wiped the tears off her cheeks.

"You bet?"

Khushi replied, flashing a sparkling smile through her misty countenance as she opened the door of the car and took the driver's seat with sheer joy.

Ree followed her, sitting on the passenger's seat.

Putting the key into ignition, Khushi's heart skipped a beat, as the engine roared into life.

The feeling was indefinite.

It was hard to explain.

She never wanted the ride to end.

It seemed as if after ages of agony, disappointments, she had finally landed in peace.

And Chevy Blue was awesome.

Yes, she had already named her car.

Though her naming antic was way too obstinate, her weird choices always amused herself, as well as everyone around her.



It was already 3.00 pm.

Khushi couldn't even recall where did half of the day just go?

The early morning birthday wishes, the ride, the breakfast, hours of chattering and it was already lunch time.

"Hmph.. Happy hours really last short."

She thought in her mind, as her mom served her favorite lunch.

Pasta, gratin, chocolate muffins, butterscotch ice-cream.


She simply loved Italian food.

Fortunately, it was one thing that her best friend and sister loved as well. Mutual liking for one thing at least!

And that helped in avoiding a lot of trouble.



As Khushi shoved the third spoon of macaroni in her mouth, she heard the doorbell ring.

"I will get it"

She heard Jazz say quickly, as she ran towards the door.

Not giving it much importance, Khushi continued stuffing the food in her mouth, at the same time wondering how lucky she was to have these people in her life!

Ree left her job for her.

Her mom spent all these years paying for her late dad's car's maintenance, only so that Khushi could possess it on her 18th birthday, which was the best gift she could ever possibly have, with a blend of love, sentiment, and style.

Adrienne even took a day off from work to spend time with her daughter on this day.

And Jazz.

Well, she wished Khushi, and that was enough for her.

As her thoughts continued to play in her mind, she saw Jasmine coming towards her with a massive bouquet of roses that possibly had a mix-match of all colors- Red, pink, blue, etc.

"It's for you."

Jazz said.

Getting up from her chair, Khushi held the giant bouquet in her hands, taking out the card from it, which contained the name of the sender.



"To Krazzzy Khushi!"



And Khushi didn't need anything else, any other clue, to know who the sender was!

"Mason Sean!!"

Her face displayed 100 expressions of being the happiest person on Earth, as she spit out the name out loud from her mouth.

Her happiness increased exponentially as she saw the masculine figure enter through the hallway of her house.

"Oh My Goodness!"

She covered her mouth with her palms in surprise, the feeling hard to sink in that after all these years he was finally back in town and..

And he looked so different.

Too different.




He gave her a million dollar smile, as he came forward, hugging Khushi close, rejoicing this amazing reunion after these many years.



"You!! Messy Mase!! Where did you lose all those puffy chubby? Where are all those extra pounds?"

Khushi finally spoke, unable to believe that this was the same childhood friend of hers who used to be a plump nerd till the last time she saw him, seven years back.

"Actually girls in Los Angeles make you lose all the fat, you see!"

He winked as he said the lines.

"I see!"

Khushi replied with an Oh-Please! expression, as he sat on one of the chairs at the dining table.



"So, mom! You knew?"

"Of course I did!"

Adrienne replied, as she served some pasta on Mason's plate.


"And .. you?"

"Me too!"

Rebecca answered, her face displaying a playful grin.


Khushi mumbled to herself with a sigh.

People were in full-mood of giving her back to back surprises, it seemed.

Mason had been her dearest friend since childhood.

Even before Rebecca.

Though later, they all became a trio when they studied in the same class, same school.

He had lost his parents in a car crash when he was only five, and since then his maternal uncle had been his only guardian.

Luckily, destiny had always been very kind to him and his uncle, not being able to have his own biological kids, considered Mase to be his own son.

Later, they moved to L.A. due to his uncle's business expansions.

For Khushi, it has always been hard to call him Mason, for they never addressed each other with their good names. Teasing each other was the funniest aspect of their bond.

She had always been 'Krazyy Khushi' for him and he had always been 'Messy Mase' for Khushi.

But now.. they were all grown up. But hey, that never meant that they wouldn't be their real selves, their natural ways.



"So, you still open all your presents at the end of the day?"

Mason suddenly questioned breaking the silence, instantly taking Khushi by surprise.

"Oh! You still remember that?"

Khushi asked with glittering eyes.

"Ofcourse silly. I do! Krazyy you are really!"

He asserted as he put a piece of pasta in his mouth, devouring the dish.



"Hmm.. So, what brings you here after so many years?"

Khushi inquired, drinking water from her glass. She was done with her lunch already and was only giving company to Mason.

"Uncle wanted to settle back here. And I wanted to do my University Studies from here."

He replied casually.

It was hard to visualize her old Messy Mase as someone who was so much like this poised, well-behaved gentleman.

The sight hurt Khushi's eyes.

And she only chuckled inwardly on that thought.



"That's cool."

"So where do you plan to do your further studies from?"

She continued with her questions.



"Well, Southeastern Verman!"

And with that, the water got into Khushi's wind pipe, as she heard him say the words, the same one which had made her dreamy at one point, and also dreadful.

Southeastern Verman.

Khushi instantly began coughing.

Ree stroked her back constantly, finally getting her normal after a while.

"Whoa, take it easy girl."

She heard Mason say.

"Yeah right!"

Khushi finally managed to speak.

"What about you?"

He asked her back.

After a brief period of silence, Khushi spoke without a pause-

"The same as you!"

"Southeastern Verman!"

"But I'm sure , I'm not going to make it, since I totally screwed up the entrance test and.. Just forget it. I'm not going to make it."



As her sentences came to a final stop, she saw Mason gazing at her with eyes wondering something.

With a frown on her face, she finally asked-

"What's wrong?"


He sighed.

"Just wondering, you are still the same. The same pessimistic attitude."



"Get your facts right and don't comment, when you don't know things well Mase!"

Khushi retorted, slightly irritated at Mason's remark.

She knew he was right, but hey, acceptance by default was never her forte.

"Well, I do know things pretty well and I can give you the proof with facts too."

Khushi tilted her head, confused hearing his words.

As she opened her mouth to speak anything further, she saw him pull out a long white envelope from the pocket of his jacket.

His blue eyes held a spark of joy in them, as he handed her the envelope with a subtle smile playing on his lips.


Her eyes never blinked as she saw the thing, which the envelope contained.



A call letter.


I got selected.'

I made it..?'

The cauldron of questions buzzed at a rapid pace in her mind and when it got too much to take, she couldn't control it anymore!

"My Goodness! I don't believe this!"

She whispered, still not ready to believe that God was giving her so many things, so many good things together, on this one day.

One after another.



"Check it. It's your name written there"

Mason teased her further, going onto enunciate each letter of Khushi's spelling to irk her.

But she only made a face at him, the inner joy reflecting as a glow on her face as she tightly hugged Ree, her mom and sister in excitement.


"How did you get this?"

She questioned, her face still lit up with a huge smile.

"Well, while I was coming in, I saw the delivery boy putting this into your mailbox. Your mother had already told me, that you were planning to get admission at SEV, so when I saw it was your call letter from them, I instantly thought of the idea to give you a double most awaited surprise, after my home coming of course."

His reply took Khushi back to the old childhood days, when he would do all her homework without even a puny complaint and Khushi would simply sit idle and watch cartoons with Ree.

Things were still the same.

As she read the call letter for the umpteenth time now, her heart raced out of joy and she thanked God fervently for being so extra kind to her.

She was jumping in joy, when she heard someone slowly hitting the spoon against the glass crockery, making a tinkling sound.

She turned back to see Ree doing that, catching everyone's attention instantly.

"Now Birthday Girl, if you are done jumping, screaming and laughing, will you give some attention to your best friend, to hear her part as well?"

She demanded.

"Go on Drama Queen, I have my whole life for you."

Khushi smirked as she stated that.

She was super happy right now, and in that spree, she could welcome everything with open arms today!

Ree stood up, standing with her arms folded against her chest.

"So, won't you like to know where am I going to pursue my music course from?"



Her question made Khushi's body go stiff, as she looked deep into ree's eyes trying to understand what was this supposed to mean. In the process, her own eyes went as wide as saucers, as she assimilated the possibility of her words' meaning.

The grin never left Ree's face, as Khushi's speculations slowly started turning into reality.




"Southeastern Verman?!?!"

"Are you serious???"

Khushi averred in wonder as she waited with bated breath to get an answer she desperately wanted to hear.

Ree slightly nodded, making Khushi's eyes go ultra wide that it seemed like they would pop out of their sockets, any minute.

This was it.

It was more than what she could take.

Her heart swelled to the power of infinity out of happiness as she snaked her arms around Ree, hugging her close.

"Why didn't you tell me before, idiot?"

"That you had applied for SEV?"

"I thought you were going to study music at The Greenfield's!"

Khushi spoke at one breath, not giving Ree a chance to speak as she continued to do her happy dance like a bunny, still hugging Ree like a second skin.


"I thought the same, until I got a scholarship from Southeastern for studying music."

She finally replied.


"I'm so happy Ree!! I can't even tell you! I am super super excited!"

"So am I, cute-heart!"



As they continued sharing the joy, Khushi couldn't ask for more.

She got her best friends back, both of them.

Her childhood friends.

And now, they were all set to study in the very same college!

Is this not a miracle?

..Maybe it is!



As she walked into her room at night, finally done with all the celebrations and dinner, her sight settled on her bed that was filled with gifts completely.

All wrapped in shimmers and glitters, waiting to be opened by the birthday girl herself.

She finally settled down at one corner of her bed, making herself comfortable.

One by one, she started opening the gifts.

'From Jazz'

Khushi's mouth flung open, at the surprise of having a gift by her sister and that too it was the first one she got her hands on. How funny!

She quickly unwrapped it, curious to know what she had got for her.

It was a beautiful key chain, with two dolls attached to it.

A smile took over her face, as she needed no hint to know who those two dolls were!

"Me and her!"

She immediately took out her phone and typed down a text saying "Thanks a lot for the gift," and sent it to her.

To her surprise, Jazz replied the very next minute saying,

"Mention not."



"Rude Brat!"

Khushi muttered to herself reading her text.

Jazz was all about her teenage rebellion. She would show her affection in the most unconventional ways but never fess up that she truly cared.

But then Khushi was glad that she at least communicated well with her unlike other times.

She smiled faintly as her hand reached for the next gift.

'To My Sweetest Besty! May your beauty be ageless like your golden heart! J'

"Ah, let's see what my dearest Drama Queen has got for me"

Khushi got excited as her smile widened.

As she opened the tiny box, the sight of those exceptionally beautiful ear rings pleased her eyes.

She had seen it the other day at the mall and thought to buy it.

Unfortunately, the manager had said that it was already booked by someone for a birthday present.

"So now I know, who booked it! Great surprise indeed, Ree!"

Khushi worded it happily.



After unwrapping around five to six more gifts, her hand finally reached for the one that lay beneath the piles of other gifts.

A small maroon box, it also had a paper attached to it.

Before opening the box, she unfolded the paper and found that it was actually a letter, the creases of it so prominent as if it had stayed untouched since years and years.



Her eyes became moist the moment she read the manuscript it contained.

To My Grand Daughter'

Love, Grand Ma.'

The reading suddenly brought the flash of her lost necklace in Khushi's mind and a stream of guilt took over her heart instantaneously.

Trying to stay firm, she slowly opened the box.



The glittering sparkles from the stones made her close her eyes tight in a jiffy.

She slowly opened them once again to take a better view of it.

It was a bracelet.

A beautiful bracelet.

Embedded with Rubies, Diamonds and an antique sapphire, it looked magnificent.

..She simply couldn't take her eyes off it.



"It must have been hers."

She whispered, holding the bracelet in her hand, when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

She said, still holding the exquisite thing in her hand.

Khushi saw her mom coming in, taking a place on her now messy bed.

"So liking the gifts?"

She asked, looking at Khushi with her usual smile.


She replied.

"But this one's way too extravagant, Mom!"

Khushi added, showing her the shiny bracelet in her hand.



Adrienne slowly took the bracelet in her hands, and spoke softly-

"I know sweetie."

"Your grandmother asked me to give it to you, when you turn 18."

Khushi watched keenly as she waited for Adrienne to continue.

"She handed me the box along with the letter, which she wanted you to have when you reach this age. And hence, I kept my word. Today, I feel so satisfied that as a mother, I haven't failed and life hasn't failed me to fulfill my promises given to your grandmother and your father before they died."



Tears rolled down her cheeks, as she spoke.

Khushi had immense respect for this woman. She was like this rock who could stand strong against all odds, all storms, all currents.

"Mom, how do you do it?"

Khushi asked.


"Do what?"

Adrienne replied, perplexed at her daughter's sudden query.

".. How do you make everything right?"

Her mom chuckled at her question, rubbing off the tears from her face.

"Even I don't know!"

She answered, laughing.

Her silly mother.

The matured talk never suited her.

And for a change, Khushi was glad it was this way.


"I love you Mom!"

She said, hugging her mom.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

She replied, caressing her hair.


"Night, Mom"

"Good night, sweetie!"

Adrienne planted a Good night kiss on Khushi's forehead and finally retired to her room.



Khushi stared at the beautiful bracelet now in her hand for another minute before shoving it safely into her closet.

There was no way she was taking a risk to lose another special thing in her life. Especially something of so much sentimental value to her.

The loss of that necklace was still haunting her somewhere deep within and hence, she was not going to treat this ornamental piece so trivial.



She arranged her bed, throwing the gift wrappers into the trash, when she suddenly heard her phone ringing.




"Get down fast!"

"Ree, are you mad? Why?"

"We are waiting outside for you. It's still 15 minutes for your birthday to be over. Let's go to the Verman Beach."

"At this hour of the night? Mom wouldn't let me. Moreover I'm too tired."

"You don't need to tell her. Stop being such a Miss. Goody two shoes and come out."

"I will be grounded."

"You are 18. Officially, legally and totally an adult. So no way you are getting grounded!"

"Ree, Understand.."

"I won't!"

"Fine. Who else is there?"

"Just me and Mason."

"All right. Give me a minute. I will be there."

And with that, she hung up.

She always had to surrender to her best friend's absurd demands. But for a change, today she was way too happy and hence, not going to sulk over it.

Draping her jacket over her shoulders, she carefully unlocked her room's door and went downstairs.

Looking at all the angles, she finally stepped out, leaving it on God to what would happen if anyone came to know that she was sneaking out!


The cold winds greeted them as they walked on the flawless white sands of the beautiful beach.

The worries of sneaking out and getting grounded were all gone when Khushi saw her friends taking pictures on the beach and running around everywhere like free-spirited birds, as if they were all back to Kindergarten once again.

Her heart was elated at the flow of surprises and all the happiness that life had recently showered upon her.

As she stepped ahead, she could hear the echoing laughter of her silly but cute friends, and with that, she herself couldn't control a chuckle either.

The sky was splendid.

The moonlight drew a beautiful reflection of the sea water's ripples on their faces.



The shimmering stars enlightened the endless horizon.

The never ending sea seemed so serene.

The small waves hit the shore effervescently as she kept staring at the water.

Maybe, in these 18 years, today she truly reached a milestone in life.

As she kept walking, the series of good things took over her mind once again.

"I made it.."

"I really got into Southeastern Verman!"

"After all the hardships, late night studies, though I thought I messed it completely, yet I got in!"

"College's about to start in 15 days!"

"I have got my dad's car. His blessings as well."

"Mason's back in town."

"I am going to be accompanied by my best friends at college."

"Jazz gave me a birthday gift."


"Whoa! Was this all really happening?"

She couldn't help asking herself.

'Was it real?'



As the questions played in her mind, her sight settled on their shadows reflecting on the sand of the shore.

The shadows of happiness.

The moments of joy.

The feelings of being together.

Everything was so calm.

..So tranquil.



Khushi did not know where it would lead everyone to.

She didn't know the culmination of this.

But for now, it was good.

And nothing mattered more than that.



As her gaze shifted towards the sky, she suddenly couldn't see the sparkling moon anymore; the same moon that was painted in the horizon so beautifully only moments ago.

The shimmering stars were all gone.

Dark clouds suddenly took over the sky.



"Maybe, Its going to rain. We must go home now."

She heard Ree saying.

The abrupt change in the air, in the surrounding, suddenly brought back a glimpse in front of Khushi's eyes, the one her conscience had so desperately tried to make her forget.

As she shut her eyes tight, she could feel the intensity of those dark browneyes once again.

As if..

As if they were still watching her.


She felt like an intangible yet magnetic pull in the air was drawing her to horizons unexplored, unknown as flashes of that seeming angel with wicked wings once again crossed her mind, radically ushering her to an uncanny arena.

Though her mind pretended to have forgotten every little essence of it, but her heart couldn't deny the truth.

As she slowly opened her eyes again, her gaze remained fixed on the dark sky.



Beneath the Shadows of Tranquility, what lies there?


Was happiness truly knocking at her door step?


Or, Was this just the calm before the deadly storm?


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