Chapter 4: I'm Old Fashioned

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Chapter 4: I'm Old Fashioned

When Noah said penthouse, I imagined a luxury apartment with fancy jacuzzis, hot tubs, balconies, views, and furniture.

I was absolutely right.

What astonished me the most was the clear windows in the living room looking out into the ocean. I never realized how much beauty came with money.

"I didn't realize you were . . . rich," I told him honestly.

He snorted. "We got lucky. Mom and dad worked hard in their fields to earn the top positions. Otherwise, we would all still be stuck in some lowly apartment."

I didn't offer a reply. Maybe one day I'd have enough money to ridicule the lowly apartments my family and I survived in.

For now, I could just enjoy the penthouse.

Noah didn't seem to notice my change of mood, which was a positive thing. I didn't want him to pay attention to me. Frankly, I wished to be like a piece of his fancy furniture. I would stand next to the sofa like a Rodin statue until I got my green card. He would notice me once in a while and continue his everyday routine. After that, I'd be disposed of, but we would all gain something out of me being there.

"Let me show you your room," he said.

He had walked to a spiral staircase. I carefully followed behind him up to a room that was the size of my entire apartment floor. The hardwood floor shined under tiny lights installed in the ceiling. There was a purple sheeted, queen-sized bed waiting for me. Next to it was a flatscreen TV and a couch.

"This is my room?" I asked for clarification.

"Yes. Sorry, I didn't know what kind of furniture you'd need, so I went with the basics. Let me know if there's anything I can get you to make you feel at home," he said quickly.

I exhaled softly. "This is perfect." He seemed relieved by my happiness. "Honestly, I would've gladly taken the couch in the living room. I don't want to intrude your space when you're doing so much for me."

"Oh please," he said. "We are both helping each other out. Don't fret over this." I put my suitcase down by the bedside. "My room is across the hallway, so if you need anything, you know where to go."

I gave him a nod and he left me standing there.

I wish the cloud of formality and awkwardness would fly away in the next few hours. If I was going to be his penthouse mate, we needed to have a better relationship. Especially when we had to come together in front of his mother.

I strode around the bedroom to a mahogany door. It revealed an enormous bathroom all for me. There were two sinks! A hot tub sat to one side of the space next to a window.

Before I could worry about my future with Noah, I needed to enjoy my present with the hot tub.

I wasted no time shrugging off my clothes and using the luxury in front of me.


"Hey Noah, when do we tell your mom about us?"

He had also taken a shower when we got home, so his hair was dripping wet all over his dining room rug.

He took the chair next to me and dove into his bowl of fruit salad. I had decided to cut up some fruit in his fridge to give us both a fresh boost of energy. As I ate my honeydew melon, he answered me.

"All she knows is that Olivia and I broke up two months ago."

"I thought you did that fake breakup last week?" I asked confused.

"Oh no, mom's too busy with work. She told me to break up with Olivia two months ago and I told her I did. She believed my lies." He almost seemed proud.

"Our relationship is still too young to gravitate to marriage," I said uneasily. "How are we gonna get away with this fraud?"

"Easy, we have to act like those love-obsessed couples who act in rash," he said. He looked down on his plate and focused on his cantaloupe and berries. "Hey, how come you took all the honeydew? It's my favorite." He stole a cube-sized piece of honeydew on my plate and popped it in his mouth with his fork. "See, I'm already acting like we are married."

"Technically, I made the fruit salad, so . . . " I said grinning.

He smiled. "So, you're my maid?"

"I knew there had to be a reason why you married me," I said with fake accusement. "You needed a new maid. Rich people."

"Gosh Lulu, you were always the smart one. You cracked the mystery in less than twenty four hours here." He went along. "Before you know it, I might be plotting to frame you for all the dead bodies in my basement."

"You have a basement?" I was in awe now. How much bigger could this penthouse be?

He shook his head. "No, but if I did, that's where I'd put all the dead bodies."

"Because it's colder than the rest of the house, so it's easy preserving the dead bodies there? Cold air is more dense and stays down--"

"Okay, let's keep scientific conversations reserved for my mom," he interrupted. His dark hair fell across his forehead and tiny droplets of water cascaded down the side of his face. "Anyhow, we first have to convince her we are deeply and madly in love. Thereafter, you have to simply make her hate you, which won't be easy but I have faith in your ability."

"Thanks. I'm in love with you already," I said blandly.

"I'm hard to resist, I know," he said in a sympathetic tone. "Many girls would die to get a chance to date me."

"Why didn't you get one of those girls? I mean it'd be easier to not go through the hassle of my status change."

"You see, I needed someone who I knew and someone who wasn't interested me," he said truthfully. "We knew each other in high school, but we were friends. No feelings. Nothing. I can trust you to not get attached by the end unlike other girls." I didn't realize he had done his own share of research and thinking too. "Besides, I'd have to pay those other girls. With you, it's only a green card. I get to help you reinvent your future."

"The future me is very thankful," I said. "Say, after a month or two, you decide you don't want to go through all this. Then what?" I needed to take the necessary precautions. Who knew, he might decide to marry Olivia. My life would be over then.

"I won't do that to you," he said as if the thought was absurd.

"What if you need Olivia? Something happens and you want me to step out?"

He sighed, not knowing the right answer. Before I knew it, he got up and ran upstairs, worrying me. Had I said something wrong?

He came back after a minute with a notepad and a pen in his hand.

"Let's make a contract, okay? Sign our names our joint conditions on this relationship? That way no one is unfair to the other party?" he suggested.

"Okay," I agreed.

"I have two conditions. One, you can't break this relationship until you get your green card." He jotted it down as he said it. I stopped eating at his words. Why was he being so kindhearted towards me? "Two, you have to make sure my mother thinks you're incapable of me."

"Pretty sure she hated me back in high school—"

"That's because you were . . . Never mind," he said dismissively. Before I could pursue the topic, he continued, "Your turn."

"I'm old fashioned," I said refusing the pen he was extending to me. He looked at me confused. "I want you to give me your word that you will stick through this until we both get what we want. Also, I want you to notify me ahead just in case you went somewhere with Olivia and you were caught or something. We need to have each other's backs."

His head tilted slightly as he studied me. He didn't even bother hiding the fact that he was staring right at my face. Feeling self conscious, I offered him a quizzical look.

"You have my word," he responded. "It's surprising how much you've changed since we were in school."

"What do you mean?"

"You're quiet, relaxed, almost as if intimidated." He leaned back in his chair. "Back then, you were so full of energy and loud, it was—no offense—obnoxious."

"People change." I shrugged, turning back to finish my food.


* * *

"You. Want. To. Do. What?"

That was the exact reaction I knew we'd get from Monica Miller aka Noah's mother.

She was half Indian half American. Her ancestors were Portuguese who settled in Goa, India. She was the fifth generation down the line, but she considered herself mixed not full Indian at this point. She met Joseph Miller, her husband, when he went on a vacation to Goa.

The rest was history, according to Noah.

Now, this woman was the Chief of Surgery at some elite private hospital and she was hard core. After taking time out of her busy schedule to meet her son and his new "girlfriend," she was in for a shock.

We were seated on a cream colored sofa in Noah's parents' grand mansion. I didn't want to look at any furniture or anything extra simply because of how luxurious it must be. Us lowly apartment folks could only desire so many things before the pain of never receiving it sunk in.

"I think it's time I settled down," Noah told her. His body was relaxed for someone who was lying straight to his mother's face.

"What happened to Olivia?" Mrs. Miller asked him. The wrinkles on her forehead were deeper than the Pacific Ocean at this point.

"We broke up, remember?" Noah replied. "Then, I was upset and met Lulu down at the beach. We reunited and spend so much time together ever since. We truly love—"

"Whatever plot you're scheming right now, I suggest you better quit it prematurely," she said in the scariest tone only a mother could conjure.

Noah wasn't intimidated easily either.

"Lulu and I are getting married two Sundays from now in our family church," he said firmly. He took my hand in his, shocking me, but I controlled myself. "We came here to get your blessing. If you can't be happy with my happiness then be it. We are leaving."

I followed his lead as he shot up from his seat.

"Noah Alekh Miller, sit down, right now!" Mrs. Miller said through clenched teeth.

Noah was ready to drag me out of the door with him. However, I felt so disrespectful leaving that way. I pleaded him with my eyes to listen to her order.

He shook his head.

"Noah, sit down!" Mrs. Miller's face was turning brighter than red Christmas lights.

Please, I mouthed to Noah.

He finally exhaled in an exaggerated manner and sank down in his seat. I thanked God and sat down close by Noah's side.

"Wait till your father gets home," she started.

As if on cue, the front door opened and Mr. Miller stepped inside the house. He had a Bluetooth plugged in his ear, chattering quietly with somebody.

"Joe, I need you here right now," Mrs. Miller told him as he was about to pass by us. He didn't even seem to notice his son and I were sitting across from his wife.

As soon as he heard his wife, he quickly finished up the call and turned us. Finally seeing me, he appeared shocked.

"Lulu Mirza? No way." He kept his eyes on me and took a seat next to his wife. "How are you, honey? It's been so long."

"I'm doing well, thank you—"

"Of course she's doing well," Mrs. Miller butted in. "She's got my son in her trap!" Noah rolled his eyes at that one. I turned my eyes to the ground hurt by the accusation. "Joe, they want to get married! Two Sundays from now!"

The room held its breath for Joseph Miller's response.

"Well, that's ridiculous—" Mr. Miller started.

"Right—" Mrs. Miller cut him off.

"But dad—" Noah began.

"That's too little time to send out invitations and make arrangements," Mr. Miller finished.

"What?" Mrs. Miller and Noah said simultaneously.

"My father gave me the freedom to choose my wife and I promised I'd do the same for my son," Mr. Miller reasoned. "Besides, Lulu is much better than drug addict he was dating a few months ago."

"Olivia was on antidepressants," Noah replied immediately. When his parents gave him a look, he continued, "That's why we broke up." He exchanged a polite, loving smile with me. "And I couldn't have been happier." I smiled back at him. "Thanks, dad."

He was such a great liar.

That was a close call.

Rich people were blessed with looks, bank accounts, and lying powers.

"Let me tell my assistant to find a decent catering company in the short time we have. Wedding invitations should be limited because too many people means too much media attention," Mr. Miller was saying. He resumed planning the entire wedding as if everything had to be done the same day.

"Joe, you're stupid and so is your son," Mrs. Miller started again.

She reiterated how Noah was acting like a Romeo in a haste. I was some evil seductress who was incompetent for her son and their community and status.

Noah gestured me to follow him out when his mother couldn't stop herself,

He was beyond pleased by her reaction.

As soon as we got into his car, he said, "None of my girlfriends has ever pissed her off this much. I'm loving it."

"Happy to be of service."

He grinned. "I can't wait for the wedding. Now, I'm gonna drop you off at the penthouse and then go out with Olivia."

"That's not risky? Right before the wedding?" I asked. "Not that I have a problem—"

"Hmm, no, you're right. Let's prove to mother first about our love story." He agreed. "Have you gone ice skating before?"

I shook my head. "I don't think that's a—"

"Fantastic idea. Let's go."

Was it too long?
How's the story so far?

How's your life?

This book will be fast paced just because I don't want to put in unnecessary crap. I'm gonna try keeping a short story. Let's see.

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