Chapter 14

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Saeed Sheikh POV:

"Saima dear, is Anabia ready?" I ask 
Anabia's friend.

"Yeah she is."

"Tell her that I'm coming with the moulana."

"Right away." She leaves while I attend to few guests we have called.

In just 2 minutes Anabia's friend comes rushing to me.


"Is everything alright?" I ask her.

"Anabia is not in her room." I get worried.

Where is she? Hope she is fine.

I tell my wife about it.

All of us rush to her room and she is nowhere.

"Anabia, Anabia." I call her. She doesn't reply to me.

"Where is my daughter?" Her mother cries.

"She must be somewhere in the house.", I tell her friends.

"No uncle. I checked everywhere."

"What happened?" Umar comes upstairs.

"Anabia is not in her room." He tenses.

"Ya Allah! Where did she go? Did she run away?" Umar's grandma starts her rubbish.

How dare she accuse my daughter of something she's never done or could do.

"Dadi, how can you speak anything?" Maliha shouts at her.

"My daughter is not taught this." I tell her.

" A girl who is not present on her wedding day. It happens only when she is forced to do this or she loves someone else. What else should i say?"

"Maybe she can be kidnapped!" Suhana tells us.

My eyes widen in realisation. She is saying the truth. Kidnapped. By Shehryaar only. I believe he got to know that I've planned her nikaah.

What do I do now?

I will kill him. He cannot take my daughter.

"Where is your daughter?" Moulana asks me.

"I'm sorry sir. She has been kidnapped."
Umar apologises.

Few men leave along with moulana. Today was the happiest day of my life until now, the day has been ruined I have no news of my daughter.

My wife faints. Maliha takes her to her room. I make Anabia's in laws relax.

"Call the police." Umar's father tells me.

"No need to. We know where we will find her." Umar nods at me.

I pick up my call when I hear someone shouting my name.


He enters the room and holds me by my collar.

"How dare you? How dare you cheat me?" He yells.

I was in no mood to calm down either.

"Where's my daughter?" I ask him.
He lets go of my collar.

"Where is she?" I shout.

"I thought she is getting married today." He stutters.

"Yes, but you kidnapped her." I remind him.

"What rubbish?" He tells me.

"I came to stop this marriage! Where is she? Is she okay?"

"She is not with you?" I ask him.

"Hell no! Where is she Saeed?" Ibtisham asks me.

"We are searching for her."

Anabia POV:

"Open the door!" I scream.

So here I am on the day of my nikaah, locked in a room yelling for the past 10 minutes. I'm kidnapped. My makeup is spoilt. I feel like crying but that will not do anything good. I have to fight to get home.

"Is someone here???" I scream more loud hoping someone will hear my voice.

I've been kidnapped and been brought to someone's house. The room is lavishly decorated with beautiful furniture. It has all the necessities.

Tears finally make way down to my cheeks as I check the time. It 05:30 in the evening. I was getting married!

Who kidnapped me? I've never hurt someone or yelled at someone. At least not in the past few days. I pick up a vase from a table and throw on the door to open it but it's so damn strong. I start losing hope.

Don't worry anu, Abu will come and rescue me. By now he must have found  out that I've disappeared.

I sit on the bed and sulk on my destiny.

I'm hungry as well.

I look around the room I'm kept in. It has a huge wall tv. An idea pops in my head.

Mr kidnapper! Time to meet you.

I start the television and switch to a music channel. I close my ears and increase the tv volume. It's very loud now. I'm sure they will be shocked to hear music coming from the girl kidnapped.

As expected, after 10 minutes I see the handle of the door moving. Someone
is here!

I rush and get another glass vase from the table. I hide myself behind the door and as soon as the door opens I break the vase on his shoulders? A huge well built bodyguard enters and stares at me. More like glaring at me. I look like a child in front of him.

He steps aside and now the real culprit enters. I shiver as my eyes fall on him. His green eyes look intense and scary to the point where I want to hide behind my Abu.

                It's Aahil!

"Hey bride!" He smirks.

Aahil POV:

"Open the door." She screams once again.

"I'm sure by tomorrow my ears will burst." Aadil tells me.

"She's breaking things in the room Aahil."

"Let her, she will get tired soon." I tell them.

"Bro, at least tell her the reason why she is here. She will calm down."

"How will she calm down? She got kidnapped from her wedding. Any other girl would react like this." Aadil tells Suhail.

"Ah I should have known, they're is no way the wedding could take place in normal circumstances either." I very well know Suhail, he is pulling my leg.

"What do you mean?" Aadil asks him.

"Aahil could not make it possible."


"Because he..."

"Shut up Suhail."

We are talking about Anabia! I have kidnapped her and brought her to my house. Today in the morning I checked Shehryaar's belongings. He had three tickets. One of himself, the other of Mr Ibtisham and the third ticket with the name of Anabia Sheikh!

As suspected he was taking her to Dubai. I believe he wanted to trade her. I did not let it happen. I sent my men to get her here. At least for now she is safe with us.

I am sure Shehryaar will not keep quite. He will try to find her. In this way, he will expose all his cards to me.

"At last, I think she is tired now." Aadil says removing ear phone from his ears.

But that was not for long as we hear loud music playing from her room.

"This girl!" I hear Suhail complaining.

"Sir, madam Ayesha just slept with much difficulty. She might wake up with the noise." Ayesha's nurse tells me.

I don't want to wake up Ayesha.

"Call latif, Its time to meet her now."

Latif is my bodyguard. I know she will try to harm me.

Latif opens the door and as expected she throws a vase on him. He is a body builder so it did not affect him even a bit.

"Hey bride!" I greet her. She is shocked as I come face to face in front of her. I smirk.

"You?" She yells. 

"Yes. It's me." I tell her as I take in her appearance. Due to yelling and crying her hair is ruined. Lipstick is smudged. The whole area covering her eyes is black due to kajol. She looks ...Just like a witch.

But... a beautiful one!

"Why did you bring me here?"

"To save you. From someone." I tell her.

"I was getting married!" She yells.

"I know. What to do! Your life was at stake. Someone wanted to trade you." I tell her yet again avoiding to bring up his name.

"You are lying.I want to go home. I want to go to my papa." She cries.

"You will, you're just my guest for a few days. After I get what I want you are free." I tell her.

"Bloody selfish rogue! I'm not here for your reasons. I have to go."

"I am getting married. Umar must be waiting for me!" She cries.

"Please let me free. I know you want to take revenge from me. I'm sorry to shouting at you."

Is she serious? She thinks I'm taking a revenge from her.

Yeh ladki hai Allah!

"Think whatever you want to. You are not going home until I tell you to."

I point at her while my voice is deadly. She shivers.

"Secondly, you will not make noise. Else I will not hesitate to kill you." I whisper.

"Have I made myself clear?" I ask her.

She nods. Seriously? That's good, I thought she is going to give me a tough time. I hate it when people disobey me.

I turn and was about to leave the room when she says.

"I'm hungry and I need some comfortable clothes."

"I'll send someone with food and clothes until then sit down quietly."


Authors note:

Hey people. Hope you okay. Hope you're the chapter.

Sorry for making you wait, I ran out of data bundle. 😩😩😩

Vote target: 70+

19 September 2019.

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