Chapter 23

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A moment to appreciate you all. Thank you for accepting my story. Thank you for adding it in your reading lists. Thank you for voting. Thank you!!!!! ❤ Thank you for 56k reads and 3.56k votes. Thank you💋❤ I'm so grateful!

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Anabia POV:

A deep voice comes from the other side. My hearts beats faster. My palms get sweaty. It seemed I was dying to listen to his voice. I get jittery feelings in my stomach. A smile automatically appears on my face.

"Umar" I breath out.

I can't stop smiling. Tears well up in my eyes. Tears of happiness.

"Anu? Is it you?" He asks. He sounds shocked.

"Yess...". I chirp.

"It's me."

"Anabia?? How are you?" He asks.

"How are you?" I ask him.

"Fine. How are you? Maliha told me Aahil kidnapped you." He asks me.

"Umar, he freaking married me. He threatened me to kill ami and Abu. I hate him. I miss you all." I complain.

"How's Ami? He did not let me meet ami for more than 10 minutes. Tell ami I'm fine. Tell her not to worry about me." I let out all frustration to Umar. I don't let him speak.

"Wait... breathe... Where are you now?" He asks me.

I open my mouth to speak but someone  beats me to it.

"I thought you were smarter than this." My eyes widen and I look behind.


He has his hands crossed on his chest. His green eyes looking more dangerous than ever.

    I'm dead!

"Anabia...?" Umar speaks. I put the phone from my ears.

Aahil takes steps towards me like he's  the predator and I'm his prey. I start moving away from me. I reach the kitchen cabinets in no time and now I'm trapped.

"Anabia!!! Are you okay?" I hear Umar literally yelling.

Aahil grabs the phone away from me and

"She is absolutely fine!" He speaks on the call.

"Who are you?" Umar asks. His loud voice makes me scared, what if Aahil harms him.

"Her husband!" He says possessively?? Wait, I think I'm over thinking but the tone with which he spoke got me thinking he is possessive or jealous.

He cuts the call and looks at me.
He is going to harm my parent's.

"Let's go. Samreen bhabhi is waiting." If this was his house, he would be yelling but since it is Suhails house he keeps his voice low.

I refuse to budge from my place.

"I love UMAR! I want to go to him." I speak very well knowing my stubbornness will cost me but the other part of me hoped Umar traces this number and comes to rescue me. I wanted to waste time.

"Do you love yourself more than your parent's?" He asks me.

"All I know is, You are a criminal and I don't want to be Wife of a Criminal." I speak clear and loud enough.

His eyes darken meaning he is angry.

"No matter how many times I try to be soft with you, you try to be more stubborn. Keep this in the pretty little head of yours, you are stuck with me and all I know is, Criminal's blood runs in your veins." He speaks harshly and holds my wrist forcefully.

Criminals blood runs in my veins??

What did he mean?

"What the hell do you mean?" I yell not caring about samreen bhabhi and Suhail Bhai.

My question goes unheard but I keep screaming anyways.

"How dare you speak this?" I yell.

"What happened?" Samreen bhabhi asks.

"Someone likes to create dramas." Aahil shrugs.

"He forced me into this marriage and keeps threatening to kill my parents." I yell.

"Keep your voice low." Aahil tells me.

"I don't want to stay with you! Why don't you understand?" I yell.

"Nor do I have any interest to stay with you understand?" Now, he starts yelling.

"Go to hell." I scream.

"Same to you." He yells.

"Relax! Anabia, I know this is too much for you, but trust me you should be grateful for him. Trust US! We are not that bad." Suhail suddenly interrupts.

"Grateful? Yeah forcing a girl to marry you when she likes someone else and then you're not that bad. I do not wamt to spend my life being wife of a criminal, murderer." I say sarcastically. I feel angry.

"Yes you should be grateful. Suhail invited you over to his house just because you were bored and tied up in that house but oh well look at your ungratefulness. Only speak as much as you, yourself  can bear to listen next time." Aahil tells me. He is right! Suhail is better than Aahil! I shouldn't have spoken to him in that manner but I'm not wrong as well. The thought of my ami sick all because of Aahil and I'm not able to meet her as well is getting on my nerves.

"I'm sorry. It's just that..." I am not able to complete my sentence as Suhail interrupts.

"It's okay. I get you. You're just frustrated and all. But think about it Anabia, you hate Aahil and that's why you hate to spend time with him. You take him as a criminal but if you look from other prospective maybe you will understand us." He tells me. I stay quite.
Does he want to tell me that all the murders they committed could be justified?

"Let's have lunch na?" Samreen bhabhi tries to lighten up the atmosphere.

"I'm hungry." Aahil complains.

We all sit down to eat lunch. Samreen bhabhi indeed makes yummy food.

"I survive to eat this chicken." Aahil laughs and Suhail Bhai agrees.

"She is the best cook." He tells us while putting a hand on her shoulder. My heart overwhelms at the sight of them. There cute and love each other so much. Myself and Umar could be the same too. If only this green eyed man did not enter my life.

"So, Anabia are you done with studies?" She asks.

"No not yet. I was planning to continue after my marriage but.." I stop midway.
I did not want to mention the criminals name.

After lunch I help samreen bhabhi to clean up the table.

"We should leave now." Aahil gently excuses himself from them. I also stand up to leave and hug samreen bhabhi.

"I'm sorry. I have never touched someone's belonging without permission but the situations are such." I tell her honestly.

"It's okay. Give this relationship a chance." She tells me. I wanted to roll my eyes but I stop myself somehow.

"Thank you for the yummy lunch. Indeed she is the best cook." I tell Suhail.

He gives me a thumbs up and smiles.

I sit in the car quietly and Aahil starts driving. After almost 15 minutes he takes a turn to a sandy road. Are we going out of town?

"Where are you taking me?" I blurt out.

He doesn't answer and drives fast.

I start to pray duaas and everything I had learnt. I pray to Allah to protect me.

We drive for another 20 minutes. I start to get worried. It's getting dark outside and Its about to rain as well. Thunder and lightning takes over the sky. Soon a house comes in my view. I sigh in relief.

It looks like a farmhouse. He parks his car and almost snatches my bag from my hand and starts walking. I also start walking behind him. He enters the huge farmhouse.

I gasp as I take in the interior of the house. It's absolutely beautiful.
He goes upstairs and keeps my bag in a room. I follow him. The room is even more beautiful and the city is in full view from the window. I get lost in exploring the room that I do not notice Aahil. After a few minutes I search for him.

Wait?! Did he leave me alone here? I run downstairs and see Aahil setting up  some things in the kitchen.

"Here is the kitchen, I've kept all the necessary belongings. Oh and Nida bibi will come in the morning everyday to clean up."

Is he serious? I mean is HE SERIOUS? How the hell can he leave me here? Alone. In. This. Big. Mansion.

"I'll stay here alone?" I ask him.

"That's what you wanted right? To stay away from a criminal?" He taunts showing me his million dollar smile.

"Wait...Wait, are you scared to stay alone?" He asks me. I want to smack his head!

Of course I am! I've never stayed alone let alone my parents never left me.

"Of course not!" I answer.

"What if something happens to me?" I prob. 

"It's highly secured. No need to worry baby!" How did his mood change so quickly.

"Nida bibi is the caretaker of the house. She will be here tomorrow morning." He tells me.

I roll my eyes.

"Bye baby!!" He smiles and leaves me.

I look around at the big living room in front of me. How is my time going to pass?! I walk upstairs to my room and slump on the bed. My eyes close down but open as soon as I hear thunder. It's a stormy night outside. I shiver as fear settles in my heart.

Suddenly all the horror films I watched with Maliha comes into my mind. I feel someone is behind me. I feel like someone is watching me.

Calm down...Calm down

I assure myself.

My ears become sensitive to little noise and it's not helping me at all. I leave my room and keep walking straight not daring to look behind. Just as I'm about to enter the kitchen I see the door knob of the main door twisting. It can't be Aahil. He left just now.

I'm shaking and the rain and thunder along with lightening is scaring me. I run to the kitchen and hide behind the kitchen cabinets. Closing my eyes and my ears I start praying to get rid of fear in my body.

I feel someone touching my shoulders. I jerk away from that person and pray this is a dream. A bad dream. To my bad luck it turns out to be reality and he/she  touches me again. This time I open my mouth to scream but a hand stops me from screaming. Dreading I open my eyes to see the person whose scaring the hell out of me.


Trust me, Anabia is so me! I'm a scary cat. Yes, I can't sleep alone in a room. 😆😆😂🙈 Sometimes when I can't sleep I suddenly remember ghosts and witches. But then again there's just a different king of excitement to watch horror films right?

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22 April 2020.

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