Uh Oh Sisters!

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I let Xander talk to Eteled for a bit. He seemed to have calmed down from the fact that I was right about Miis being sentient, and was now listening to Eteled explain his backstory.

I tuned out their voices. I was mostly thinking about the murder at school. Who could've killed Faith? She wasn't significant or interesting enough to have an enemy! And our only suspect left was this guy called Nathan.

I sighed. Maybe it was a bad idea to have two storylines happen at the same time. Maybe we should just forget about investigating the murder and find out more about Eteled.

"Sam?" Xander's voice cut through my thoughts. "You're making that brooding face again. Have you finally turned into a boring, cliché protagonist?"

"I am not brooding." I defended myself. "I was just thinking about what happened at school. And about Nathan. I mean, who even is he? It's like he was supposed to appear sooner in the story but someone just forgot to add him in."

"Nathan?" Eteled said suddenly. We turned towards him. "I knew a kid named Nathan. He was friends with Kyle. He hated waffles."

"Um, okay?" Xander said, puzzled. "I don't see how that could be relevant, but-"

"Xander! Dont you see?" I cried, which was completely random but it didn't really matter. I'm a protagonist so I can talk however I want. "The Nathan that Eteled met ten years ago is clearly the same one who came to our school a few months ago. It's just too plot convenient to not be true!"

"Thats—" He paused for a moment. "Okay. Good point. But why would he kill Faith?"

"That's what we're going to find out." I said determinedly. "Tomorrow. At school. We'll corner Nathan and force him to tell us everything."

"If you mean threatening him with illegal weaponry, I fully support that idea." Eteled joked. At least I hope he was joking. He had a completely serious face, which probably wasn't a good sign.

"Alright, then it's settled." Xander said, getting up. "I'm going home, see you tomorrow Sam." He left my room, leaving me completely alone with a possible demonic entity who may or may not have murderous intentions.

This isn't going to end well, is it?

A/N: You're probably wondering why this chapter took almost an entire month to come out. You're also probably expecting an explanation for the sudden hiatus.

I hope you've enjoyed this story so far <3

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