I'll always come back for you

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"I know, Tommy," Wilbur said. "I'm sorry." 

"You're leaving?" Tommy's voice faltered. Wilbur was leaving him, for three months. Three months. Three whole months of not being able to talk to his older brother. Wilbur explained to him how his distant family across the country had experienced some recent deaths and he had to go. Even though he didn't really talk to that part of his family very often, he still felt obligated. 

"Not for forever, Tommy," Wilbur smiled softly. "I'll be back in time for your birthday and we can go and make it the best birthday ever!" 

Tommy felt weird talking about his birthday even though it was still so far away. A long time for him to wait to talk to his older brother again. Three months may not seem like a long time, but for them, it could as well be an eternity. From going from talking every day, every second that they could, to not being able to talk at all... it would seem like the world was ending. But at the same time, this was their world. 

"And we really won't be able to call?" Tommy meekly asked. The tears building in his eyes threatened to fall. He pulled his knees into his chest as he stared at his computer screen. 

"No, I'm sorry, Toms," Wilbur sighed. "They live in a very secluded area, they opted to not get internet." 

"Stupid old people," Tommy muttered. Wilbur huffed out a laugh at that. The tears finally escaped down his cheeks and he pulled his sweater-clad hand across his cheek to wipe them away. Wilbur awed at him, but he couldn't bring himself to give his signature half-serious denial. Wilbur sighed and let his head hit the back of his chair. 

He hated making Tommy feel this way, he wanted to sit next to him and wipe the tears from his little brother's face and make it all better. This was something he had to do but was really thinking about becoming a disgrace to his family. 

"I agree," Wilbur finally responded, feeling tears building in his own eyes after seeing Tommy's. He took a deep breath and looked his brother in the eyes before continuing, "I don't leave for another two days, why don't we do something tomorrow?" He gave a soft smile. 

Tommy looked up at him, wrapping his arms around his knees and resting his head on the top of them. "Yeah?" He questioned, slightly hopeful. 

"Yeah," Wilbur responded. "I will clear my schedule for a day of hanging out with my little brother." 

"You know I have school tomorrow, Wil?" Tommy said smiling. 

Wilbur paused, "Shit." 

Tommy laughed at him. "I think I can get away with it for one day, Wilby. Besides, my parents love you!" Tommy was already texting his mom about the circumstance. 

Wilbur chuckled, ignoring the nickname and the feelings that rose in him for the moment, "you think so?" But he was already sending a text to Tommy's parents as well, not wanting to get on their bad side. 

"They said yes!" Tommy yelled jumping up and out of his chair. Wilbur already knew this, having already hashed out a plan with them quickly, right before they texted Tommy. They were very agreeable and wanted to make sure they could get together one last time before having to leave. They knew how much the boys loved each other and how much they needed this. 

"Of course they did Sunshine, just like you said," Wilbur smiled. 

"We get to see each other tomorrow, Wilbur!" Tommy sat down in his chair again and smiled widely at the camera. Wilbur couldn't help but give one back, equally sized. 

The rest of the night was spent coming up with a plan to make the most of their time hanging out before having to say goodbye. And when they did eventually hang up that night, Wilbur spent the rest of his night making sure everything was packed so he wouldn't have to worry about anything but his chaotic child of a brother. 

The next day came and went way too quickly for the crime duo. After Wilbur picked up Tommy early morning they went out for breakfast before going to the beach. They ran around and chased each other causing chaos and disrupting the families that were just trying to relax. They stopped for snacks at a vendor and Wilbur bought Tommy his favorite cotton candy as well. The way the boy's face lit up was more than worth it. 

After running around a bit more and walking through a bunch of shops. The boys went back to Tommy's house and decided to have a relaxing night with each other on the couch. The movie Up was on and Tommy had tucked himself into Wilbur's side, grabbing hold of his sweater as if he would disappear if he didn't. Wilbur only smiled and let him. He wrapped his own arm around Tommy and pulled him in closer, resting his head on the child's blonde hair. 

Wilbur squeezed his shoulders and glanced at the stuffed raccoon he was holding. Wilbur had seen the way the kid looked at it when they were walking by the windows at the shopping mall. He subtly told the teen he wanted to go in there, something about seeing a jacket he wanted to look at. Pretty soon they were walking out with one big, soft raccoon and one extremely happy little brother. 

The brunette sighed and turned so his nose was buried in the teen's hair. Feeling this Tommy sighed, "Wilby?" He asked nestling his cheek further into the tan sweater Wilbur was wearing. 

"Yeah?" Wilbur breathed. 

"You okay?" 

Wilbur smiled. Of course, this kid was asking if he was okay. "Yeah, Bubs. I am." And he was, mostly. He was as content as he could be, he was so happy to be sitting with Tommy and watching Up for the eight-thousandth time. He just didn't want to leave. 

Tommy nuzzled further into his brother or at least tried to as there wasn't any more space between them, to begin with. They sat the rest of the night in that living room. Choosing to stay for as long as he could, Wilbur decided to just fall asleep with Tommy there. The main reason why he packed everything the night before. 

Leaving was one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do. The alarm he set before falling asleep had gone off and almost woke Tommy up as well. But Wilbur managed to turn it off before it could wake the tired teen. Wilbur smiled as more tears built up in his eyes. Tommy was sprawled across his stomach with his head tucked into the crook of his neck. His fist held onto his sweater and his stuffed raccoon was tucked under his arm. 

Wilbur quickly took a few pictures before doing his best to slip out from under the blonde. Once out successfully, without waking Tommy, Wilbur ran his hand through the tousled, curly locks of his brother's. He savored the feeling as he wouldn't be able to hold Tommy for a while. Unconsciously, the younger leaned in towards Wilbur's hand. Sighing a bit as it felt nice and reassuring. 

Forcing himself to leave, Wilbur placed a kiss on the kid's forehead, "bye Sunshine. I love you." He whispered before standing up and walking to the door. He glanced back at Tommy for a moment, letting tears fall, before opening the door and walking out into the cool night air. 

When Tommy woke up the next morning he found that he was alone and had notifications on his phone. Picking it up, he remembered why he was alone. He quickly sat up and opened his phone seeing as Wilbur had been the one to text him. 

Morning Toms! I'm sorry I had to leave without saying a proper goodbye, but you were so cute laying there I didn't want to wake you ;) 

I just got to the airport, this will be the last time I can text you, bubs. I'm gonna miss you so so so much and I will think of you every day. I can't wait to see you when I get back! Maybe I'll even send a letter :) signed your brother Wilby 

I love you Sunshine, I'll see you soon. 

The droplets hit the phone before Tommy even realized he was crying. "You better send a letter, you bitch," he muttered to himself. He couldn't pull himself away from the text. Even when his mom came to get him for breakfast, he brushed her off saying he wasn't hungry. She looked at him with a saddened expression, knowing exactly why her son was in a depressive state. When she left the room, she pulled out her phone and called him out of his classes. 

Tommy sat in his room all day, leaving for bathroom breaks. His parents brought him snacks, though he couldn't finish most of them. They tried to keep him company but he wasn't very present for the whole day. 

The next day was similar, but he was forced to go to school. He walked brainlessly through the halls and wasn't able to pay attention during class. His teachers had even pulled him aside to ask what was wrong, he just said his brother left for a while and he missed him. His teachers understood, but still expected him to pay attention as much as possible. Their lack of empathy just hurt him more, made him feel like he wasn't good enough. He didn't deserve to feel the yearning for his brother. 

School carried on, as did the days. He still streamed just less than before. Not having the energy to put up a facade and entertain his audience. Tubbo would ask if he was okay, but he was brushed off a lot. 

He was supposed to last three months like this? He didn't think he could make it. 

It was a month of moping and trying to see okay to his chat when something came in the mail for him. "Tommy!" His mother called him downstairs. 

"Yeah?" Tommy called, moving his headphones away from his ears. 

"I have something for you!" 

Tommy sighed at not getting a straight answer. "Okay, chat give me a sec. Hey Tubs!" 

"Yeah?" The other boy paused his playing. 

"Entertain my stream for me, will ya? I'll be back in a moment." 

"Sure thing!" 

Tommy muted himself and watched the other boy place down a boat and get into it. He didn't need to hear what he was singing, he already knew. 

He ran downstairs, "What's up, mom?" She wordlessly handed him an envelope. His face dropped, he knew what this was. His breathing increased as he stared at it. Slowly and carefully he walked to the couch and all but collapsed on it. 

After pausing for a moment, then ripped open the envelope, furiously trying to get to the paper inside. 

Dearest Gremlin

I am writing to you from the trenches of the war. Every night I think of you my love... Okay, I'm going to stop there. Otherwise, this would get a little weird.

Tommy chuckled at that. 

Hey Toms, how are you? I've been thinking of you a lot, you know. I miss you. The air is nicer up here, no smog from London. Nice to have a clean pair of lungs for once. 

I have to tell you though, earlier today I went to a coffee shop to write some music and you wouldn't believe who was the barista! Bill Gates! Standing there, just giving out coffee! 

Tommy snorted. 

And guess what? His waiter was an alligator! Actually! I didn't even know he was in there until he placed my coffee on my table with his tail! It was so crazy! So I finished up at the Cafe and when I was walking back to the house, Malinda Gates what walking towards me! It was so weird! 

I was like 'hey I just saw your ex Bill, good old Bill, at the coffee shop down there' and she was all 'yeah I know' and she had a pizza in her hand. So I asked 'are you a pizza delivery person?' and she said 'yeah' and walked away. I've never experienced anything like it! 

Tommy laughed, full-on laughed. It was the first time in a long time. It felt good. 

But real talk, I've been really inspired up here. It's probably the country air, you all that shit. But I've been writing, think I got some good stuff written. I can't wait to show you when I get back! You know, a lot of it is about you actually, just us being bros hanging out. Some of my favorites actually. It's weird not being around you, not being able to talk. I would normally wake up and send memes back and forth with you, I don't like not being able to. 

Tommy smiled softly, "me too." He whispered to himself. 

But I hope you are doing well, man. I think you would like it up here too! The air is nice, there are trees and greenery everywhere, and the sunrises are beautiful! It would fit you perfectly. Maybe one day we'll move out here and get internet to continue streaming. I think it would fit you. 

I can't wait to see you again, Sunshine. I really miss you. I hope you enjoyed my stupid antics. I love you. 

Yours forever, Wilby. 

Tommy watched as the paper grew wet, watched as his vision grew blurry. He sniffed and clutched the letter to his chest. "Fucking Wilbur," he laughed to himself. But he smiled so wide it hurt, the first real smile in a long time. He just missed his brother. He just missed him. 

Taking a few deep breaths, Tommy composed himself. He wiped his eyes and calmed his breathing. Slowly, he walked back to his room, pausing to make sure that he could get in as quietly as possible. He noticed that Tubbo was running back and forth in front of his perspective most likely talking like crazy to his chat, which was still going a mile a minute. 

Tommy walked over to his bed and picked up his new raccoon friend before sitting down at his desk again. He placed the letter next to his keyboard and placed the raccoon in his lap. As he was placing the headphones back over his ears, he could hear his friend's loud voice talking about something random. 

"So yeah then he was like I want to take that bee and make it my son!" 

"What did I just walk into?" Tommy said announcing his presence after looking at his camera with a confused look. 

"Tommy! You're back!" Tubbo yelled. "What happened? Why did you leave?" 

"Uhh," Tommy hesitated, not wanting to put everything out into the world. "My mom just wanted to tell me something, it couldn't wait. It's all good big man." It wasn't technically a lie, his mom did tell him about the letter and it couldn't have waited. 

"You okay?" Tubbo asked, sensing that something was off and the fact that the top of the raccoon could be seen in the camera. 

"Yeah I'm good," Tommy said, brushing him off. "Where were we?" 

They continued playing for a bit longer. The chat was nice enough to not point out the redness around his eyes and barraged the people who did. Tommy ended stream when he deemed it alright to do so. He was tired and sad now.

He felt lonely. He knew that he had Tubbo and Ranboo to talk to. He always had Phil and Techno in his corner,  but he just felt incomplete without Wilbur. Like a part of him was missing. He knew he was being dramatic like he wasn't that clingy. But he couldn't stop the feeling, the emptiness. 

Tommy slowly got up from his desk, cradling the raccoon to his chest, and walked to his bed. He sat down on the edge and looked at his stuffed animal. It was stupid, he thought. To be so attached to something so meaningless in the material. But, Wilbur got it for him. Wilby. That meant, that the trash animal meant everything. 

The blonde went to bed that night thinking of all the good times with Wilbur. All the times he's felt down and the older was able to make him feel like nothing had ever happened. His troubles were gone, just poofed away. He rested easy that night. 

Things got easier after that. Days went on, streams continued with friends, and Tommy kept living as per usual. He wasn't so sad anymore, having come to terms with the situation. Before he knew it, another month had gone by. It was sad having to play MCC and Lore without Wilbur, but he managed. Even won MCC that past month too. He couldn't wait to brag to Wil about it. 

At the end of the month, another letter came. Tommy walked into his kitchen after getting home from school looking for a snack, only to see the envelope sitting on the table for him. He smiled before snatching up the letter and ripping it open. 


Hey Toms, how are you? Hope you are well. That seems way too formal for us lol. Yes... I did just write that out. Don't judge. 

I have to tell you though, even more craziness has ensued since the last time! There I was, it was around 9 at night. My fam wanted Ice cream, I went out to the car, and there I went. Off to Walmart and on the way there, I felt a bump in the car. Didn't think much of it so I kept going. Soon as I pulled in the spot, I walked behind the car to inspect what might have occurred and there was a child's backpack stuck back there! You know what I said, I said, 'just killed a child, feeling good.'

Tommy laughed so hard he started coughing. 

I know, true story though. It really did happen, I know what you're thinking, you Gremlin. It's the truest thing that you will ever hear in your entire life. I swear, mark my words. This is the weirdest place I've ever been. 

Though in all seriousness, the funerals happened. I honestly didn't know what was happening half the time. Since I don't talk to that side of my family too often, I didn't know the people who were in the caskets. People were crying though, so I assumed they were loved. It was good to know in all honestly. 

I feel like sometimes people just need to be reminded of how much they're loved. 

Tommy felt his chest tighten

Tommy, I want to tell you something. I know I mentioned this before, but I think we should move out here to the country. When you're done with school, we can pack up and live here. We will still stream and make content like vlogs, but we can be free out here. Just live the life we've always wanted, together! The air does wonders, there are fields to mess around in, the town is small and content. We can be us here without the fear of running into fans everywhere we go. 

Tell me what you think when I get back, but I thought the heads up would be nice. Just mull it over and we'll come up with an official plan yeah? 

I love you Bubs, I hope you're doing okay. I think about you a lot you know? It's so odd not having you to talk to all the time. Everyone here is too quiet, but there are so many other things that remind me of you. Like the sunrises, the light is nice to wake up to in the morning. I can imagine you running around out here and watching the clouds with me. 

I finished the song for you. It's a lot like Your City Gave Me Asthma, with just the guitar. I can't wait to show you when I get back! I love you, Sunshine. 

Love, Wilby. 

Tommy took a deep breath and looked up from the parchment. Live together? So far away? It was a lot to take in at once, living with Wilbur was something he had fantasized about before. The amount of chaos the two could insight while being together constantly was immense. They could come up with content ideas and be able to work together constantly and bounce ideas off of each other in person. It would just be easier to be able to yell to the other room or just walk to the other when they wanted some input, instead of having to wait for the other to pick up on a call if they could. 

But what about his parents? He would be so far away from them for so long. His friends from school would all be over here as well, he couldn't see them every day as he can now in class. Everything he knew was here, he would be leaving it behind. But at the same time, that's what everyone has to do at some point in their lives, leave the nest to find more in life. But was he ready to do that? 

He had time to think, till he gets out of college. That's a lot of time to think, so he doesn't dwell for too long. Wilby wrote him again. Told him the funniest of stories to make him feel better, that was enough for him. Wilbur would always be enough. 

Grabbing his bag and a quick snack from the kitchen, Tommy bounded up the stairs to place the letter next to the other one that was sent to him. He ended up tacking them to the wall above his monitors. Being able to look up at them during streams always gave him this fuzzy feeling in his chest. He wasn't soft though, he wasn't. He was a big man! At least that's what he tells himself. 

The rest of the night was filled with watching old Wilbur Soot videos and past streams. Listening to the other man's voice was always so soothing. He fell asleep with the sounds of gentle guitar and soft singing in his ears. 

Soon half the month had gone by. It was filled with loud benchtrio streams and vlogs with Gogy and Jack. The fans were going crazy over them, the more recent vlogs tended to be big hits! It was most likely because George was in them, pretty privilege is real. 

There was one particular lore stream that hit home a bit too much. It was with Dream, his character was being insulted intensely. It was just one after another. Tommy knew it was fake, but he was working himself up for the camera. It wasn't until Wilbur's character was brought up that it started to become a little more real. 

"Where's Wilbur, huh?" Dream yelled at him. 

Tommy's brain short-circuited. 

"He left! Because of you!" Dream screamed, screamed. "Where's your big brother now?" 

Tommy couldn't take it anymore, "SHUT UP!" Wilbur was gone, tears fell. 

Dream paused a bit, that wasn't in the script. "Aww, did I hit a nerve?" He jumped back into character, moving the story along. 

Tommy wasn't exactly present for the rest of said stream. Wilbur didn't leave because of him. He knew that, it just hurt to hear it still. After the stream Dream texted him asking if he was okay and if they should tone down the lore. But that wasn't the problem, it's just circumstantial. So he told Dream that he was fine and left it at that. 

Tommy just couldn't wait for Wilbur to come home and just sit next to him. Tommy just misses him. This just didn't help at all. 

Then it happened. It fucking happened. 

It was after a normal day at school. Tommy was on his way out of the school and about to walk home when he saw him. Leaning on his car, hands in his pockets, was none other than Wilbur Soot. 

Tommy stopped moving. Everything just stopped. All he could see was the man standing in front of him, slouched in a way that only Wilbur could do. He was clad in his signature yellow, worn sweater, a jacket on top of it. He let his brown curls fly free by not wearing a beanie. 

It was so incredibly Wilbur Soot that Tommy's knees when slack. And when the man looked up and saw Tommy emerge from the school building, he smiled. He smiled so wide that his face hurt with the profile-splitting grin that sat upon his features. 

Tommy ran, he ran so fast that Wilbur barely had time to prepare himself for the impact that was TommyInnit. When they did collide, Tommy wrapped his legs around Wilbur's waist and arms around his neck, clinging like a koala. The brunette's arms wrapped tightly around Tommy and held on in a crushing hug. As if Tommy would disappear if he held on any looser. 

Wilbur buried his nose into Tommy's shoulder as he felt Tommy do the same. Tommy sobbed. Full-on sobbed. A wretched wet noise ripped from his chest and into Wilbur's jacket. Wilbur held on impossibly tighter. The rest of the world became background noise, as everything that was important was in their arms. The outside world could wait. 

"Hi, Toms."

Tommy let out a watery laugh. 

"Wilby," he choked out. But he refused to let go of the older man to see him. He just wouldn't let him go, couldn't yet. 

"I'm here, Sunshine. I'm here," Wilbur softly told him. He rubbed circles on Tommy's back in hopes of calming the blonde and letting him take in a normal breath. 

They sat there for what seemed like hours and only seconds all at the same time. Before Tommy released his legs and stood up on his own to feet, with the help of his older brother. His legs felt like jello between the shock and holding himself up for a long period of time. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Tommy asked in a gravelly voice once he was able to use it. 

Wilbur huffed a laugh, "I came home early, thought I'd surprise you." 

"You fucker," Tommy whispered in the fondest of tones. Wilbur chuckled at the boy and ran a hand through his hair. Tommy followed his hand like a cat. Wilbur smiled at his little brother's antics, he missed him so much. 

The younger shoved his face back into Wilbur's chest before saying, "I want to." 

Wilbur huffed a noise of confusion, "sorry? Want to what?" The hand in the blonde locks pausing for the moment. 

"To move. To move in together." 

His older brother smiled and tried to pull Tommy in closer. He hunched over a bit as if he could protect Tommy from everything around them, from everything that would ever try to hurt the infamous Tommyinnit. 

"Let's do it," was all he said in reply. Wilbur could feel the tears leave his face and watch them fall onto the fluffy curls that were pushed into his ribs. Tommy sighed, Wilbur was enough. He knew Wilbur would always be enough. His parents would be far away, but Wilbur would be enough. 

"I was hoping you would be okay with me stealing you for the rest of the day," Wilbur stated. 

"You can steal me anytime, big man," Tommy laughed. 

Wilbur hesitantly pulled away and looked at Tommy, really looked at him. His eyes were red and puffy, his hair was a mess, but it was Tommy. His little brother is in his arms again after two and a half months. He wouldn't have been able to survive for another fifteen days. Wilbur almost cried again seeing him so attached to him. 

Tommy only disconnected from their embrace in order to get into the car, then he refused to look anywhere other than the man sitting next to him. 

"I'm not going anywhere, Toms," Wilbur reassured while reaching over to grab his hand. Their fingers lace together and sit on the middle console. Tommy sighs again and leans back in his seat, finally resting, finally whole. Complete. 

Later on, they will move away together and find happiness for years to come. Living life united and making sure to stay together in any way possible for the rest of the time. 

Hey everyone, this took me way too long to finish, heehee. But it's done, hope you enjoy! Please vote, comment, follow if you liked it!

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