Chapter 1

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Eva waited silently in the truck, rain pattered down on the windows. She sighed, her dad had insisted he get her a new horse. He said that it would make her feel better. Eva was 18 and still lived with her father, she was going to become a veterinarian so her dad could have one on his breeding farm. And he had told her that she needed a nice horse to make her happy. Well she didn't believe it was going to help. Her father also insisted that she come see the horse before he bought it. But she told him no and that she would just stay in the truck.

Eva heard the clank of the trailer and the fearful nicker of the horse. She waited for a while longer before her dad jumped in the truck, rain was dripping from his hair down his forehead. "He's a wild one" he said with a smile. "I think you'll take a liking to him!". "dad! I honestly don't want another horse!" Eva scowled. "Honey, just try him, he's had a rough time too," her father hesitated "look he just needs someone who can love and care for him, he's been abused and he really could use a good new home.". Eva thought about it, maybe she should want this horse. After all he needed someone who could get him back into shape, and her father wasn't going to be the one to do it. "Fine" she sighed as she put her cheek against the truck window.

As they drove she watched the houses go by. "What kind of horse is he?" Eva asked, the words had just slipped out of her mouth. "He's a Thoroughbred" her father said with a surprised tone "I was told he used to be a race horse". Eva nodded and continued to look out the window. She wondered why her father was so desperate to get her a new horse. Was it because he wanted her to be happy? Or because he didn't like seeing her like this? Or even because he wanted her to start riding again? Well whatever it was, he wasn't doing anything at all.

After what seemed like hours of silence, they pulled up in the drive way. Meg came running up to the truck barking loudly. Eva's dad hopped out of the truck and Meg jumped up on her back legs giving him affectionate licks. "Down girl!" her dad snickered. Eva hopped out of the truck and Meg came up to her, she didn't jump up on her but instead Eva bent down and let the dog lick her face. After the dog had licked her face Eva stood up and grabbed her house keys and unlocked the door. She walked in and set her books down.

Eva let out a sigh as she sat on the couch. She sat there for a moment and closed her eyes until she heard a loud fearful whinny. She peaked out the window to find her dad pulling her new horse out of the trailer. His chestnut coat was dull, you could nearly count all of his ribs. Poor thing Eva thought to herself. He reared up on his rickety legs trying to break free of her father. But he was pulled back down to the ground and led him into the barn. The rain blurring the window, she sat back down on the couch. She grabbed a blanket and pillow and laid down. Her eyes started to close as she drifted off to sleep.

Eva flickered her eyes open as the pale morning sun flickered on her nose. She let out a long yawn and stretched. She had fallen asleep on the couch. "mornin sleepy head!" Her dad laughed. "You forgot to head out to your house last night!" "I know dad...." Eva snorted. Eva had her own house on her dads property, he had been generous enough to let her stay for free since she was going to become a vet for his ranch.

Eva walked into the kitchen and sat down for breakfast. She looked down at her plate which had bacon, eggs and toast on it. "dad you didn't have to make me breakfast..." Eva smiled "I am just as capable as anyone, to walk over to the kitchen myself and make breakfast". Her dad nodded "I know, but I thought you might like a break from that." Eva laughed and continued to eat her breakfast. When she was done she took her plate to the sink and started to wash it.

"Will you go feed all of the horses when your done?" Her dad asked "Sure," Eva sighed. "Okay you know the other things you have to do, like make sure all of the brood mares are alright and that they have water and food?" Her dad asked "of course I do!" Eva laughed as she put her mud boots on. She grabbed a fleece jacket and reached for the door knob. "oh will you also feed your horse?" Her dad added. "Fine" Eva nodded as she slammed the door behind her.

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