Flip Flop's the best for lazy people

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Another one from flamingogirl102.

1. Favourite internet browser?

Google Chrome. <3

2. Preferred size of paper?


3. Most like sport?

I guess badminton since that's my best sport.

4. Veins or arteries?

Arteries...but also veins.

5. Protons or neutrons?


6. Favourite gem?

Uh...I never thought of this, but uh...I wouldn't know.

7. Myki or Go card?

I'm not from your country, so I don't know anything about these.

8. Last dream you can remember?

My primary school canteen has aisles have food just like the supermarket, so we can choose whatever we can eat during recess and ask the people to cook it for you or you can just microwave it yourself.

9. Preferred type of shoes?

Flip flops.

10. Cry or yell?


11. What makes you angry?

For the most recent reason, people not discussing something big with me beforehand and just did it without prior notice and having me to clean up the mess.

12.  What makes you sad?

Everything bad that's happening in this world.

13.  What makes you happy?

A lot things. People's smiles, food, holidays, free time so I can do stuff, etc.

Tag (If you don't do tags, it's okay to ignore this part and you can also tell me not to tag you again if you don't like it.)















1. What is the first thing you do to calm yourself down when you're angry?

2.  What is the first thing you do to calm yourself down when you're nervous?

3. Would you rather feel sad or numb?

4. Who are living in the same house as you are?

5. What would be your reaction if I told you I was your sister?

6. Sheep or goat?

7. What are you looking forward to today?

8. Your favourite app on your phone?

9. Give me a random sentence from the book(paperback or Wattpad) you're reading now.

10. Straight, wavy or curly hair?

11. The sun or the moon?

12. Cloudless sky or cloudy?

13. The river or the sea?

So here's another tag completed (finally). I'm just going to squeeze some limes now so I'll have some lime juice to drink. :P

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