From my dear wolf

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So Wattpad had just released the multimedia function, yeah!!! I've been waiting for this day for so long, so out of curiosity and also excitement, I'm making another tag just so I can try out the function. :P

Finally, I'm taking a break from flamingogirl102's questions and I'm attacking wolfess21's set of questions for now. :P

1. Latest obsessions?

Mr SuicideSheep's music. <3 Off days from school! Tags and editing pictures as in book covers(You guys can ask for one if you want) or something like that. Oh, and green tea and the spicy Korean ramyun noodles.

2. Greatest fear?

That I'll disappoint someone.

3. One thing you love the most?

Thing? My things, duh. Can't choose just one.

4. What you can't live without?

Oxygen and food and water and since it's earth, money. (A girl has to be realistic too.)

5. Turn on?

Nice people.

6. Turn off?

Horrible people.

7. Latest Wattpad addiction?

Tags I guess, I don't really have a choice.

8. Favourite family member?

Uh-uh, told you I can't choose. I love both my parents!

9. Worst thing you ever had to do?

Crumpled up a paper of my tablemate in primary school because my other tablemate was being a bully and forced me to do it or else she'll tear my paper so I did and I felt sorry for that tablemate who I crumpled her paper up. :(

10. Have you ever played 7 minutes in heaven? 

Nope, what is that game?

11. How old were you when you had your first proper relationship?

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, no one even wants me. *continues to laugh but starts to cry halfway through*

12. Best friend for life?

I don't call anyone my best friend after 12 so I won't be disappointed if they walked out of my life but damn it, it still hurts a lot when they do. 

13. Favourite band?

Don't really have a favourite, I just listen to whatever.

Tag, you're it! Tag, tag you're it! Yes it's a song by Melanie Martinez (If you don't do tags, it's okay to ignore this.)














The questions have arrived:

1. Squirrels or chipmunks?

2. Chestnuts or pines?

3. Do you want to bath in money or gold?

4. Would you rather wear your clothes inside out or the opposite way(as in the front is facing the back)?

5. Would you rather wear different colour socks or only one sock?

6. Laptop or tablet?

7. If a random person proposed to you right now on the street where everyone is staring, what would you do?

8. If you have to hug five people every day, who would they be?

9. When on Wattpad, short stories or longer stories do you prefer reading?

10. If a horse kicked you in the butt right now, what would you do? (wolfess21: I thought about your horse and this question was born. xD)

11. Favourite cleaning equipment?

12. Something that you find disgusting this week.

13. Something that you regret not buying this week.

Enjoy these question, okay? I racked my brain to come up with all of them. :P

Nah, I didn't forget about wanting to try out the new multimedia function. So here's something I've made after watching Paper Towns... 

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