From my first friend on Wattpad

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This time, I got a tag from lynxlyrablack, my first friend who gave me my first full on support and gave me the courage to write a story(that was longer than ten chapters) which was Don't Act Like You Forgot. Thank you so much for getting me started on this journey! <3

1. What's your greatest achievements (so far) in your life?

Uh...I don't know. Maybe that I'm still alive and haven't accidentally burn down a building?

2. What advice could you give to people who are confused?

You're confused? Ha, same! *give me five* Well, just hang on until you're slightly less confused and repeat everything again when you're confused again. Okay, that was the worst advice ever. 

3. Are you happy?

Uh...yes? YES!

4. If you answered yes to the previous question, what makes you happy?

My family and friends and that dog outside my house and my bed and getting notifications on Wattpad and getting to chat with you guys!(whoever is willing to chat) <3

5. Do you have any pets?


6. If yes, what kind of pets and how many?

I had a dog, but he passed away. :( But at least, I still have my turtle.  

7. Do you prefer living in the busy city or a small town?

I don't know. A small town not too far away from a busy city would be nice.

8. Any pet peeves?

Smokers. I just can't stand someone smoking near me. Other times, you're allowed to be near me. People who stop talking in the middle of a sente—

9. Are you intellectually advance?

I don't know. What do you think?

10. Is English your native language?


11. What's your goal on Wattpad?

Never thought of this, lol! But I guess to meet more nice people, write more stories that contain messages from me and also improve my writing skills. :3

12. Who are you closest friends on Wattpad?

lynxlyrablack and wolfess21 and izzywriter because we chat almost every day. Thanks for the chat, guys! :D

13. Do you trust them?

Why not? Hey, don't you dare try to take advantage of that, okay? *stands between two tigers*

Yup, it's you! (If you really don't do tags, it's okay to ignore this and you can tell me not to tag you again in the future too if you don't like receiving tags.)















Questions, I can't think of any good questions now:

1. What would you do if you found a voodoo doll that looks a lot like you?

2. If there was a thief in your house, what will you do?

3. Do you think long distance relationship could last?

4. What would you name your future child(ren)? (a girl's name and a boy's name is required, unless you know what gender your future child is. xD)

5. How would you die in the Hunger Games? 

6. If you're the winner, how did you win?

7. If you're lost in the jungle or desert and you're extremely dehydrated, would you rather drink your own pee or risk dying?

8. Favourite natural hair colour?

9. Favourite natural eye colour?

10. If there are no restrictions of any kind, what animal would be your guardian?

11. Colour pencils, crayons or water colours?

12. A person you want to say sorry to?

13. A person you want to throw off the cliff?

That's all, folks. Have fun! :D

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