I'm not your chauffer

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Don't you just hate it when people treat you like you're their free chauffeur? I don't know if it's just me, but whenever they do this, it's just kills my mood to go out after that. Here are some...unpleasant experience I got from my friends:

Experience 1:

You and your friends had this plan to go to the mall and two of them doesn't have any transportations(excluding your best friend). You and your best friend had already planned to carpool since both your houses are not that far away from each other, so her father fetched her to your house and your father picked the both of you up to the mall. 

Now, the other two friends who didn't have any transportations knew about it somehow, so they asked you if you could pick them up too. The problem is, their house is far away and it's not even along the same route to the mall. In order to pick them up, you have to specially go to another residential area that is far away from your house and also the mall and then make a whole big round back to the mall. When you tell them about this, they got angry and say bad things to you while you and your best friend are just there trying not to stuff a pot of cactus into their mouth. Then, when your father said it's okay to go the extra mile to pick them, they got angry with you again for being five minutes late. Like, seriously? Go ride a bike something if you're so unsatisfied with me/my father's free service. My father is taking his working time and petrol to bring you to the mall for FREE and then bringing you back home SAFELY FOR FREE while having to rush back to his clients at work. At least say thank you, you bitches!

Experience 2:

Your friends just want you to go to that certain party or place because they have no transportations. They only need you to go because they want you to fetch them. They don't even bother asking you if it's convenient for you or your parents who are driving. They didn't even asked if the distance from your house and their house and the destination are okay with you/your parents schedule. They didn't even tell you that they want you there because they want to hang out with you. All they are concern with is if you're going to pick them up. The most recent example is as follows:

Friend: Are you going?

Me: I'm not sure. How about you?

Friend: We want to, but we all have no transportations, so please go.

Me: I'll have to see my schedule on that day.

Friend: I hope you go because we really want to go.

*On that day*

Friend who organised the party: So are you guys coming?

Friend: No because we have no transportation. *turns to look at me* It's all because of her, she didn't go so we can't.

Another friend: Why aren't you going? Now she can't go.

Wow, thanks for the concern. What am I to you now? Your free chauffeur? Are you trying to make me feel guilty for not being your FREE chauffeur? Like, imagine yourself in my shoes, will you? Imagine someone asking you to go somewhere just because they need YOUR transportation and not because they actually want YOU there. Seriously, it just kills all the excitement in me to go anywhere with you guys after what you did.

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