My trial exams is finally over! Yeah!

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So I got tagged back by ChocoNajma with MY OWN questions because she's lazy as hell to think up of her own. Just kidding, girly. xD By the way, I kinda forgot I asked all these questions. 

1. If you could do one thing for your neighbour, what would it be?

I don't know, help babysit their kids? Or bake something for them? I'm not really sure.

2. A friend you miss.

A girl from primary school. We used to be such good friends and that stopped for a while when we got to secondary school but then we got back to being good friends again. Too bad, we stopped hanging out again at some point of our lives and we haven't talked until now. :(

3. Something that made you sad this week.

That the grades on papers seem to be more important than the health and happiness of ourselves. :(

4. Something that made you smile this week.

My trials are over, yeah! :D

5. Which animal language would you rather learn to speak (only one, please)?

Dog, definitely dog language so we can chat all day and night. xD

7. A favourite book you read this month.

I haven't read any interesting books this months because of trials. The only books I read are textbooks. Ugh.

8. Favourite thing to hug to sleep?

My bolster. <3 I had it since I was four I think, I have no shame in hugging it.

6. You didn't notice I was missing, right? Yeah, because you only think of yourself. :(

Hey, I actually got cheated by myself because I was busy watching TV while answering this. xD

9. Chocolate chips or raisins chips or butter cookies?

Butter cookies and chocolate chip cookies. <3

10. What would you do if someone rob you right now?

Punch him? Most probably glare at him before shouting at him first before I wait and see what my natural response would be.

11. What would you do if you saw a cockroach right in front of you now?


12. A favourite spot in school/college/workplace?

The computer lab. <3

13. What would happen if you took the opposite direction you just took a while ago? (No deep meaning here, just plain left or right when you reach a junction.)

I'll be out of my room.

Just calling you people to come to me because I can. xD (It's okay if you don't do tags, you can also tell me not to tag you again in the future if you don't like getting tag.)














And also to answer these questions because you can. :P

1. Favourite pizza toppings?

2. Favourite ice cream toppings?

3. Favourite hairstyle?

4. E-mail or handwritten letter?

5. Something embarrassing you did?

6. Something you regretted?

7. Do you sleep with the lights on? If yes, is it just a dim light or is it bright?

8. Where do you usually read Wattpad stories? Phone or computer or tablet?

9.  Where do you usually write Wattpad stories? Phone or computer or tablet?

10. What is the first five things thing you're going to do when you become a millionaire?

11. Sunset or sunrise?

12. Favourite bird?

13. What food would you give me if we're having lunch together?

Have fun answering the questions, guy! Because you can. Remember to smile if you haven't today. :D

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