Talent? Ha, yeah, right, talent...*cries*

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Thanks for all the fun lynxlyrablack, here's my answer to all your questions, no cheating because I'm a good girl. xD

1. IOS or Android?

I haven't used IOS but I don't mind using it because Android lags like hell. Or maybe because mine is Note 1 which is really old considering how everyone changes their phone every other month. But meh, whatever, it's a hand me down anyway and I wouldn't have a smartphone if that wasn't handed down to me, so can't complain.

2. How do you deal with defeat?

Laugh it off. Find a place to be alone. Cry. Thinks about what a failure I am. Blasting music on headphones. Thinks"screw that, I don't give a damn anymore". Drowns self in more music. Feels better and forgets about it until the next defeat hits me. Repeat. 

3. What's your forte?

Talent? What talent? I wonder if I even have a talent. *Laughs*

4. Do you have any musical talent?

Nope, what I know about music is what everyone knows. Wait, is knowing a little bit of guitar count?

5. Is English your native language?

You asked this before, remember? xD Anyway, no. Or maybe yes, but that's considered as broken English, so no. *looks around to see if anyone if judging me for using broken English*

6. MOST embarrassing memory?

I can't even decide which is the MOST embarrassing one. >w< For now, I can only think about that one time when I went to the guys toilet instead of the girls(see my previous post, I mentioned about it.) Good thing no one saw that, I guess. >.<

7. Recent awkward moment?

A girl standing a distance away from me was waving in my direction and I was contemplating if she was waving at me or not. Good thing I didn't wave back because I turned around and waited for a few seconds and finally another girl was waving back. But I think she saw me looking at her. *blushes*

8. Most awkward moment?

When you're talking but no one is listening. Or when you thought you heard someone talking to you and you answered but they're actually talking to someone else.

9. Types of people you hate the most.

Arrogant + ignorant people. People who smoke.(I'm sorry, smokers, I just can't stand the smell. >.<) People who create rumours about other people. People who assume stuff without understanding the entire situation.

10. How do you deal with hate?

Laugh it off. Find a place to be alone. Cry. Thinks about what a failure I am. Blasting music on headphones. Thinks"screw that, I don't give a damn anymore". Drowns self in more music. Feels better and forgets about it until the next defeat hits me. Repeat. 

11. If you transferred to another school, how would you act?

I have no idea although I seriously thought about doing that when I was thirteen. Hmm...I'll probably try to make new friends and hope the people there are nice.

12. If given the chance to start over, would you?

Nah, wouldn't want to go through all the exams and homework. xD Anyway, what's passed is passed, take it as lessons and memories so you can create something better along the way. :)

13. What would you say to me if I woke up with amnesia?

Hi, you owed me five thousand. Pay up! 

Nah, just kidding. But I'll probably say hi because I wouldn't know if you have amnesia or not before talking to you.

I ran out of ideas to say you've been tag, so yeah...(It's okay if you don't do tags, just ignore this part and tell me if you don't like getting tag, so I won't tag you again in the future.)














I also ran out of ways to say it's question time, so here you go...

1. What is the best thing your friend did to you?

2. What is the worst thing your friend did to you?

3. If you have the money to donate a million dollars to any charity, what will it be?

4. Favourite pizza flavour?

5. Which culture are you most interested in?

6. If you woke up in a room you don't recognise, what will you do?

7. If you woke up and found out you killed someone, what will you do?

8. If a dog rejected your company, what will you do?

9. Will you still write the story you've been writing/wanted to write on Wattpad even if you receive one hate on it? What if it's a lot of hate but also a lot of love?

10. Creepiest song you ever heard?

11. A song that made you cry?

12. Favourite drink?

13. Something someone did you couldn't forgive.

There ya go! I almost forgot about this whole pile of tags that I should be doing weeks ago, but meh, I'll do it slowly. xD

By the way, I now have a cover shop so if any of you need a cover, feel free to request for one or if you know anyone who needs one, spread the word around too. Thanks! :)

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