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Another one from wolfess21 and I do agree with you, sweetie. I don't even know how are we going to end these tags at this rate we're going. But whatever, I love them! xD

1. Favourite quotes?

Hmm...this is a good question. I think for now it's one from Taylor Swift's speech for Clean. 

"You are not damaged goods just because you made a few mistakes in your life; You are not the opinion of someone that doesn't know you "

2. Biggest pet peeves?

Another good question because I can never just choose one. I guess people who smoke near me?

3. One of your worst/annoying habits?

That I procrastinate too much? Oh come one, everyone does that. Right? Okay, I'll just go somewhere and hide before someone comes yelling at me.

4. If you could choose to date anyone for a year who would it be? (celebrities, normal people and fictional characters are included.)

Jack Frost would be nice, oh and every one of those nice boys who only appears in novels.

5. Worst book ending you've ever read?

Worst as in "it spoils the whol story and in a bad way?" Erm...I, I don't think I remember any bad endings, just boring whole story, which I don't want to name it in case the author somehow passed by and read this. 

6. Worst main character in a book?

I guess Thomas in The Maze Runner? (Please don't come stabbing me for saying this. This does not apply on the actor who acted Thomas in the book, it purely directs only to the fictional character in the book. For those who love this character, this is just my opinion, so don't come over and stab me too, thanks.)

7. Best main character in a book?

Best? Oh, I don't have a best. But I do have lots that I love.

8. Favourite book/book series?

Erm...I don't know. Like I said, I can't just choose one among the many books that I'd read, so...

9. Why? In response to question 8.

Because I'm indecisive as hell. That's what it is.

10. Favourite number?

I do not know. Probably any number really.

11. If your number is 7, can you guess who it's scared of? If not, play along anyway. 

wolfess21, your death glare doesn't work on me. *Smirks*  <— I have no idea why I left this message when I first typed the questions here and I'm too lazy to search in your random book to find the reason behind it, so erm...hope you know what it means. xD

12. Seven eight(ate) nine. Did ya guess it?

Yup, I did. :P

13. There is no number 21, it's fictional. 

Ha, I knew it! Forever 21? Are you kidding me? Nothing is forever. Oh, and by the way, I kinda like the fashion in Forever 21, so erm...anyone wants to buy me anything from there? :P

Tagging you people like a boss. xD (If you don't do tags, it's okay to ignore this or you can just tell me to not tag you again in the future if you don't like it.)














Asking you guys question like a boss. xD

1. What would you do if you found out your other half is cheating on you?

2. What would you do if the person he/she had been cheating on you with came to you and mock you?

3. What would you do if you're the one doing the cheating?

4. One animal that you think will take over the human race and rule the world one day.

5. Romantic movies or horror?

6. Would you rather stay up til 5 am or sleep and wake up at 5 am?

7. In conjunction with the new release of multimedia function on Wattpad — Favourite GIF?

8. A story that made you cry?

9. Would you rather be a horrible person but have everything and everyone in the world or be one of the kindest people but have nothing and no one with you?

10. If a child and an adult need a blood transfusion but you only have enough for one, who would you choose to save?

11. Would you rather work in a place where you get really high pay but the boss is a horrible person and makes you work a lot or a place where the boss is nice to you but the pay is just average?

12. If your child needs a heart transplant but the only suitable one that is available is a criminal, will you accept it?

13. Would you ever forgive someone for indirectly causing the death of someone you love but you know they didn't mean it?

Okay, those were some serious questions. Anyway, let me know your decisions! :D

P/S: So, I typed these questions like...months ago and I have no recollection of how I got these questions, but nonetheless, I am curious of your answers. *winks*

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