Yup, another tag

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Finally, it's not from flamingogirl102 but from CanYouWrite. So here it goes...

1. How are you today?

Better than most days I guess, since it's the public holiday, so no school. *cheers* And it finally rained today after being so unbearably hot the past few weeks, so...*another cheer*

2. What is your best memory?

When I was still hoping to grow up faster. I miss those days...*sighs*

3. Funniest moment in your life?

I'm not sure which one is the funniest, but one of them was when I was playing badminton with my friends and my friend (let's call her A) got too aggressive or excited to hit the shuttlecock back to us but ended up falling down to a kneeling position. Since she was on the opposite court from me and my another friend (let's call her B) and she was directly kneeled towards her, B yelled at her:"Don't pray to me, get up!" (Okay, maybe some of you won't get it, but it was funny at that time.) Another time was when my friend wanted to hit the shuttlecock back to me and her racquet came flying together with the shuttlecock. And one more was whenever I tried to catch the shuttlecock with my hand instead of being normal and hit it back with the racquet. (I don't get why I do that either, I just do.)

4. What animal are you most like?

I don't know. According to the Chinese zodiac, I'm an ox.

5. Are you allergic to something, if so, what is it?

I'm allergic to something, but I don't know what is it because the doctors didn't have a test on me.

6. What brings you instant happiness?

Money, cha-ching! Okay, maybe not that one but money definitely could help make things easier. Despite that, chatting with my friends and feeling my tummy hurt from too much laughing is instant happiness to me.

7. What is your ultimate takeaway?

Erm...can't choose just one.

10. What do you want for you birthday this year?

Good grades and maybe a laptop? But that laptop wouldn't come if we don't have the money for it, so I guess I'll wish for the money first before the laptop. Yup.

11. Biggest commitment you've ever made?

Erm hmm...I answered this before but I'm going to give a different answer for now, so it's uh...to stay alive?

12. Paper or card?


13. Are you enjoying this? 

Yup and yes. :)

You're it! (If you don't do tags, just ignore the answering part and you can just tell me not to tag you again in the future so I won't.)














Da questions...

1. Coffee or tea?

2. If someone walked up to you and tell you that they love you, what will you do?

3. Favourite Disney movie?

4. Your soft spot?

5. What will your last meal be if you know you're not going to make it tomorrow?

6. If a child runs out into the middle of a highway and you're driving on that very lane, what will you do at that moment and what will you do after that?

7. What were you thinking when you got your first follower on Wattpad?

8. Favourite social media?

9. What will you do if your parents tell you that you're adopted?

10. What will you do if a chipmunk jumped into your window and starts singing to you?

11. Your pet peeves?

12. Most hated character in a book you've read?

13. Most loved character in a book you've read?

There, enjoy! :D

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