Chapter 17

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I wake up in an old, abandoned warehouse, tied to a chair. I try to move, but I can't. Grant tied this rope really tightly, I think to myself with a smirk. "Hello? Grant? Are you there?"

"It's just us in here, Daniella," I hear someone say behind me. Luckily, I recognize that voice.

"Oh...good. Honestly, Grant, I was super freaked out when I blacked out last night," I say with a smile.

Then, Grant comes out from behind the wall above me on a platform. He chuckles. "You should've been. Sorry, but I had to...I just couldn't let you get away..."

"What do you mean?" I say with a confused look on my face.

"This isn't the same warehouse that you think, Dani. I left a note at R5's doorstep saying something along the lines of: 'You'll never see Daniella again. She wanted to leave you, anyway. Why bother coming to save her?'" Grant coos with a soft chuckle.

"So, you tricked me into running away, thinking that this was all an act and that I'd see them again?!" I hiss, trying to break free of the ropes.

"Exactly. Wow, you're not as dumb as I first thought you were," Grant says.

"Just one of the new things you'll learn about me once I break free of these ropes," I say sarcastically.

"We both know that that's not gonna happen," Grant says as he leaps down from the platform and walks to me. Then, he caresses my cheek. I pull away. "You're all mine. And there's no way you're leaving," he adds as he snaps his fingers. Then, two more Warblers that I immediately recognize come out of the shadows: Darren Criss and Curt Mega. "Boys, take care of her. I've got business to attend to..." Then, he takes a cliche dramatic exit.

"Wow...and I actually thought you two were cute," I say under my breath.

"Aw..." Curt says as he and Darren look at each other with a smirk. "But, Princess, we are...just not the type of 'cute' you'd expect..."

"You know...the police will eventually find out about this. Then, you'll all be behind bars for the rest of your sorry little lives..." I say with a smirk.

Darren chuckles. "Heck, let 'em come. We're not scared of the cops." Then, they both start to walk away.

I chuckle. "It's not the police that you should be scared of. If I remember correctly, both of you like to sing and dance..." As soon as I say that, they stop dead in their tracks. They turn towards me. "You won't be able to act, sing, or dance after this..."

"'re never gonna be able to act or sing after this?!" Curt exclaims with his eyebrows raised.

"Not one note if anybody finds out that you two were involved in this. Do you really wanna take that chance?" I ask with a smirk, knowing that they can't resist. They exchanged nervous glances.

"You know what? No way. I mean, Grant can take his chances, but no way I'm gonna jeopardize that by being his slave," Curt says. Then, Darren pulls out a pocket knife and sets me free.

"Thanks, guys," I say with a smile. "Now, who knows where Grant went?"

"I think I might know," Curt says. "Come on."

We follow him for a while, until we've reached the R5 house.

We run. Then, we burst through the door. "ROSS SHOR LYNCH, DON'T YOU DARE BELIEVE ONE WORD THAT THAT CREEP SAYS!" I scream. They all look at me weirdly like they're seeing a ghost.

"Daniella? You're alright!" Ross says as he runs to me and spins me around. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine," I say with a smile. But, then, I remember what happened yesterday. "Where's Courtney?"

"I told her off and said that she had to leave," Ross says. "She's gone for good. I'm so, so, so, SO sorry that I ever cheated on you with her." After he says those words, he starts to cry. I wanted to jump for joy. I never have to see that she-devil again!

"So, Grant. What were you saying?" Riker asks him with a smirk. Grant just ran out the door, back to his house.

"Looks like he's not gonna be bothering us for a while," Riker says. "You sure you're alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I swear," I say with a laugh. Then, we all come in for a group hug. Curt and Darren stay out of the hug. I pull them both in.

Since then, Ross and I's relationship has had its ups and downs, but we still pull through. Eventually, I had to go back to Venezuela. I managed to get Ross's number, so, once in a while, when I'm feeling lonely, I text him. I'm never going to forget the time I spent in Sweden, though. Some of the best times of my life happened there and LA. I hope I can go back someday...

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