Aviva x Chris & Martin x Koki : Part 1

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(And one of the fandom's most popular ships. I enjoy this. I personally love Chris but hey, Aviva's cool. Suggested by my classmate, Sithmi. I own nothing but the storyline.)

The Wild Kratts crew are in the African savannah. Why? Because why not. The crew wanted to visit all the baby animals again, mostly Chris and Martin.

Chris wanted to see Thornsley, the baby elephant, or maybe the caracal that had previously stolen Aviva's family heirloom- a badminton shuttlecock. Martin wanted to see Blur, the cheetah with that playful cub, Spots Swat, who is now a year old and has lost the black and white stripe on his back that was used for mimicry.

Martin giggled as he lightly scratched (or tickled) the cub that snuggled in towards him. He could not resist "aw"-ing at him chirping with Blur at a side, watching, making sure he was safe.

Chris was scratching Thornsley. He was much bigger now, being a one-year-old elephant calf. He was laughing as he used his trunk to pick up a stick to scratch his back while lying in a pool of mud.

Aviva and Koki were standing at a side, watching the two brothers enjoying their time with their animal friends. The girls were glad with taking a small break from inventing.

They decided to have a day of rest.

This was music to Jimmy's ears. He can finally just sit there (or lie) and enjoy what life offers, eating his favourite snacks and stuff. No animals with sharp teeth and claws attacking them.

Being in Africa, temperature was getting a little high.

Aviva flicked her ponytail to a side and wipe the beads of perspiration on her forehead as she said," It's getting hot here."

Even though nobody saw it, the Kratt brothers were staring at her. Though, everyone did hear a little moan from them. Koki, who was leaning on the Tortuga ship nearby, noticed the way they looked at her.

Actually, both brothers are having crushes on the girl. I mean, it was starting to get obvious. Aviva was cute, smart and overall perfect.

The boys loved her. She thought off them as friends though, and isn't aware of the crush. None of the Wild Kratts crew are aware, except from themselves.

Chris wasn't aware that Martin's eyes were set on the same girl his were on. Vice versa. After several months, possibly years, the secret started to leak out with Koki's realisation.

At the end of the day, the animals left for their own particular reasons. The crew are sleeping in the Tortuga and they set the ship to lockdown mode, so no hyenas or lions sneak in while they were asleep.

The sun was starting to set. Everyone was getting in and hanging up their hammocks or laying their sleeping bags.

The whole crew fell fast asleep. It was dead silent. One eye was still open though. Martin was still thinking of Aviva while Chris and the rest were asleep. Of course he would. But this story isn't about him and her, is it?

At around 1 or 2 am, Martin got up from his sleeping bag to grab a midnight snack. Maybe an apple, or a bag of chips, or something.

"Hello Mart', why are you up so early?" asked Koki, leaning by the refrigerator door.

Martin rubbed his eyes as he answered sleepily," A snack."

"You sound like you're lacked quite a bit of sleep."

"Yeah, well, I haven't been sleeping."








"Hold on. Are you trying to get me to admit that I have eyes for Aviva?"

Koki smiled cheekily. "You just said it."

It was like as if Martin was sprayed with a bunch of water from Thornsley as he was wide awake. Oh no. He just said it. "Uh, Koki, don't tell her I said anything. Look, I'll do anything, anything, really. Just please, don't tell her." A smirk grew on Koki's face.

Being benevolent, Koki didn't threaten him, Martin gave a breath of relief, looking like he had just ran 10 miles- without the use of cheetah or wolf powers. Koki simply chuckled and walked away.

Martin was really nervous. At any moment, Koki could tell Aviva about his crush. He tried calming himself down.

Little did Martino know, Chris was half asleep- and heard the whole thing.

The next day, instead of roosters, wild guinea fouls woke up the crew, bright and early. The turtle ship went out of lockdown mode and the automatic doors began to work. Martin got up and stretched, a wide smile on his face as he did so. Chris seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of his sleeping bag. He had a noticeable frown, Aviva and Jimmy were confused, Martin was worried.

"We need to talk, bro," Chris said, grabbing his brother's arm tightly and pulling him aside.

"Why, what is it?" Martin asked, trying to hide the worry in his voice.

"Last night, I hear you confess to Koki about your crush." Martin gulped and Chris crossed his arms. "Explain."

"C'mon dude, I just have a teeny tiny little crush on Aviva."

"You what?! Bro, are you gonna go hitting on her?"

"Um... Maybe?"


"What? You like her too?!"

"Well... Um... Uh..." Chris didn't know how to respond. Yes he likes her but he could already smell that his brother does too. It's kinda embarrassing to tell your brother that you have a crush on your friend that he has a crush on too.

"Oh, you better get your hands off Aviva before I do it for ya!" Martin was beginning to stop being the goofy one and get serious. It isn't usually like him.

"Hey, I have a crush on her longer than you do so you lay off!!" Chris shouted back.

"No, I have a crush on her longer, you back off!"

"What's going on?" Aviva asked, hearing shouts from nearby, where the Kratt brothers were arguing.

Koki, who knew what was going on, tried to stop Aviva from investigating whatever was going on, in fear of her hurting the brothers. "They are just... disagreeing on something... Something about animals and creatures, you know," Koki said.

"Oh, okay."

"They'll settle that soon."

"I hope. They're kinda loud."


Back to the bros, they were just arguing and arguing about who gets Aviva. Things are getting heated now.

Jimmy, who was still sleeping in the cockpit, could hear them from inside, through the glass! Winding down the windows, he asked," Can you guys pipe down? I'm trying to get some sleep!"

For a split second the boys seemed fine and quickly apologised. Jimmy wind back up the window and leaned back to a sleeping position.

"Hold on, bro, she's mine!" Chris shouted, continuing what the Kratt brothers were doing.

"What?! No way, she's mine!"

"No. Mine."

"She's mine and you know it."

"No, she's mine."

The boys inched closer and neither backed down. In both of them was a burning passion for Aviva, since probably when the team was formed.

Both were wearing their Creature Power Vests and Gloves so what better way to settle this than the old way, with Creature Powers.

In seconds, the iconic blue and green glow of the Creature Power Suits shone as they slid the disc in and touched their chosen animal.

As they're in Africa, Martin chose to get cheetah powers from Blur while Chris got rhino powers from a nearby herd.

"On three." Chris said.

"One." Martin began counting.



The battle started with Chris charging at Martin, the blue boy easily dodging with incredible speeds. In realisation, Chris stopped and turned around, looking back to see where his brother jumped off to. With the cheetah's sharp claws slashing into Chris's back, causing a not-so-small tear in the suit.

Chris threw Martin off and like a cat, Martin landed on all fours before launching to another attack.

"This is getting crazy," Koki thought, knowing she had to stopped them as soon as possible. Then again, it would be cool to see a fight between a rhino and a cheetah. No, no, no. Koki swat those thoughts away, safety first.

"I'm getting Aviva!" Chris shout before charging again at full rhino speed and strength.

"Not a chance!" Martin cried back (cheetahs chirp) , attacking back with his sharp, semi-retractable claws.

"Stop!!" a loud shout came from nearby. Along the long grass stood the dark skin woman, Koki. "This is getting insane! Are you two trying to kill each other?!"

"No... Maybe..." one of them admitted.

"All because of a tiny crush on Aviva. Why not let her choose?"

Like as if she had told a joke, both Chris and Martin laughed but soon stopped. "Oh wait, you're serious."

"Yeah, I'm dead serious. You two are brothers and you're killing each other over a girl who may or may not like you? Are ya nuts?"

They scratched the back of their necks.

"Yeah, I guess we were kinda crazy," Martin said shyly.

"And I guess us fighting wouldn't be a very good thing," Chris said rather bashfully.

"Good, at least your heads are straight. Now, let's tell Aviva and let her decide," Koki said before turning around and walking towards the other girl. The boys froze.

"Oh god, I forgot about that!" Chris half yelled.

"Me too, what would Aviva think?" Martin asked the smaller brother.

They both deactivate and ran after Koki. "Wait up!" both yelled.

"What?" Koki asked as she was pulled back. "What's up?"

"How will Aviva respond when she hears that we fought each other because of a simple crush on her?" Chris asked.

"She may not mind."

"But she'll flip out if she found out we almost damaged her prototype Creature Power Suits," Martin cried.

"Let's just tell her and see what happens! It's for the best!"

"Well, you're the girl."

"And you know how girls work," Chris said, unaware of the little joke.

As they walked towards Aviva, it turns out, she wasn't as clueless as they thought. She had listened in.

Looking kinda upset, she walked towards them. "What are you guys doing?" she asked sternly.


"Do you know how dangerous your actions were?"

They didn't respond.

"You could've destroyed yourselves, or worse, my suits!" (That's Hermione of the Wild Kratts, lol)

"Um... Sorry?" They do not know what to say to get out of the sticky situation.

"Ugh, you guys!" She walked away angrier than before, if it was even possible. She was muttering a few words as she stormed into the Tortuga, probably going to try calming down by inventing or playing with the creatures or something.

Martin gulped," We have made her really mad."

"Yeah..." Chris trailed off, disappointed. "Should we do something?"

"Just give her space, she'll be alright."

Chris looked back at the turtle ship door where they last saw her and then looked down on the ground.

Aviva seemed to be tweaking up the amphisub to get her mind off of things. As Spots Swat snuggled in, she couldn't resist scratching his soft fur. He came at the right time. She began ranting to the cub about what she thought had happen and Spots Swat looked at her like he was listening to every word.

"Aw... Spots Swat, what do you think?" she asked him. He simply chirped, making Aviva laugh a little. It's funny to see a big cat chirp but that's what cheetah do.

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