Aviva x Zach : Part 7

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"Aviva's missing?!" Zach howled. "Where's the last place you saw her?!"

The Zachbot beeped as it elongated it's arm to point to somewhere on a digital map at what looked like a forest.

Zach groaned," We'll search for her, then!"

At the Tortuga, Koki felt extremely guilty as she told the Kratt brothers. They wanted to try to search for her first before doing anything else.

Aviva was their first priority.

Back in the forest, where Aviva was, she sat on a rock by a stream where she saw Salmon fry swimming downstream to the big ocean.

She sighed but the site did distract her, or at least helped to.

The bush behind her rustled. It wasn't wind. Startled, she turned around and prepared herself for a potential attack.

"Aviva, it's me," a man in all black approached him.

Aviva grunted," What are you doing here? And why the hell did you sent me this?" She shoved the note at his face.

Zach gulped," Haven't you realised?"

Aviva's stern look stayed, her arm was as stiff as a board. She refused to believe him. Zach took a few steps in front, his boots clanging onto the ground.

"Aviva..." he started.

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