14. My Everything

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The night was ominous in the first place. I should have known something real problematic was about to happen.

I was in my room, playing the Rubik's cube. Usually, it would take me twenty seven seconds. But tonight, it was taking a whole fucking minute. I was frustrated.

I was about to do my last move when I heard it.

A strange uncomfortable voice.

I got up from my chair and looked out into the hallway, leaning on my bedroom door. Faint muffled voices were coming from the far corner.

Who could it be?

My father was somewhere in the house or somewhere out. But he never comes near this portion of the house. So it can't be him.

I slowly trudged my way past the hallway, on the lookout for someone. Anyone.

I reached the end, to the last room where the voices were coming from. The door wasn't fully closed. A sliver of faint light was coming from the open slit of the room and I peaked in, holding my breath to mask my presence.

It was then, that I saw. The proof of what I suspected from a very long time.

My mother fucking my father's brother.

I couldn't see their faces because of the low lighting but I can never mistake my mother's long black hair trailing and covering her naked back when she was riding the man lying underneath her.

As for the man, his hands which were grappling my mother's waist had that topaz ring which I so admired. It only belonged to him.

I didn't know how long I stood there. Watching them fuck each other.

Their moans were clearly audible, shouting filthy words, shuddering obscenities every part of the way.

After it was all over, my mother bent down and kissed my uncle so lovingly, I felt bile rise up my throat.

"Mmm.. Seojun.. Why couldn't it be you instead of him?" My mother moaned.

"You know my brother, Jihye. He's the scum of the lowest order. If it weren't for him, I would have been the one sleeping with you, loving you, cherishing you every step of the way."

"I know," she kissed him again.

Stop moaning, woman.

"It's time you should know something too, Seojun."

"Hmm. What is it?"

"You're going to be a father, darling. And I love you."

I woke up with a start, my head pounding like a fucking bitch.

What the fuck was that dream? And why now?

I was ten then. The moment I started to know everything. Why surface now?

Everything I kept bottled inside, wanting to ignore kept crawling back in my mind. The dream triggering the worst memories I ever had of my mother and everything related to her.

But Taehyung. Never Taehyung. He was the best thing that ever happened to me and my mother. But she wasn't there to cherish him. I was. And his father...he never knew how to cherish him. So I took care of that.

And I don't regret it.

As if on cue, Taehyung barges into my room with a rolling tray filled with my breakfast.

"Good morning, hyung." Chirpy, as usual.

"Freshly baked croissant, crepes with strawberry jam, orange juice and a pot of hot black coffee," he exclaimed in a horrible French accent and did that dramatic bow with his eyes closed. "Bon Appetit."

I stared at him, unblinking. A smile making its way on my face.

What good did I do to deserve you?

I got up and hugged him tightly. His bones slightly cracked but he hugged me back. I pulled away slowly and patted his cheek, smiling at him and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

"Hey!" I heard his shout after I closed the door. "What's the rush? We were having a moment!"

I chuckled and went on with my business.

Sweet kid.

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