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I walk down the pavement, watching people crawl towards their destinations and intentions. If there is one thing that I love, then it is to watch people and observe their emotions. There is something soothing about that.     

It's true that the emotions inside of you will reflect perfectly through your face and eyes. I have watched, experimented and concluded it with my theory. Don't tell me I am wrong or ask how I can be so sure of it. I am just sure of it and that's that. Have a problem? I am not a math equation.

I tuck my hands deeper into my jacket pocket as Faded by Allen Walker blared in my ears.

I am just a plain Jane kind of girl without any major dreams or ambitions but I would like to run away from my home someday. I like to act and stay natural when certain personas in my life expect me to act like Cinderella. 

Stopping Alan Walker, my ringtone alerted me of an incoming call and to be honest, it was the same person I wanted to escape from. I answered the call and remained silent.

"LIANA, where are you?" the voice from the other side greeted me a lovely hello.

'Don't burst my earbuds, lady.' I muttered to myself before I replied in a fake cheery voice my mom, "Hi mom, I am fine, thank you very much."

"Don't... act smart with me."

"And that's not the end of our conversation, am I correct?"

"Answer me, where are you?"

"Not that I complain, but thank you for your concern?"

"You and you're... don't tell me you forgot about the party tonight." She was sounding particularly ridiculous with her attempt in some foreign accent. Sheesh, woman! No one is gonna fancy you.

"Oh, wait, let me think; the umpteenth party that I refused to be a part of?" I scoffed.

"Shut up, and be here NOW. You know how important this party is." Yeah, the same dialogue again, "yeah, every party is one another important one for you, right? I get it. But, mom, no!"

"Liana, do you want me to freeze your account. And tell me then how will you do whatever you do with it?"

"You can't do that!" I stopped dead in my tracks knowing well my mom will do it.

"Oh, I will." Now, she sounded so smug. 

"Fine, but, I won't wear your Gucci, Vera or Dior."

"Neither will you wear the cheap Wal-Mart dresses." How dare her she mock my favorite clothing!

"If I'll come, I get to decide my dress." I tried to sound pissed, how dare she mock me? 

"Stop arguing, my makeup artist is frowning a lot since it's the fifth time she is redoing my makeup. Be here before she leaves. You only have one hour and thirteen minutes"

"Mom, seriously, you don't need another coat of expensive paint. And neither do I need a fresh coat of disgusting chemicals."

I hung up. I do not certainly want to sound like a rich, ungrateful bitch, yet; but I am entitled to be a little adamant in getting my way since, first, why can't my parents accept me for who I am and... two, why can't they love me like I am a normal person.

This must be the umpteenth party that they are forcing me to attend since it's that important for my parent's business. What's more? I should behave like a well polished rich brat who brags about the number of diamonds on her bracelet or about the worth of her latest necklace. 

Or the horror of it all, talk about a rich spoilt boy like I am smitten with him.

I certainly do not want to sound so ungrateful but enough is enough. I am fed up. Fed up with their attitude, behavior and as much as everything towards me. Especially towards me.

The only moment I am 'me' is with Uncle Tom. He is the only one who treats me like a Parker or like I am his princess. However, he is always away, traveling for his business. I don't know what his job is. Neither do I know anything about my parent's business. 

I plug in my headphones and the blazing music by Demi, burn my ears. The song is apt for my moody style right now. I tuck my hands deep into the black dupe of designer jeans and walk back to the mansion enjoying the free life around me. 

A bus whizzed past me alerting me of my existence. I am so glad that I had my hoodie saving my long bronze hair from being a bird's nest; otherwise, I would have heard another mouthful, for being careless.

As I reach into my turn of the street, the sign indicating welcome to Richards St. stood as a giant billboard mocking me. I have had plans on running away when my parents showed indifference to me. Even if I do run away, I will be as good as a banana peel in a dumpster.  But daddy dear has his eyes on me at all times, because he knew my DNA was wrong and different from the beginning.

Sighing hard, I smiled at Geoffrey, a fifty-year- something old man who's our security and got in.

As I reached the double doors, I sighed again. It is a neatly trimmed and properly maintained white and beige combined humongous mansion for a family of six. Oh, the occasional addition of Uncle Tom too. That makes it seven, right? Well, do you know how many rooms does this building have? It's good that I don't mention.

I smiled at the servant who opened the door but he didn't smile back. He just nodded his head. I sighed.

I straight up went to the kitchen to rummage through the fridge for something edible. All these poppycocks eat are organic healthy food. Yuck! I grabbed a diet coke. Oh boy! I don't particularly like this. But, it's better than organic sugarless orange juice and as such varieties.

"Do you actually believe that you will get yourself anything productive in life with your coke stained teeth?" Oh, this is dear Simon, first brother, model, actor, and a stuck up perfectionist.

"Simon, how good of to see you. Hope the orange juice suffice your appetite."

"This is my protein drink, not some sugary drink. You are so dumb. I don't see what that doofus sees in you." Protein drink or orange juice, both looked the same to me.

Well, that last part was muttered under his breath but I heard it alright. He was talking about Nate. Nathaniel Samson. Best friend of Simon and the greatest crush of my sister but she will never admit it. He is worshiped by everyone in LittleBird School of Education; the prestigious money-centric school where every rich and the richest students around the country attend.

I have no idea why he has his eyes on me either; to be honest.

I mean, me, come on, it's me. Liana Lillian Parker; with dark, not so 'curly-beautiful' hair, brown eyes, pale skin and no eye-catching features on my body. I am athletic looking; thanks to my uncle. And I sport the bored, disinterested look of all time. That's it. Yet, he has this zing with me that I always manage to avoid. I am not into boy's drama right now. And he... he is an absolute eye candy with every feature that you get to imagine. Oh, joy! And I wish I had some of it. Yes, I am not completely devoid of emotions.

"Liana, I demand you, where were you?" Startled, wouldn't suffice my feeling.

She lowered her iPhone and tucked it into some designer purse matching her evening gown. And oh, people, let's drum roll for my beautiful mother with a standing ovation, Evelyn Parker. She loved all the attention. 

Right now, she is draped in an expensive tag of some hot brand and her face is immaculately painted, highlighting all her gorgeous features. I yearn to do an experiment. Take an icing spoon or even better... a butter knife and scrape it on her face. So that I can see if the thick layer of makeup, comes off like the strawberry icing I hate on my chocolate cake.

Still dressed in my cheap Wal-Mart clothes, she looked at me with pure horror. Not that she has actually shown appreciation to me before. I popped my gum just to spite her off.

"Oh dear lord, what are you wearing?"


I never understood why she always discourage my choices. I know it's not designer clothes like the one she wears, but I am comfortable with mine. So why doesn't she let it be? 

She buys me dresses all the time and I am sure the tag would be still on the dress, tucked deep into somewhere in my walk-in closet the size of an average apartment. I love wearing decent clothes that I can get from small stores around my favorite mall. What's wrong with that?

"Don't take your smart cheeks with me. I want you to take it off right this instant. And preferably burn it even. Were you wearing this to town?" For this sentence, she has her freshly manicured and painted nails to her painted mouth; never touching it, and acted as if she was mortified. 

I think she wants me to appreciate the new type of something manicure she did on her already polished nails. But I ignored it and sported disinterest.

I sighed. "What do you want?"

"I have your dress in your room. The makeup artist and hairdresser are waiting for you."

"Wait, what? I strictly told you..."

"Save it," She rushed past me saying, "Hello, ah, yes, Jennifer, how are you..." on the phone. I rolled my eyes at her. 

When I got into my room, there were two most uptight women in a slick bun and sophisticated black suit waiting for me with hands crossed and feet tapping. I ignored them and walked towards my queen sized bed. At least one thing I love about this home is the combinations of colors they have splashed around. 

On my bed lies a very beautiful lavender colored off-shoulder gown. The soft silk felt irresistible on my fingers but the color was too loud and girly. I don't think this floor-length dress will suit me.

I was about to surrender into the hands of the two bouncers, ready to tear me apart, when my maid, Annalisa, came in with a letter. Oh, this is the part where I am really excited about. My uncle loves to entertain me now and then. He can be so cryptic at times. 

I was beaming when I opened the letter. Whatever expedition he may be in, Uncle Tom never forgets me.

I quickly walk to my balcony for privacy. Sophisticated woman #1 interrupted me saying, I don't have much time and the limo will be ready in half an hour. Pfft, I said, I don't even want half an hour to get dressed. They were not too happy with me. Ignoring them, I ripped it open after I closed the sliding doors.

"Pumpkin, don't frown. I know you loved that lavender cutie. No offense to the designer; it is a wonder, but, for my pumpkin, that's not enough. For Liana, it should be brilliant, charming and naughty. ;) Go into your cupboard or like Evelyn says, walk-in closet, and turn left into the... well, undies sections, sorry, had to go digging in there. Kidding, Lisa has neatly packed you my gift. No one will go mining in there. Rock the party, yeah!"

Ok, I can't actually believe he knew where my undergarments are. I don't want to even think about if he has really gone in there or not. Well, even if he did, nothing can excite him. A bunch of granny panties with equally sexy granny bras won't excite a man, I know. I had this goofy smile on my face the whole time. And he actually pulled an emoji. Wow.

Just as I was about to tuck it in and come out, my doors were opened with a bang and in came my sister. People, drum roll again. If there are any blue-eyed, chiseled jaw lined cuties with brunette hair and light stubble, stand out. Because... ladies and gentlemen, Tiffany is a real manizer; or you can also say manwhore. 

Whatever! Well, she barged in demanding the hairdresser to polish her again since she was adamant one string of a hair was out from her immaculate hairdo. She demanded that her makeup should be re-done. Drama queen!

I stepped out with a poker face.

"What are you doing Liana? Dress up, you only have twenty-five minutes till the ride comes. And what in the world are you wearing?"

"Clothes; now if you will excuse me."

"Oh the shame, I can't believe you are my sister," Tiffany muttered. Right!

"Well, I can't even believe that you are a human. Are you from another planet?" I replied.

"At least I don't look like a shank."

"At least I don't have any mustache." I said crossing my hands.

"What? Where? Check it."

The ladies with sticks up where the sun doesn't shine, shook their head at us frustrated and positioned her on the chair for doing touch-ups. I gagged as they started picking specific brushes from their pouch. Dear God, what are they going to do with all those brushes! All we need is one, right? 

Anyway, I went straight to where my uncle asked me to go. Just like he said, clever in hiding, between my undergarments, was a dress. Eew, it's a dress. But, still, nothing like the girly disaster on the bed which would be so perfect for my sister.

With a sigh, I took the dress out and gasped. It was a black and white dress. Wow. This dress will really make me seductive and sophisticated at the same time. Just what I wanted!

I let the women do a light makeup of nude lips and smoky eyes; and a simple messy updo with side waves. I ignored their frowns all the while. Even though they appreciated my choice in the dress, they said I would have stunned the party in that lavender dress. As usual, I ignored them and ushered the women to walk out from my room. 

Just as I closed the door, in came Annalisa.  She came in with another letter from my uncle.

It read, "Pumpkin, wait for the four gongs and descend the stairs blindfolded. The rest you will know."

"You family have been addressed."

"Good riddance! What is he up to? Anna, do you know something that I don't?"

"No dear, I don't." she gleamed.

"Well, it looks like you are hiding something."

"Nothing dear, I was asked to give you the letter and I did as he asked. I don't know, I swear." She still had that naughty look.

"Very well then, tell me; how was your date last night?" I wanted to ask her how uncle gave her these messages but I switched topic. She wouldn't tell anything, I am sure of it. She knows something. And if she doesn't want to tell me, very well, I won't ask her again.

And then we talked about everything and nothing in particular. Minutes passed by and just as expected, four gongs were set off by God knows how from downstairs. 

With an excited smile by Lisa, I was blindfolded with a black cloth. She took me down as if I don't know how to walk. Well, the heels that have been strapped to my feet were high enough to fetch me instant death, so I didn't complain.

Finally, I reached the last step after long excruciating hours. That was the case whenever I was to wear heels. I don't like them. I prefer flats or sneakers. 

Through the double doors, I was led into a car. 

Well, I waited for the person to remove the blindfold or say something. When nothing happened to let me clear from the confusion, I was already moving. That means the person was indeed driving. I removed the blindfold and squinted at the setting sun. When I was well adjusted, I squealed in surprise and excitement to see my driver for the night.

This was gonna be one exciting... party!


ALERT: This book is about a teenage girl who is very different, stubborn, feisty and flawless. Just make sure you keep that in mind all along.

 It's something I don't usually write but hey, give me a break! 

SO, yea! If you like it, comment, if you don't, tell me why :) Thank you. After all, you are my best judge :D See ya with an update soon. 

The media is just for fun! My girl is nothing like that ;)

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