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The relentless voice of nature kept me company for God knows how many hours. I sat there until the night sky was pretty adamant in coming earlier today and I am pretty sure roots must have sprouted from my butt. I sighed.

Don't think I was still sitting with pain, shock and all those emotions.


At first, I was trying to solve the puzzle with as many theories I can conjure and then I got this feeling like I was a heroine in a sexy adventure film and some dashing Greek God will come out of nowhere and save me from this plot. It directed my train of thoughts to the first boy I kissed and it somehow derailed me to that handsome kidnapper who let me go with a promise he will come me for God knows whatever reasons.

Kissing both guys should be blamed on my time of the month. Those times completely shook my woman hormones. I am ashamed that I let myself droop so low to feel what it feels like to be kissed by a boy I admired; na, not admired... whom I got attracted to. Now thinking about it, Shaun is even not that handsome and it may be me, but it feels like he has something to hide, it seems.

And then, I wonder what I will be doing, what I should do if this was a NancyDrew novel. I would have known what to do next but alas, this wasn't a novel and I was no NancyDrew with astounding intelligence. I am just a plain old me with an attitude to keep and secrets to unravel.

I sighed again.

Whoever thought that being eighteen would be this fun! Dammit. I got up from the ground and remembered what Linda typed to me. I ran my hands through my hair and it somehow soothed me. My hair was still smooth and tangle free. Somehow it felt like my body was not turning against me and that literally gave me tranquility. I ruffled my hair as I walked back home and I saw from the corner of my eyes, a guard eye-raping me. I turned towards him and I am sure I saw a smirk on his face but as soon I looked at him, he looked at me with a poker face.

I looked here and there as if searching for someone and when I thought we were alone, I slowly lowered my shirt and his eyes popped open like a saucer. It wasn't lowered much but he was already bulging out. I licked my lips and smiled at him and he was completely on his knees. With an irritating smirk, he walked closer to me and I turned around to go in. His face fell. Oh, but I was not done yet, I looked back over my shoulder and flipped him the bird. His face turned red. It may be due to embarrassment or anger. I didn't wait to find out. I was already in through the kitchen doors.

Linda turned around to face me, she presented me a sad smile and I tried to return back but it wasn't easy.

Killing time was seriously a herculean task. Without having much to do and nowhere to go, I was stuck. For once my heart told me, I should have gone with them. But I erased that thought just as it came. For once I was able to do it my way and I will keep it that way.

On my way to the staircase, I came to my father's office.

Nowhere in the near times of yore, have I ever stumbled across this part of the house. I have no idea how I even came here. You see, this room was in the back of the long hallway on the ground floor and apart from my father and Tom, no one else was to come here. Not even Evelyn.

I touched the golden handle and it was smooth. It wasn't anything like the rest of the handles in the house and I cursed since suddenly withdrawing my hands, it might have secret gadgets fixed to notify that someone was here. I looked up and down the hallway and on the sides and corner. Just like I predicted, there was the tiny red dot almost invisible in the left corner and I believe it was capturing me in fullest glory.

I smiled with all my teeth visible.

Yanking my t-shirt, I rubbed the handle vigorously to get rid of my fingerprint and tried to pull down the handle and it decided to obey me. And the door was super cute since he opened itself for me. But, surprise, surprise, there was an eye scanner in the right side of the wall that will actually let me enter into his office. Apparently, there was a thin film of something just a few feet away from the door and I think it might be a laser beam or something electrical so that no one can enter. Cursing inwardly, I looked into the scanner crossing my fingers and luckily it beeped activated.

But it said my name in a horrible computer voice.

That is a surprise. I wondered if my father every guessed that I will come here defying rules or that one day I should come here for something. Either way, I am grateful.

The office was pretentious with family photos, his personal trophies, certificates, and lots other things but it was otherwise simple. Like really, the office was a simple gray and black themed office with a sleek big black table, few gadgets and photo frames on it, an office chair and two plush sofa's opposite to it. A cupboard was placed close to the wall on the right; next to it was a long ceiling to floor painting and few other randomly placed paintings. Somehow I felt like each painting was a disguise and the long floor length proved me correct. It was a walk in secret room. Alas, it was fingerprint technology and it denied my access.

I stood there in the middle and wondered long and hard, what am I doing in my father's office.

I went to the chair and sat down. I looked at the table nearly filled with photo frames. That was it. The table was filled with photographs of every period of our life; as in me and my siblings. Apart from that, a computer, a laptop, a telephone, and some other office essentials were present.

I took my time in gazing at each photo frame. I didn't take them into my hands. I don't want the fingerprints to be showing. I gazed at each of them and somehow my visions got blurry enough to grab all those tones and images into one simple watercolor shade that didn't allow me to feel anything. When the first bead rolled out, letting me focus on the images; the second bead processed to roll, but... I inhaled, exhaled and then stopped looking at the images.

With my t-shirt, I tried to open the drawers on the table and it did open. There was nothing in there. Only files, manila folders, box files, many more files, papers, and stuff. On the second-last drawer was a key in the lower deck. I frowned as to where this key might fit. But, I closed it anyway and proceeded to open the last drawer but it was locked.

You see, the key was in a secret compartment. I found that out by accident when I tried to find if there were any more papers or not, my finger popped on the floor of the drawer and it clicked. A small piece of the wood on the drawer' base pulled in and revealed me the key. Now that the last drawer didn't open, I immediately took out the key.

The last drawer opened with the key.

But, I was stuck. The whole world came crashing down when I saw what was inside. I didn't prepare myself to be this astonished.

A single photo frame was lying there faced towards me and I was stunned to see the two people in there. A beautiful woman who looked like me was standing with my father. His smile was radiant enough to shy the sun away. And the woman looked absolutely smashing with her baby bump. The look on her face was what startled me. It somehow looked like I was looking at an older version of me; poker face yet beaming in happiness.

I took the frame out and looked closely at the couple. My father was a completely different man. He had this glow on his face, glint and crinkle underneath his eyes and a smile so radiant that I have never seen before. I turned the frame to look if there was something in the back and yes, it did. It said, my darling Evangeline with our baby, seven months.

Who is this woman? Who would have been that child? What is going on? How come there was no other photos or mention of this woman in this house? What is actually happening?

There was a calendar on the table which I never noticed before and on it was a red marking. It happened to be on my birthday. Damn! My birthday was in two weeks. I cursed again and pleaded to my lord above for that date to never come around. But it seems like my prayer was not going to be granted.

I looked at the image once again and kept it back on to place and replaced the key. I walked out from the room. Went to my room and fell down on my bed. Too many thoughts exhausted me.

I wanted answers. But how will I get them? It seems like everyone is scared of someone. Everyone is scared. No one wants to help me. Selfish fools! It's my life in danger, anyway.

I was piercing holes in my plain ceiling as there was a secret compartment and it will open my world of answers.

My phone vibrated.

Angrily, I looked at the phone screen and saw it was a message from burnt sugar. It was as if, he was an energy potion; my anger dissipated into thin air and I was rejuvenated by his single message and that too I haven't even checked it out yet.

Opening it, I laughed uncontrollably with my head thrown back.

It simply said, "Are you ready caramel pudding?" and knowing him in the limited period of time, it might mean something sexual.

I immediately texted back, "Nope, I don't want to get burnt."

"That is what I am talking about. Wait, what you meant?" his reply came fast.

I stuttered as if he could hear me. What if he didn't mean anything? I blushed hard! "Nothing" I replied feeling my face going funny.

"Man, you are weak as far as I am concerned. You see, it will be fun. Once in a while, you need to get burnt."

"Really... as far as I am concerned, no one will really let their hands put in the fire and get burnt." Phew! He was really a fun nut to chew. Ewe, he shouldn't hear that!

"You see, I am that sexy, I am hot."

"Yea, wonder why your phone is not melting." I texted back quickly; I was really excited. It's been a while since I had a stranger to talk with me.

"Naw, I am not that kind of hot. I am hot as in melting woman's panties; you see... that hot!"

"Yikes, you didn't have to be this honest."

"Sometimes, one should." He completed his text with a comic emoji. I smiled. It literally felt good to be hanging out with a friend. Even though he was still a stranger, I am happy to get my mind off things.

"So, what's up?"

"The heaven as far as I believe"

"As far as I see, there is nothing up there."

"Then why did you ask?" his sentence was completed with a confused face.

"I asked what you are up to. What are you doing or something along that line?"

"What am I doing? You see, I am getting myself excited thinking about you. I am really getting myself hard..." this one was a face with closed eyes and I don't want to think anything about it.

"Damn you! I am not your type." I cringed at his text. No one has ever been this straight to me. Dipshit!

"I am that one type who doesn't have a type sugar."

"Well, I am that common type who has actually a special type, still waiting for that special prototype," I answered back feeling quite happy and relieved with that. It's true! I am still single waiting for a dashing prince charming on a white horse. If not a white horse, how about a white jaguar... That would do!

There were no messages vibrating. I felt bad. Did I text something wrong? Was he joking? Did I say something? Dammit! I was scrolling upward looking for something that might have been offending when I was alerted with a new message.

I quickly scrolled down and laughed at his response and my own stupidity.

"WHAT? You have never DONE that IN YOUR LIFE?" with too many emotions that made me laugh hard again.

"What? It's not like I am an old woman, I am just waiting to be eighteen." That remained me of everything. I quickly typed, "thanks for reminding me that" absent-mindedly and pressed send. I slapped my forehead and tried to delete the message but it was already sent.

"But still, you could have done the other deeds. Like seriously. Do you want a demo? I can help!" he replied quickly with smirks and silly faces but then there was nothing for a few minutes. I was back again wondering if I did something wrong but this time, I knew what was it. After ten whole minutes, he replied,

"What do you mean sugar bun? Do you need a shoulder to stain with ugly charcoal color?" I felt my eyes filling up but I smiled then laughed with tears falling down like pearls. This was how to feel genuinely happy, ei! To believe that someone is there to wipe your tears!

"For your record, I don't wear makeup unless I feel like and yes, and no!"

"Aha! You do wear it nonetheless. Silly girls, painting faces believing that is what it takes to earn men's interest. And what do you mean yes and no?!"

"Hey, girls don't wear makeup to get your attention. Chauvinist! I need a shoulder to lean but no thank you!" I don't wear makeup and despise it even but when he said it like that, I felt like I should defend my clan.

"Hey, how dare you burst my ego? I am not that word! And baby girl, I will give you everything to lean on to." Bloody Pete! He literally turns everything into sex.

"You disgust me! How come you turn everything into such a nasty thing? And boo hoo you don't know how to write that word!"

"I know it, it's just that... forget it! Get real, do you need to talk to someone? I know of someone! Me! Seriously, can you come meet me up?"

I looked at the time and it was not that late. I thought about it and decided yes!

"I will come, where to?"

"Come to Mickey's dinner!" his reply was instant.

"It's Mickey's café. I have been there today. And I have had a large pizza with friends. I want you to take me to that new ice cream parlor."

"Damn woman, where do all those go into you? I can't wait to be in you!"

"Yuck! I won't come."

"Joke's aside, come! I will wait for you in Joe's Ice cream."

I was smiling hard when I finished chatting with him. I changed my clothes into a flowy lavender knee-length dress to have fun with Pete today. Though I hate dresses, on occasion such as these, it's going to be fun teasing him. 

Today was unusually fun! And it is going to be much for fun than this.


Things are about to get real and fast!

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