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"What happened?" was the first thing that blurted out from my mouth in a very angry tone. To see him badly beaten up, torn clothes and busted lip made me just angry beyond limits and the guilt just ate me ridiculously. It happened because of me; this realization burned my body and soul alike.

"Boss doubted me for helping you and sent his best men to me. I couldn't fight back since it was all of a sudden. And then I came to know they were here. I- I panicked. I really thought they had you. They are ruthless. Well, boss warned me and left me badly beaten up. Apparently, he still doubts me. I came as soon as I can."

Pete was by now ready the first aid box and helped Seb with the wounds and bruises with precision whereas I would have deeply damaged Seb that he already was for my hands were shaking badly. Seb looked hell but luckily, there was no fatal injury. Pete, on the other hand, looked furious but didn't say anything. Did he think I am at fault?

"Look, it's not safe for us now. We need to move far. I am sorry to ask you this lily, but do you have the second clue?" Seb asked while Pete applied the antiseptic liquid on Seb's cheek making him hiss. But Pete paid no heed; he busily applied it on all parts of the bluish-black colored face on Seb's face. Though all bruised up, he looked smoldering hot. I sighed! I should make a decision.

"Yea, but mom is being cryptic again and this time I need laser pen. And oh, I forgot... Pete did bring me one." I said looking around for it and found that lying on the ground where I was first standing. I went back to pick it up and shivered as I heard Seb once again hiss in pain. There was no reason why they should go through this when I am the one in danger and need. I should go. I should move. I should...

"I can feel something stirring in your sweet brain but Lily. Uh-uh; no... don't even think about it. I have declared that I will help you until the end and that is a word of the gentlemen." Pete was now close to me, all patched up Seb looked at us curiously; but he obviously backed Pete on whatever he was going to say. I could feel the traitorous tears coming on, but I held it back. Not in front of Seb again.

"To who have you declared?" I asked amusedly but I think there is some meaning behind his words and I believe in it. "And... what was I thinking " I crossed my hand son my chest and Pete did the same.

"I declared to myself, and you were thinking that you are better of yourself."

'Wow, he is good.' I muttered.

"I heard that," he screamed as I walked back to my room with the pen in hand. Laser pen, what the... heck... seriously mom?

But, I have to admit she was being pretty cryptic and making me chase many ends was because she didn't want the map to reach in wild hands. Historical goods and treasures belong to the government and it needs to be protected. Not being handled by filthy hands who don't know how to appreciate treasure.

Determined that at any cost, I will find the map; I pulled the letter out of the hiding place which I am not sure from whom I am hiding it. Anyway, I flipped the page and looked at the blank lines. Pulling the lid away from the light, I switched the small button on and I can clearly see the colorless inked handwriting of my mother. Once again, I am faced with a cryptic poem.

"Follow the cries,

Watch the lights,

You can find me-

Underneath canopy of stars

And fine grains of sun-kissed gems.

If you don't find me today,

That's fine, I will be here

Tomorrow and ever, alright"

I wrote the poem down into another paper and safely tucked mom's letter into the plastic envelope Pete gave me for safekeeping. Looking at the poem, I was startled and desperate to just get to the end of it. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen my way. Sighing hard, I looked at the poem again and again; unable to decipher what she meant.

I think she was pointing to a place, but it could be anywhere since underneath the stars lie the earth and that could be anywhere. And sun-kissed gems; whatever that means? Sun kissed gems. Was she referring to any color? Or was she taking me to... what the hell. This is so difficult. Pfft! so much for being a lousy writer as she said.

I took the clue and was about to open the door when I heard Seb and Pete talking. Straining my neck, I felt they were talking about me. I tiptoed to their room and luckily they haven't closed the door completely and I could hear them talk.

"Seb, I know and I understand the situation. But..."

"No buts... I have taken an oath and you have too. We both know what will happen if they find the map and most importantly her. We can't let that happen."

"Don't I know that? The odds are against us and we are risking all of our life. This is not a matter of saving her alone. It's a matter of saving our asses too."

"Think I don't know that? But, for me... for me... she is important."

"Brother, I know. And I share the same sentiment. But..."

I couldn't wait till they finished putting the topic into each other's hand as if the discussion was a dodgeball that they are both trying to hit another one to win. I made an entrance and made a face. They both knew I heard that.

"I haven't asked anyone of you, now, have I?"

"Lily..." Pete started.

"No, seriously... do you think I enjoyed seeing Seb coming back like this? I am responsible and if anything happens to you, the guilt will never leave me alone until I may end my own life. I know the plate we are holding now is too fragile and one sneeze will break our bones. Thus, I don't want to... I want to play it safe, find the map, destroy it and get it done with. I don't want additional bones to collect as I go. Please... you can leave me..."

I couldn't finish my sentence, both Pete and Seb rushed towards me and hugged me as if I was a giant life size teddy bear that they both need to cuddle. And, I stayed there with the paper in my hands and tears in my eyes, feeling their rhythmic heartbeat in my body. It was soothing and calming my nerves.

All my life, I have never been safe and protected. I was always on my lookout and feeling confused and angry. Now, that what my gut always notified me happened; I am more than happy to have these two teddy bears by my side. But, I mean what I said. Their life is my responsibility and if something happens to either of them. However, the poison Tom fed me still anxious as I can hear the small voice in the back of my thoughts, "what if all these are an act and you are trusting the wrong guys", well, I have let that decision for fate to decide and if they are going to cheat on me; I will break their bones and that's that.

"Did you even hear a thing that I said?" Pete asked annoyed. One thing he detests is no one listening to him while he says something serious. Oops!

"Lily, what I was saying is, I don't simply throw around my life for no reason and if I did too, feel granted, enchanted because it never happens twice."

I rolled my eyes at them and swallowed the heavy sob that was about to break down from my heart. Seb was quite but his eyes were entirely on me. Ignoring his piercing stare, I gave them the second clue. I knew I should have deciphered it myself but the truth is... I am disoriented now and highly distracted.

While Pete was at it, Seb suddenly asked me to be alone for something and took me to his room as I believed he had something to tell me. I think he was going to confess his involvement in trapping me and I feared, feeling my entire body shudder.

But, as we reached in the room and he closed the door, he gracefully moved too quickly and pinned me to the nearby wall and kissed me like his life depended on my breath. Well, I was too emotionally exhausted and any distraction was fine by me and I deepened the kiss. He pressed me to the wall and I can fell his hands on either side of me, caressing my bare hands. Quickly, he put both my hand above to our hands; I should say here, I never understood why kissers did that and bit my lower lip, emancipating a soft moan from me. I think this was too much more than simple diversion and I loved it.

Pete slapped on the door and screamed something. We both pulled away feeling quite dizzy with overwhelming emotion. Seb had this soft glow in his eyes and I felt a creepy blush flip in my heart. It never happened before. Seb screamed back, coming and I was about to open the door when he held my wrist and once again pinned me to the wall.

This time, he roamed his face through the crook of my neck, hugging me and I felt my legs were jelly. There is some sort of thing in intimate cuddling than doing the big deed. I have always felt it. But hey, I am still virgin and I am taking about only experiencing words from books and characters. He slowly kissed my ears and whispered, "You know, from the moment I have my eyes on you, you have drawn me to you like a moth to a flame. If circumstances were different I would have carried you bridal style into my room and you know what... senseless until we both admit our gut reaction that you were the best thing happened." He was still nuzzling on my neck and I couldn't ask him to take it away. I was standing with my hands on his chest and that shocked me even more. "You are the best thing happened to me and it may be too early," he bit me on my earlobe, dang it, "But, I admit... and please... Trust me."

With that, he removed himself from me and looked at my flushed, half opened mouth and kissed one last feathery kiss before going out. I sat down on the floor and held my head in my hand supported by my knees and smiled. Wow. That was intense.

After that, to confront Seb and Pete felt like a herculean task but if Pete did come banging on the door, he must have got something. Thus, I confronted all my courage and walked into the living room feeling flustered.

"You can eat each other all you will after all this drama. So please, give me your best minute."

I widened my eyes and fidgeted on my spot standing like a deer caught in the headlight with fingers interwoven. Seb looked at me, winked and asked to sit next to him. But, like a good girl, I sat opposite to him and he shook his head left to right sporting a wicked smile. He got up and sat next to me. I wasn't sure what this sudden leap in the atmosphere should be called.

On the other hand, Pete was still fidgeting over the piece of paper and exclaimed, "I will haul your mother this instant from whichever ocean she is hiding and make her tell me what the fuck this is."

I chuckled light-heartedly and read the clue once more feeling utterly clueless. Maybe Seb could help like the last time, but he was busy looking at me and playing with my dark brown, closer to black hair. When I looked at him, he smiled. I nervously ducked my head down.

Pete was sitting down on the floor hunched over the small table in front of the TV and when he looked up to us, he saw me looking down nervously and Seb busy playing with my hair. Pete grunted and got up to sit between us.

"You can play boyfriend, girlfriend... once all of this is over."

I was about to protest the weak argument that he was not when the doorbell rang. To escape from this situation, I quickly jumped up and said I will look. Though both of protested, I galloped to look who was it through the peephole and all the color drained from my face when I saw who it was. Quickly regaining composure, my brown tightened and looked back at the boys, questioningly.

"Who is it?" mouthed both of them.

"It's Stephen."


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