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Today, I decided I will break this code that was hidden in the poems and get what was in this clue to get rid of it all. I have wasted enough time already and I don't want any funny encounters with any of the bad guys.

I had to go through this for the good length of my life that, once I finished playing with this, I can or at least I will try to live without any drama. At least I hope so. Then, I may run away to someplace far.

However, I do need to know how they are tracking me.

Anyway, Seb was away to bring dinner and I was alone in the cramped two bedroom apartment with the box safe and unbreakable in my hand.

With the next set of word code; I was playing and fiddling with the thing unable to open it.

I didn't know my mom would be this brilliant and cunning. She could have at least given me further clues on how to use the letters. To me, these letters were a randomly placed meaningless thing. How could have she written the poem accordingly to be a code and a revenge poem together? I have no clue and I have no intention of finding it out.

I just want to get this done with.

Flipping, turning, making it bob up and down didn't show me anything out of ordinary than the box I am seeing in my hands. Frustrated, I was about to throw it away and wait for Seb when my instincts made me open the box.

I took out the lid and examined it. I found it odd that the box's lid was so thick. At first, I had this feeling it might be because of the carvings on top had to have the thickness but after close scrutiny, I found out it wasn't only that.

I shook the lid furiously to hear a faint rat tap inside like a piece of paper being hit on the wooden interior. Just a faint noise; excited, I looked all sides to find nonentity that will help me open the secret lid. Pressing the sides and doing all sort of circus didn't budge an inch of it. Really frustrated, I took it and flung it to the bed making it pop open the secret lid.

I crawled over to the top and laid down flat on my stomach, looking how I opened the secret lid. I saw on the side of the lid was a tiny circle and it did press inward just a little making the latch open the secret compartment.

Giddying with excitement, I lifted the small wooden plank only to groan and holler in frustration. Why all this damn secrecy?

The small wooden board gave way to a small puzzle with the same letters that I got from the poem. But they were arranged in different order here. "T, T, W, F, and W", stared back at me. The small carved cubes with black letterings were kind of cute if I was not on the wrong side of my wit.

Sighing sadly, I tried to arrange the letters in alphabetical order; descending and ascending, I even tried to keep it like couples with the same letters, but nothing; I mean absolutely nothing made any difference. I was so close to throwing it out when Seb walked in with pizzas and mountain dew.

Smiling at the food made him believe I smiled at him. He leaned forward to kiss on my forehead and I awkwardly let him. Sometimes, I blame myself for being awkward.

I told him about the fun of it and he just stared at the letters and the way it was positioned.

"Your mother is a genius."

"And a bitch; for making me go through it all, she could have done something else than making me suffer because she tried to save the day."

"Oh come on, you know what was happening to her and if what you told me is true, she tried to save your life."

"Yeah, by keeping me as the shark bait."

"Come on, don't be a wet kitten, I will help you solve it. Hmm, let me see..."

He chewed a large bite of his cheesy pepperoni pizza. I looked at mine and the cheesy dish did lure me in; but sometimes my stupid brain process too many details and thus, right now the onslaught of tears was making me difficult to breathe and eat.

"There is no definite set of these letters and that makes it difficult to process. Did you try any alternative methods like...? I don't know... a palindrome. Because the letters made me feel it like that at first. Also, it's a fun trick. We can give it a try."

When I looked at the words again, I did have a hope that it might work since the words do arrange in such an order. I picked the lid from Seb and with shaking fingers, arrange the letters according to the palindrome. My heart soared when I heard a feeble tic. A tiny slot opened and a small fragile paper fell down from it.

I looked at Seb and he had long since stopped chewing. With big beady eyes, he urged me to open and I did. A wrong move could crumble the paper. It was so fragile and old that the folds did have tears in them.

It looked like a diary entry.

It read,

...I couldn't believe my experiment was a success. No matter what; I should save this. No one should come to know of it. My hands are shaking with so much excitement. Come to think of it, I do have the right to be this happy. Since, after thirty-six years of my life dedicated to science, I found the chemical equation to save the world. I can make people survive. I can help people. But..., no, I am not going to think about it. This will die with me. This equation and the solution to... will stay with me; even after death, but, I do need to write it out. My wife left me with my three children. But it was years ago. I have committed my life to science and I am proud of it. Look at me; I have created a masterpiece, a Pandora box, a top secret. It was her lose that she left me.

Ok, I will end my pen here. I need to test a few more specimens. I need to find its capacity.


What is this all about? The handwriting was messy and crooked. It took me a while to read it out loud. Did I push mountains to read some mad man's personal diary entry? I flipped the page and definitely my mom won't do something without a reason, she had written a message to me.

I have ripped out the other part since you are not to know about it now. He is not crazy, he is a genius who lived years ago and he was a scientist. He found something spectacular. Along with the treasure map, this equation, solution and its needs were safeguarded. If the equation, solution and its antidote are to be reached upon Tom or his goons, kiss mankind goodbye.

I know it's risky, but you have to do it. The next crucial clue is in the attic of your home. I am sorry but you have to come find it. I am sure Tom will help you with this. He may be crazy and wants to kill me, but he does love you and until he gets what he wants, he will help you.

By the way, you are brilliant to crack this simple yet complex code.

A good news honey, after that clue from the attic, you need to go to one more place and then you will reach the destination.

Love, Eva, I am near to you than you think.

I was freaking fuming with anger after reading the letter. I ran away miles away from it all because I didn't want to go back and now the next clue is where I hated the most. Though Seb squeezed my shoulders, I shrugged him off and got up from my fluffy warm covers and paced on the worn out rug.

After countless churning of stupid ideas, I decided that something needs to be done. Seb walked out giving me some space, leaving behind his unfinished dinner. I jumped onto the bed, gobbled the pizza as if I was starving for days and then sat with my knees hugging to my chest.

Nothing else made sense, so I decided that I will run away without letting anyone know. I should walk out free and alone without anyone's notice.

Because I didn't have much luggage, I had only a duffle bag with few clothes, it makes my way easier. It lay still unpacked on the ground. I went under covers and stayed there. Since we were only on the second floor, and I knew the balcony on my floor had one immediate down which will make it easy for me to jump, I kept my eyes closed wishing that Seb will find me asleep and he will retire in his bed soon.

Just as I thought, after an hour, I heard the other bedroom door closed noiselessly. Immediately, I got up and listened for the sounds to halt. After about fifteen minutes, the room stilled and I could only hear my own breathing. I woke up, put on my hoodie, pulled a cap over my hair, and then put the cap of the hoodie over it. I placed the duffle bag on my shoulder and angling properly; I hung down and then slowly jumped to reach the first-floor balcony landing.

If an inch would have been missed under my calculation, then I would have been safe from it all underneath six-inch mud floor.

Smiling at my own lame jokes, I looked down and saw that it was a damn drop. Thus, I looked at the balcony. Luckily the blinds weren't drawn and a couple was heavy making love to each other. I tried the balcony door and it pulled open easily.

Silently, I walked towards the door, opened it and walked out. The couple knew nothing. How could they, the lady was screaming as if someone was ripping her apart.

Unfortunately, to my utter surprise, there was a golden retriever sitting on the sofa with a cocked head, looking at me suspiciously. I smiled, whistled at him and only said, "here boy," and he was near me, whining and licking my fingers. I petted him for a while and fetched dog food from the kitchen and served him. He was happy that I gave him food. I walked out of the apartment door unnoticed.

Walking into the night air was risky since it was the shady part of the town, I could tell. Keeping my head low and hands tucked into my jeans, I tried to walk casually. The last thing I wanted was someone's unwanted attention on me.

It was times like these that I missed my bike. Unfortunately, I cannot afford such luxuries at times like these too. What saddened me and frightened me is that I left the clues and the box on the bed. I didn't want to be a part of it anymore. However, I was scared that what if someone else found them?

I didn't know where I was heading to. I took my phone and opened the GPS, I saw a bus station few blocks down where I was and I headed down that road. Even though the night was young, it was pretty dark; but people were still walking and having fun, getting drunk and making out in the open.

I looked at them but kept my head ridiculously low and inconspicuous.

Just a few more walk and I will be in the bus station, catching whatever bus was taking me to whatever location far away from me.

Unfortunately, in midst of all the drama, I had forgotten the lessons uncle taught me as self-defense because if I had paid attention, I could have felt the footsteps trailing me and heard the silent purr of that car with its headlight switched off,  keeping an eye on me.

By the time, I saw it, I was too late.

A black bag was thrown over my head and a taser was shot at my ribs, completely debilitating me.


Dun Dun Dun, Everything is falling abnormaly now!

Wait for it! ;)

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