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Hello there, why can't I have more views, more comments, more views, more rank? I update every 6 days and guess what? I am still #72 :O


I could tell the morning was cheery, bright and languid. Well, the latter was me. Yet, the light never kissed me nor did I embrace it. Waking up felt like lifting a mountain. Impossible! I yawned loudly alerting someone next to me, because their feet shuffled too loudly in my migraine clad brain, making it feel as if an elephant marathon was in my head.     

"Are you alright?" the voice felt heavy, roundish, too loud and electronic in my head. Well, a weird combination. However, I wanted to slap that person with all my might. That person was too damn loud. Who is he?

A park was where I was lying. I got up from the plush greenery and strolled through the beauty feeling loved. A woman clad in a white flowy dress approached me with an amulet saying, "You are freed."

Whatever that means!

Suddenly, a bright incandescent light blinded my vision as I woke up from a dream-like state in pain. Searing hot pain rippled through my shoulder, neck, and head making me suffocate in my own scream.

A feeling of calmness rolled in me as if someone was calling me lovingly. Though I was looking everywhere, the blinding light never lets me see who or where the person was. I could only hear the loud, distant call. I think I am trapped in the light. I have heard about the light after death. Am I dead?

I woke up with a start from the bed. All around me was that stupid blinding light. Two men and a woman were standing next to me, looking at me... pinched. They were debating whether I getting up was a good sign or a bad sign.

"Lily..." the young boy called me out, carefully as if testing the hotness of the water. Who am I? Where am I? The woman looked at me incredulously. Suddenly she muttered something and splashed ice water on my face. I gasped, feeling the cold biting my skin in painful pleasure. For a moment, I was blanked out but then got up to find Linda smiling at me sheepishly.

"You were lost for a moment. It happens to someone who had to go through insurmountable pain. The cold shock brought you back."

I huffed as I blew out driblets of water from my upper lip making Stephen and Tom sigh happily.

"Ah, it feels good," I said.

"You had me worried out there, young woman." Linda caressed my chin ever so slightly.

"Well, you did a nasty job cutting open my skin like that."

"Yea, yea... blame this old girl." Linda said walking away with Tom, commanding her assurance in my safe recovery.

"She did a mistake. Your anesthesia overdosed and you had been sleeping for three days straight. You got us worried here."

"Three days, oh my..." I had this effect on sleeping for days at length. When the sudden news dawned on me, I realized I was terribly hungry and thirsty. Linda was back with food and water, knowing well this might be my reaction. Tom and Linda left, after feeding us saying they will be back. So long, we had to hang low in this secluded location.

"I have my men here. But you are not to leave until I flag you. Have a nice rest. You had us worried." Tom said before leaving.

"Ok," I replied wiping my lips with the back of my hands.

"So..." Stephen started in his usual fidgety stance; instantly notifying me, he had something to tell and it was nasty.

"Alright, go on..." I said, looking straight at him.

"Ok, low-intensity overload first... Tiffany ran away; so they say or she might be kidnapped. No idea. Tom is working on it."

"What? I asked Tom to take care of her. No..."

"Please, don't get worked up. You are in no condition to take another nervous breakdown. Next thing, Simon's been missing ever since."

"That leech, I knew he was trouble."

"Well, no one knows what happened there, either." He was silent for a while. "Well, Evelyn is the bad guy here. Tom said something unsettling. But, that is his story to tell. What I want to let you know from my sources is that; the party was always in your light. Knowing you well, she asked you to prefer some stupid color code so that you will go against it. It was her sign to distinguish you from the wolves. Had I known a wind for it, I wouldn't have let you wear that. Thus, you are wanted in the underworld."

"Oh..." I remained silent as the devastating news crushed on my shoulders. "Thus, I am not going to be backing out soon, huh..."

"Good thing Tom is your uncle. His hold on everything and him being a mafia head makes you untouchable for a while. I have no idea how the tables have turned and how Evelyn is to be feared. But I knew that woman was trouble the moment I started calling her mother."

I remained silent as he fixed his breath.

"Stephen, did you look into the documents?"

"No, that remains your unhealthy task; I have it here if you want them now."

"Please..." I watched him go and scramble through some sheets and wood pieces to retrieve the scroll secured tightly in a plastic sheet. The black ribbon tied around made it look like a pirate island map. Well, she did say we had a map to some treasure land. I sighed as he tossed it into my lap.

"Can I see the chip?"

"It's the funniest. Though it was working even though it was out of your body, Tom crushed it again and activated it in some remote location miles away from here. And you know where? In a freight train; it keeps moving." Stephen laughed as I chuckled mirthlessly. Though funny, it didn't lighten me.

"So, I am on my own with this stupid stuff?" I asked. There wasn't any fancy ambush as I planned. There wasn't anyone looking for me, for these documents. They want me to something more pleasurable and disgusting as much as I figured.

Anger coursed through me hotter than wildfire.

"Stephen, spar with me or get me a punching bag."

"You are in no shape to do anything." Tom's voice reverberated from the entrance making me stuff the stroll quickly under my duvet. He came nearer and I frowned. "You neck is only healing. Listen, I shouldn't be asking this but... have you retrieved the last clue before the place fell?"

I looked at Stephen as he smiled triumphantly at Tom's question. So, they don't know I was in my last spot; the treasure land.

"Yes, but I haven't time to look into it."

"Ok, take your time but know that there are people searching for you. It won't take long before the freight train gets ambushed to find nothing. Plus, I am going and coming as I please. If the throng intensifies, my people stationed won't be adequate."

"Tom, how come Evelyn is the bad girl now?"

"I like that. But, it's at a time when we both have enough needles to play hopscotch with. Now, we are gambling minutes for your safety. My business is also in the fallout. If I am not moving fast enough, my world will crumble along with you, pumpkin; you are the only thing that has given me a reason to smile." He petted my face lovingly and got up asking Stephen to follow him.

As I was alone, I slowly took the stroll from the duvet and ripped open the plastic bag. The black ribbon, soft and velvety under my touch; removing it, the rolled up documents eased from the sudden lack of pressure. I opened the first paper. It was in a spidery handwriting with many numbers and digits. Formulas; I reckon.

The next coffee colored paper was same as the first. Many more digits, equations, numbers, and stuff that I couldn't in the life of me understand. But, it didn't take a genius to realize it was completely chemistry.

The third one poured light into me. It was the same diary entry as before.

'I feel blessed to be the only soul to have accomplished this plight. Though I fear if it might reach in the wrong hands; too bad, some wise foolish fellow said, 'whatever scientists created are creative weapons for the wrong crowd.' not his exact words, but... I can't argue. This is an achievement, one to be recognized worldwide; something to be appreciated.

But I fear for the worse. And it remains a deadly secret in my lab.

I have the equation and I have the required things. Everything! However, I can't bring myself to make this. I will save this to my grave. It goes with it. It's in my will. I can't let this fall into deadly hands that can make the entire world disappear just because I loved playing with chemicals.

This lethal dose of amythene; yes, I named her; one drop of amythene is enough to evacuate life under twelve-mile radius. If one drop could do that, what if my estimate that was to prepare seven hundred fifty mg was born; a shudder escapes my bones.

One drop is just the say, but mixed with iron and gunpowder can yield more damage, as I found out from my samples. The gases had me coughing and scratchy skin for weeks.

When the dogs got a whiff of my creation, how? I have no clue. They ransacked my place; they will never find it, though. It's hidden in between through this diary. I can only understand that. I have hidden my personal lab securely. But in this world, it will only take a second to get access to even my personal sanitary option. So help me lord to get this equation safely to my grave. The day is near; I know it in my bones.

I hope they never piece together my clues.

The papers fell from my finger. They are after a deadly equation of whatever the name was which could kill a mass. If the terrorist groups know about this; oh my... I quickly looked into the fourth paper which was a map. A fragile, tan colored paper with faded black ink that showed a dotted trail through the wilderness to reach the treasure spot; but, from the cross and spidery handwriting, I could tell it was just an approximation. The trail and this map is not a fixed thing.

The last document was a letter.

Oh, you guessed it right,

Dear darling daughter,

I believe you have retrieved the packet with both upper and lower limbs in tack. I am sorry for taking you to such a risky location. You have to understand. That location was always on my mind. A fine safe location but couldn't be accessed if the ocean is turbulent. Growing up in the town beach wilderness has its advantage.

Listen, you might feel this entire journey was useless and that I have walked you all this time through heartbreak and lies for those trivial papers.

What you don't realize is... if you haven't grasped the importance yet; is that... the formula in the first two set of papers, one that is in your hands... can bring mass destruction and mob killing. Nirvana for ungodly people... ultimate power for the wrong bone, a true and utterly hell on earth, do you get me?

The scientist was killed when his diary was robbed.

When I playfully robbed the papers to show my power; I never realized God needed my help to retrieve it for safe keeping. I came to know that the scientists hired by Louise first were already getting ready to prepare the solution. Amythene is no playful solution. It's dangerous. That poor scientist didn't get his wish fulfilled.

Now, my brave daughter; the decision lies in your hand.

Till we meet.


I feel conflicted. I carefully folded four papers together and stuffed it into my bra for now. The fifth one, my mom's letter I put it into my pant pocket and folded the plastic with the ribbon safely. I waited for Stephen to come.

This is not how I planned my ending. I will get the last clue, the map to some stupid island and let Tom loot the treasure. But now, the matter is out of hand. The solution to make amythene is... God...

I heard muffled whispers and footsteps; I quickly lay down and acted as if I was sleeping. It was only Stephen talking on the phone with someone.

"Uh-uh..." silence, "Look, it's not..." beat of silence. "You think I don't know that?"

Long gap of silence, "she is asleep now, this is going to blow her up; how could that fuc*ing medusa do this."

Silence again. "You need to understand."


"You are the undercover, blow her up. Fuc* evidence," Stephen hung up with a blasted sigh.

"What happened?" I asked groggily, acting as if I was indeed asleep.

"Did you check the stuff?"

I sighed as I got up. The wound on my neck hurting like anything; Grimacing, I got up with Stephen helping me.

"Yes, and it's not good. But before that, tell me why are you so worked up?"

"Too much bad news," he paused. I got up, completely ready to hit the oncoming train.

"Listen, don't blow up. It's very important that I keep you here."

"Go on..."

"That party was in fact, not only a stupid thing but it was also your engagement party as I came to know from Pete."

"Oh my, Pete, I kind of forgot him. That reminds me, I need to see Seb, he was angry at me for some reason."

"Didn't you hear what I just said? You were about to engaged to ShaunLouise second. Leader and second in command to Tom's mafia gang leading the underworld ring."

I was stunned without a word to be said. I was about to be engaged... what?

"Does Tom know about this?"

Stephen remained silent, I barked at his face, "Answer me..."

"Yes. He knows. But Evelyn was the plotter. What made her commit this plan to establish a safe resort is far away from my understanding."

"That bitch..." I screamed as I pulled the duvet and cover from the bed and yelled madly as I searched for something to break. In the corner, I saw many crates stacked. I rushed to them and smashed as much as I could, feeling my neck throb and then I felt the trickle of something wet and torturous.

Suddenly, a rippling hot pain seared from my neck to the brain, freezing me. The last thing I remember was heavy breathing and sweating profusely as Stephen slapped my face and screamed at someone to call for Tom.

Linda was the face I saw as I woke up with a frown. When Tom lovingly asked something, I snapped at him making Linda scowl in anger at me.

"You ripped the stitches outward making an even deeper cut and you are in no mental condition to exert emotions. Stephen, I asked you not to tell her anything for a while, didn't I Tom?"

"I am sorry; she heard my conversation and demanded an explanation."

"Alright, Lillian, please my love, listen to me. Be careful. You are fragile. I have stitched them again but it looks bad, please be careful." Linda kissed on my forehead making it hard for me to breath. She was so lovely.

"I will be with her," Tom said which got my walls back up.

"Did or did you not know about my blasted engagement with someone I don't want to?"

Tom remained silent for a while, then sighed and said, "You have to know too many things. But, first, you need to take rest. Linda can stay if you don't want me. But, I can never tell anything when your health is at risk."

"I demand."

"You don't demand elder's young lady. You need to take rest and that's it. I will stay. Stephen, leave. Tom."

When Linda and I were alone, she started talking to me about her earlier days and younger life. It sounded too happy and too fun to be true. It hurts me to think this way but it's true. Linda had a better life than me and here she is my maid. A servant! Life can be cruel at times.

"Do you regret being a servant?"

"Before I served your house, I was far in Rodriguez; there I was housing a family of four with two meddlesome twins. Those days, I did curse a lot. Once, the older boy for two minutes tried to catch my breast as the other encouraged him. They were only four at that time. I beat him until he cried and said he will never touch a girl again. His parents fired me without the paycheck. I was really troubled with news from home that made me ridiculously out of the line. I feel bad for beating him but I don't feel bad that I was fired from that house. The place was hell."

"Do you miss your younger days?"

"You mean when I was more active and stupid than a boy could ever be? Oh, I miss it a lot. I still dream at times, climbing the tallest tree or swimming the lake when the tide is high making it raunchy and angry. Or something similar in trouble, that which gets my mom running behind me in my dream with a ladle, stained in her famous curry or sauce." She chuckled.

"Do you miss your mother?" I asked with my knees tucked under my chin. She lovingly patted my cheeks and said, close to tears, "Yes. Very much, now try to get some sleep."

"Where are you from Linda?" I was nowhere near ready to sleep.

She remained silent for a long time. It made me wonder, why do people remain silent before answering some simple question? Was she planning a lie? Am I talking to a wrong person? Many questions started swarming my thinking ability that got my knickers in a twist but then she answered, erasing all sort of dilemma and tiredness from my brain.

"Long island as my mom says often. But then, I was born and brought up in town beach."


Slowly revelations are in the way.

Is Linda, Eva?

Where did Tiffany run away?

Is Lily safe?

What do you think will happen now? :O We are in the end!

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