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I was too much of agony and sadness. No matter how hard the wind slashed through me, they couldn't stop my tears nor could they dry it up. Whoever thought that an ice cold heart could cry? When I stopped the engine, my own sobs startled me. I never realized I was crying out loud.

I stopped somewhere on a hill top and the view mesmerized me. City lights twinkled along with stars and I cried again. Everything seemed so happy. Why can't I be happy? I mean I tried so hard, but... I cried out loud and then screamed to the wind. 

Luckily there was no one around. I was about to sink down into the floor but suddenly someone held me from behind taking its leisure in groping my body but not covering my mouth. Oh, he knew very well that my screams will end in vain. A deep chuckle met my ears and shivers went down my spine.

Oh my God!

If he was a molester, this sex will be the death of him. If he was a kidnapper, he would wish he never had this thought in the first place. And if he was a prankster, aka Shaun, he will end up knowing his anatomy perfectly. And I prefer the latter.

But, as reality seeped in, he was dragging me to a truck parked nearby. Oh damn! I am so helpless.

I tried to pull the rope from my wrist that I always keep for my safety, but alas, I was not wearing my usual riding jacket. I was wearing some old jacket which does not have secrets compartments like my riding jacket. And what in the world, I am wearing someone else's jacket. Dang! But, I tried my best not to panic and concentrated on the way this guy had me so that I can find where his pressure points are. However, with the way he had me in his arms, I couldn't reach anywhere.

I was nearing the truck. Somehow panic started kicking in. I forced myself to think. Think, think, think, Liana, think!

All this time, he didn't speak anything; so, oddly I don't know if this was a guy even. But, with the way his strong arms are digging into me, I can tell he is a guy; strong build.

And by the time, he neared the truck, I moved quickly and jumped. With the help of his truck, I flipped over this man's head and reached behind his back. Man, he is so tall. I nearly ended up falling. Blimey, he was so strong. I was only able to jump because he loosened up to open the passenger door. Now what?

Without wasting any minute, I jumped on, jabbed my finger on the pressure point just below his ears. He looked at me funnily through the mask slits and rolled his eyes. Good! I knew he was strong and if he used his full strength, I would be under him. I can't afford that. Thank God, I was able to find the right area, otherwise! I don't know what would have happened.

For my own good, he was alone. I looked into his truck and there was a rope in the passenger seat. I quickly tied him up. It was a bit of a work but I managed, and to my relief, I also found a handcuff. I shackled him to the truck.

Then, I sat down, resting onto the side of the truck where he was shackled and started crying again. I was blowing hard. Fear made me feel sick to my bones and I vomited. To my own amusement, I vomited onto the man's legs. 

I laughed out loud, cackling like a witch. And then I cried again. Hurt, pain, betrayal, and everything soared through me. These last few minutes, I was nearly as good as a girl in a trap. No offense, but I am not used to being a girl. I... then, why the heck am I crying? I screamed loudly and once again sobbed shamelessly.

I don't know when he got up and I was not paying any attention to him. I was busy counting stars and rhinestones from my eyes. Suddenly the song by One Republic came to my mind. I got up, wiped my tears, wiped away my snot and pushed my phone into his truck's speakers and listened to it loud.

When the music massacred the silence, I looked at the man and my screams overpowered the music; because the man was intensely looking at me through his mask. When I calmed myself down, I looked at him to see crinkle in his eyes and then he laughed out loud; a deep throaty beautiful laugh. If I was infatuated by Shaun, then this one here kissed each of my living cells. Shaun was fine but he was fire.

I plucked the mask in full force and he only laughed harder. The man in front of me was a fuc*ing sculpture or a painting. He can't be real. No, he couldn't be. I can't even describe him. He is the synonym of perfection, the perfect example of a beautiful human being. And if I was a sappy poet for Shaun, I am a sappy smut queen romantic for this man. Damn! Get a grip!

Oh dear lord, I am wasted! I was staring at him all this time. Sweet lord! I am wasted.

"Hi, " he said in a rich platonic voice that made my innards feel funny. I want to use the bathroom now. What?

"Who are you?" no matter how gooey, gooey I am on the inside; I shall never lose my cool. I asked him with such sharpness, he smiled cutely at me. What am I a lost kitten for you?

"You wouldn't want to know that. I never realized I was asked to kidnap an angel who cried."

Kidnap? Wait for what?

"Kidnap?" when I asked him disbelievingly, he looked at me alarmed for a sec and then turned his face away.

"Answer me!" I boomed. He laughed!

I snapped! "I don't get to go by another fuc*ing second with a secret for today, either tell me or prepare to die. I can so kill someone with my bare hands today."

"Ooh, an Angel with horns."

"Shut up and tell me, I won't hesitate to take you."

"Oh yes, by the way, you were looking at me, I am sure you will take me. From above or below, do you prefer?"

"I will kill you is what I mean." I blushed at his comment. Good thing it was a dark night. The only apart from the pale moon was the radio's in his truck.

"To die by your hands will be an absolute honor." He smiled a million dollar smile. It was nothing like Shaun. Why do I fuc*ing compare all the time with Shaun? I can feel something raging through me. These both are just a distraction; a stupid infatuation that I have; dammit.

"Fuc*," I screamed, "Are you alone?"

"I am glad I was sent to take you alone otherwise you wouldn't be showing me your devil side princess." He was serious. I can tell that by the way his voice changed and by the way he was facing me.

"Sheesh, a cheesy boy... now, tell me, why are you here to kidnap me? Who wants me?" I kind of liked it when he called me princess.

"Your family hasn't ever said anything?"

"STOP being cryptic... please... I am done with my family acting as if I am a disgrace to them. Give me answers, please!" I cried. Shamelessly, like a fool, I sobbed to him.

I don't know what part of him made me feel easy. He raised his hands to console me but he laughed again since it never reached my face, I have handcuffed him.

"You really think your pressure test worked on me? I mean... it did, and you are good at that. But, I was all the while, watching you and feeling your hands on me. It felt good you know. Will you un-cuff me too? Naw, I would rather like you to unbuckle me now."

His voice sported amusement and then he laughed. I slipped my façade and laughed with him all the while blushing harder. Not even Shaun was able to get this side out of my shell. And what... this guy is my kidnapper and I just met him like minutes ago. 

Why am I comparing each second with Shaun? Somehow he grew silent and I too rested my head onto the trunk and watched the sky. Something about this man made me want to trust him with my heart. But, I wouldn't give that just like that!

"You know, I never wanted to be a part of a gangster life." What the...? Was he opening up to me now? I don't want to hear it. "I know I could have become something else. But, I didn't have money. Otherwise, I would have been an engineer. That's my passion. But everything happens for a reason, right princess?"

I just looked into his eyes, searching for a sliver of something that will pull his show off. I didn't find anything. So, I stared ahead and replied yes.

"And I am glad, you are my project."

That threw me off. I looked at him sharply. Maybe he noticed my sudden stiffness, he replied quickly...

"You don't know what my men are like, princess. They will rip you apart even before you could try your tricks up your sleeve. But, when I saw you climb out and flying down the road today, I was thanking my lucky stars. I have been following you for a while but never have I caught you alone. Today, you were free and I was about to seize the chance. 

"However when I saw you drop your baby, scream, and cry. I couldn't move further. I was rooted. Hearing your screams, something in me told me that you and I are similar. I too used to scream like that sometimes. And then I saw you fall. I thought you blacked out. However, then I felt you tense up in my hands and thought I could play you. Damn girl! You are a fighter. And now, see, like a love sick fool, I am ranting to you."

"Not everything! Why did you follow me in the first place? Who are your men? Why do your men need me? What secrets are you hiding? What am I to you? And most importantly, why can't you walk out now?"

"Sharp! I love that trait in people; and not too many questions at a time, princess."

"Then answer me!"

"The point is you don't know what my men are like. And to answer you the last question, you can't walk out once you are in. You don't know the world like a gangster does."

"Why can't you walk out?" I kind of felt stupid while asking him this question, but there was something in his eyes that glittered. Maybe it was anger, hatred or pure rage. I don't know, but I am drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

"Princess, you end up in the ditch when shi* happens, and when my life was about to get over, I myself turned over into the darkest trench. So, now when I am on my own, I can't possibly wash my hands and bid farewell. This isn't a white collar job."

"Hmm, alright," well, I am not a stupid, am I? What a jerk! He said that as if I asked him why the sun is pink. I was just drawn to him, that I wanted him to keep talking. I am so stupid at times. "So tell me what do you want from me?"

"That is not my place to tell."

"But..." I was beyond infuriated with these cryptic messages. "You know what; I can kill you now, right this instant and no one will ever know... I want answers!"

He swiftly undid the ropes in one go. Maybe he was doing it all the while he spoke to me. I was so stupid. Thankfully he couldn't do the cuffs and for the second time in the night, I was literally scared. I moved away from him.

"Oh princess, you are smart but not smart enough to kill me. I am un-killable. I know you like me." His eyes were glassy and he meant business. Where is this conversation going? Why am I speaking with him? I should go!

"I believe you." Somehow, my voice wavered.

"Don't be alarmed. I won't hurt girls for fun." his handsome-mode was back on. Phew! What a bi-polar.

"Tell me why... you are here to kidnap me in the first place?" I braved up.

"That is not my place to tell, trust me, when the time comes, your family will tell you about it. And if not, after you turn eighteen; I will come personally to tell you about everything."

"How do you know, I haven't turned eighteen? And what is this thing with eighteen? Will I turn into some vampire?"

He looked at me funnily. "Well, that would be awesome, now won't it? I know everything about you. Dang! My boss is calling. Shh!"

He picked his phone and answered it.


"NO. She slipped."

Mumbled voice... was all that I heard, which I guess is his boss screaming at him. Man! Why did he lie, for me?

"If I have a word, I will do it..."

Silence, the phone hung up! Wow, with that he silenced his boss.

"I am sorry, I got to go, or he will trace me here and send backup."


"I will meet you, princess. I won't let anything happen to you. No matter what they want from you, you and I are so similar, and I get to feel your pain! I will protect you!"

This is all so overwhelming.

"I don't understand!"

"You will when the time comes. You will!" he was in a hurry to get the handcuff undone.

"I don't even know your name."

Silence! A click made me know that he undid the cuffs. A tiny jolt of terror paralyzed my body. But he swiftly pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

That was magic. It was much better than Shaun. Wow! I never thought a kiss could make you dizzy. He left me, looked me in the eye and said, "I will find you!"

Great! He too is leaving me.

"Right, you are also leaving me!"

"I said: I will find you!" he snapped irritated. I smiled.

There was a promise in it and I was happy! I smiled genuinely with pure happiness making me feel giddy and all. He got in the truck, looked at me lovingly and then sped away like a fast and furious stunt. I am impressed! I didn't get to know what his name was, what color eyes he had, anything!

Wow, that's sad!

Soon, a rumble of engine noted me I was not alone. I pushed my bike off the ground and got ready to meet whoever it was. It was my uncle's old car and I eased up.

"What in the world, Liana? You know how dangerous it is to come out alone!" he didn't even stop the engine, he jumped out.

"I have always been watched, protected and looked after not because I was loved but because I held something which was safe for the rivals, am I right?" I revved the accelerator but didn't hit the clutch.

"What are you talking about?"

"Something you guys didn't wish to tell me at the earliest."

"Who told you about this?"

"Someone I believe I can be trusted."

With that, I zoomed out in the lonely road feeling silence accompanying me. I needed that. 


Fingers crossed guys, this is where the mystery, adventure, and the action starts to unfurl taking Liana in a deep roller coaster ride! too many secrets are injurious to health.  ;)

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Also, I would like to tell that I am there on Instagram as:

immortalpoetry- https://www.instagram.com/immortalpoetry/

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