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It was a wild shot, to get the situation under control.

But it wasn't anyone from the group that blew the fire. Linda held a revolver up in the air and walked in from the staircase, demanding the men in black from one side to seize everyone else. The one who had that thin white strip on the shoulders moved fast; so, I assume they are the good people.

However, I didn't leave Evelyn.

"Uh, uh, uh... don't move." She said to the men in white, as they pulled the safety on. "The place is surrounded by my people and it can easily overthrow you all. One wrong move and darlings, you are all bloodied gutted pigs." Just as expected, more men flew in from the bushes and ambushed the remaining people.

"Linda... you are..." I began as some men seized Evelyn from my hand.

"Undercover special agent LindaSimons falsely substituted to home-worker LindaBaker at your service. Nice to meet you all; Lillian, good job," she said as her men handcuffed Evelyn.

"But..." I was astonished. This wasn't my ending at all. This wasn't how I imagined it, how I saw it.

"I will explain, but before that let's bring Annalisa here. Evangeline..." Linda yelled and Annalisa walked out. Removed from all her petite servant disguise; she looked different.

"What?" Sam fell down to one of the car's bonnet.

Tom looked astonished, clearly impressed while Evelyn sneered at her sister. Her sister... my mother... I couldn't pull my mouth up. "I don't understand," I said, astonishingly looking at the woman whom I was friend with, who helped me, who listened to me, who held me when I cried. She... she is... my mother?

"There is so much for you to understand." Annalisa, I mean Evangeline said with a beautiful smile that started Sam's waterworks. Tom sighed from somewhere.

"You were under my nose all this while? You pathetic bitch..." Evelyn screamed as she was shoved into an unmarked vehicle. The door was shut to her saliva burst.

"Let me clear the basic doubts first. Stephen, congratulations on solving your first field job; his help has been tremendous. I doubted he will be the knight in shining armor to save you, Lily. But he chose not to. Clever thinking! Pete will come soon enough. We still have to find Simon, he is still M.I.A. his involvement with Evelyn is shocking and sad."

She paused for a while to check her phone and then started again, "It seems like I have tracked few phone calls, but under certain circumstances that lack solid evidence I cannot arrest Tom for any illegal activities. As for Evelyn Samuel Parker, she is under arrest for sex trafficking, illegal forced underage prostitution, illegal sale of drugs, underage children kidnapping and selling in name of another person for organ trafficking and, shall I continue? I am sorry I have to leave you with a big question mark Lillian, but I have to do much paperwork. Tom, you are under my radar, watch out. It was a pleasure helping you Lillian. You can attend your exam this year, and graduate just the same. Stephen, make sure to clear her doubts. After all, your help in the final hour to bring her here was what helped me wrap this up easily. I will talk about the bonus with my boss."

Linda walked out patting Stephen's back firmly; leaving me shell-shocked in her Cadillac, as her men arrested Evelyn's team and walked out. She really left me in pieces, expecting me to collect myself. Pete rolled in, to see me doing a mannequin challenge while Stephen and he bear hugged, offering congratulations.

"My pudding," he hugged me, tackling me to ground as Stephen laughed out loud.

I still had too many explanations to get; thus, I was infuriated with all the sudden loopholes and dramas. Seeing my expression, Pete welcomed himself in with Stephen and Eva in tow. Sam seated with that lovesick expression, never leaving his eyes from the love of his life; while, the tired old Tom looked older than his age, suddenly looking kind and forlorn.

"What just happened here?" I asked, gulping water in haste, tearing my gaze from Tom.

"I will explain." Stephen began, "I was introduced to special training for being a cop by Pete here after he explained his doubt about Evelyn's role in illegal activates which got me hooked since I hated her from the start. But, the matters were too deep and I realized my dear sister was her number one target. However, since the thing with Annalisa's, I mean, Evangeline's plan was in a light, she couldn't do anything about it, Evelyn you see. Umm, about your hunt." he paused.

"Since, you see, umm, Tom was your shadow. She couldn't do anything and I didn't know this but Linda and Eva had an understanding. Though you might know Linda as our home worker from the beginning, she was actually a substitute for Linda Baker, who was ill or I thought was ill. She was replaced a few years back when you were little and procured several pieces of evidence against Evelyn and Simon on the run. They both were playing together. Evelyn and Simon expressed hostility to you since; they couldn't bid you for the highest rate nor could get what Eva hid. Everything was well planned according to Evelyn." Stephen was cut short but Evangeline.

"And the matters just don't end or begin there. If you remember my letters, Evelyn came in between the commotion. I knew something was wrong but didn't work on it when I saw her bruises. To learn that Louise was her husband got me off the track. But I played well and vanished after placing several incorrigible clues for Lillian to find me out. To be frank, the scroll details were always in the hands of the CIA. The copy I kept and you had, are just a few meaningless papers from the diary. It holds no value. But it contains half the formula. The moment, I learned about their revenge plan and Peter warning me that Evelyn was the mastermind behind it, I thought of negotiating with this in hand. Evelyn only wanted the money. Creating amythene and bidding it to the highest bidder can actually make her the richest woman living. Before vanishing, I handed them to CIA. They helped me disguise better and to be with you. We always had an eye on you."

I remained silent. I couldn't process anything altogether. The details were too much. I was about to burst out.

So, wasn't Tom the bad guy here, ever? Was he always saving me? What the actual...

"Tom was never the bad guy. Tom was a spy for Peter on Louise. Tom is in fact, Peter's partner. Though Peter has few illegal works, he is actually a good mafia in the business world; where trade spit and fears his name. Tom is not related to us Lillian but he has been family. His help was always a saving mask for us. We were all playing a bigger game. I never doubted Evelyn but it was clear from her that she was stealing from Sam after I started to hide in plain sight. Tiffany was her game toy. It was sick to know that Sam was sharing a bed with someone as sick as her." Eva said.

"I was fooled. I felt I was always under the bullet; until Linda confronted me, explaining to lay low. It takes a lot to get the safest criminal behind bars, Lillian. But I never in my worst dream ever thought Annalisa; the petite maid who couldn't look into my eyes was..." Sam said lovingly. Eva blushed.

"Stop... just stop, this is all too..." I walked up and ran towards my room, stripped of boxing clothes and beat the living breath out of myself on bob. He kept enduring it all until I fell down, utterly exhausted. I couldn't understand anything. It was all a game. They are still playing me.

"Hey," Stephen said.

I grunted a reply.

"Listen, don't think too much. Know this, Annalisa is your mother, Tom isn't our problem, Evelyn was always bad, your bother StephenParker is going to be a dashing rookie." He smiled smugly.

"Since when did you know all this?" I asked, huffing.

"About Annalisa being your mother... just now. And..., Tom isn't bad news...? A few days ago, when he cried as you screamed while Linda operated on you, remember? About Evelyn being the bad news..., since the moment I started calling her mother. Last but not the least... Am I going to be an FBI agent? The moment I realized there are too many bad things happening around me, in fact, just under my nose; thus, I wanted to do something about to make myself feel good about it."

"I am still a mess."

"I don't expect anything otherwise. We can clear it off, easy, step by step. I don't want you to flip your brain, scorched." I chuckled. "Come on, your mom is waiting for you. And listen, stay away from Shaun. I always disliked that boy. Like father, like son; he is bad news. I am waiting for a chance to get him behind bars. His involvement is not cleared yet but it can't be good."

Stephen walked out, expecting me to follow him. When I didn't, he looked back.

"Come on..."

"Wait, mother...?" I questioned unsurely as he hugged me, sweat and all and said, "She has been waiting too long. Don't let her wait any longer."

"But... she is I mean was, our servant to whom I ranted all my frustration and anger."

"You both can laugh about it."

"I cursed her, to her, about her."

"She will surely laugh to your face now. Come on, tea time snacks."


"My sweet sister, chill... someone else is waiting for you, a dork. First, meet your goddamn mother, you fool."

Still, the story was half missing in my brain or was I not convinced with the first revelation. Slowly, I walked into my bedroom to see Annalisa, I mean, Evangeline waiting for me.

"I am still that same Annalisa, only different names. Disguises, we can laugh about it one day. I have never changed, you can still talk to me..." she said, unsurely, utterly nervous. Was this the woman, the underworld people feared once? She was a nervous wreck in front of me. I can't wrap my head around the fact that I should call her mother. Seriously..., my poker face got her lips wobbling.

"For Christ's sake... someone hug someone now," Tom said as he pushed her to me. That was all she needed. Eva hugged me and cried. "I am sorry, baby; I will never do this to you again."

"There is no possibility for again Evangeline, don't expect me to call you a mother soon."

I pushed her and walked out, in fact, ran as I heard someone consoling her saying I will be back, give me some time. Yea, let's see on that. Without looking where I was running to, I hit a wall and fell down on my butt. Looking up, I saw Seb looking down at me with mixed emotions that I couldn't read.

"Don't just stand there you ogre, lift me up."

"You left." He simply said as I got myself up.

"Well, yea, we weren't honeymooning. I was in the middle of something stupid which I haven't yet solved." I said with my arms flailing.

"You never called."

"Well, guess what lover boy, I wasn't your next door best friend whose worries were zeroed down by broken nails or matchless hair clips. I was..." he never let me finish my sentence, his lips crashed in on me, taking me as a whole, leaving me breathless.

His hands held me tightly as if wanting to never let me go. We both parted with his forehead kissing mine, heavily breathing. "Never let me go, you are the only best thing that has happened to me and..."

"I will kill you, Lillian... it was because of you, my dad was killed by that monster." Everything happened so fast. Shaun fired a bullet from the doorway but it never hit me. Seb groaned as another round of bullet fired, whizzing past me, getting Shaun bawling on the ground. His knee was burst from Tom's shot. Seb fought hard to stand as pain conquered him to fall to his knees.

Stephen called for an ambulance and Pete, as Tom held Shaun in place. His screams send chills down my body and up.

In that short moment, even before Shaun pulled the trigger, calculating the look on Seb's face... I realized I never had mixed feelings; I was always in love with this sweet ogre.

"I love you, Sebastian, don't you dare die on me," I said snarling as Sam helped Seb into his car. Everything afterward was a roll in the fog. I was motionless, senseless and wordless. A dangerous combination that got Stephen worried.

Shaun was arrested, Evelyn was arrested, I got my uncle back, Sam and Eva became one, Seb loved me, Stephen never betrayed me; yet, I felt like I missed a puzzle.

Something was amiss.

Living in constant fear and confusion can affect someone like that, I guess. No matter what, I had people around me that helped me. I had a reason to smile. Despite it all, I smiled feeling the clutch in my heart relax.

Stephen suddenly broke my trance. "He is calling for you." In a daze, I walked to his bed and watched him smile at me.

"I love you too Lillian Liana Parker."

"You took the bullet for me."

"I didn't have any other choice. I was in the way."

"You were always the one."

"Will you marry me?"

I gasped as he chuckled. With much effort, he moved to give me some space. I climbed into the bed with him as he hugged me close to his chest.

"I am glad it's over."

"I feel like it's not. Something is amiss. Something is..."

"Relax; we will meet the tide when it hits us. Now, let's enjoy our slow song." Seb said kissing my head. I looked up at him into his eyes feeling the love radiating into mine like a surge of electricity. "Let them come, you are strong enough to tame another storm." His lips crashed into mine as I pondered upon the words.

There are many holes in my story that don't give me an explanation or ending, to satisfy me, you see. But like Seb assured me, I am a wind capable of hitting this hurricane. Let them come.

I melted myself into his kisses and the promise of a better tomorrow.


Whoooop WHooooooooooooooooooooooP, I can't believe this. It's over. 

Wild Space is over!!!


Important final update next! ;)

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