In the beginning

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In the beginning, there were little wolf pups that played in the meadows. They're names were, Ocean, a male. Moon, a female. Shadow, another male. And finally Rain, who was a female. They were great friends and did everything together. They also made a rule to wear collars as the color they like, shape, or possibly anything! They're friendship was unbreakable.

Ocean: Hah! Bet ya guys can't catch me slowpokes!

Moon: Oh we're gonna get'cha!

Shadow: You call yourself fast, but im  faster. (Runs past Ocean)

Rain: Would you guys slow (Pants) down? (Pants) Im really slow!

Ocean: Like we'd do that! (Laughs)

Rain: Oh you-!! (Tackles Ocean) * A/N I ship them a lil bit (Insert lenny face) *

All: (Laughs)

See that? Real friendship. One day, that all changed when a big challenge came up with their mentor, Vivid Crisol.

Vivid: Ok my students, I have a big challenge for you! (Gives each of them a plant) Whoever can plant their plant in just 2 weeks, They will have this secret I have in my den for years. (Shos the thing)

All: Ooohhhh....!!!!! 

Shadow: For sure, i'll get this prize!

Rain: NO!!! I will!

Moon: You all are amateurs. I'M gonna get the secret!

Ocean: Like that would ever happen!!!

* Indistinct arguing *

Vivid: Okay my wonderful students, you may start planting.

All turned away and started planting their plants. Firstly, Moon planted her's, then Rain, then Ocean, then Shadow. At the start of the third week, Everyone was racing to go to mentor Vivid's den. When They got there, They saw Rain sitting with the wise yet old mentor! Rain was happy and was willing to brag about it.

Rain: Heha!!! I knew I would win! Hehehe!

Shadow: Possibly you might have cheated on it!!!

Ocean: I'm the rightful owner of the prize!

Moon: UGH!! I am!!

* More arguing *

Vivid: SILENCE!!! 

* Arguing stops *

Vivid: I'm sorry I raised my voice, and, you all get gifts!

Rain: Wait what?

Shadow: Did she just say we all get gifts?

Moon: What does she mean we all get gifts?

Ocean: All of us get a gift?

Vivid: Yes my students. I'm very weak, old but i'm still wise. Since I'm close to dying, I thought if you'd all like a big challenge. Here.

Vivid gave her students gifts for they're participation. Shadow go a black half navy blue crystal. Ocean got a white dark blue diamond. Moon got a rare dark violet pearl. And lastly, Rain got an emerald.

Vivid: Each of you deserve it. This challenge was maybe a waste, but I hope you had fun.

All: (Hugs Vivid)

Rain: We'll miss you when you're gone mentor Vi...

Shadow: You're like a mother to us...

Moon: And a leader...

Ocean: We;ll miss you...

Vivid: I'll miss you all my wonderful students...

After that, everyone stepped out of her den and went separate ways, All where still mad at eachother. They broke every rule of they're friendship. They didn't break they're collar rule though. They never, ever, ever, ever, ever, saw each other again. 

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