Chapter 8

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'Why do I feel this way? Like I'm all alone but people are here with me... It's like I'm invisible to the world... Like I disappeared.'


"Why are you here?" Hunter asked Nicole who was sitting on a desk in an empty classroom.

"I was bored and both you and Julia are in school." Nicole answered.

"So. That doesn't mean you have to come here." Hunter says.

Nicole pouts. "You're no fun. And besides I went to this school before... You know..."

Hunter sighed and rubbed his temples. "Listen I just want to get through today at school and then I'll help you find out about your past, like I promised."

Nicole sighed. "Fine...." She says and gets off the desk.

"Yo Hunter! You heading to next class- Oh Nicole, you seem better." Vance says, walking into the room.

Nicole nodded quickly, noticing Vance. "Y-Yeah! W-Well I gotta go!" She exclaimed and jumped out the window of the room, luckily the classroom was on the first floor.

"That was... Weird..." Vance mumbled.

"Don't mind her." Hunter sighs. 'Why has she been acting stranger than usual lately?'

"We should get heading to class." Vance says, Hunter just nods and walks to class.


"Nicole! Julia! I'm back!" Vance yelled, walking through the door.

"We're in my room!" Julia yells. Hunter sighed and walked up to her room.

Once he got up there he noticed both Julia and Nicole were looking at a map of the town.

"Why are you looking at this?" He asked.

"To see if I can remember where I got into that coma." Nicole says.

"I see..." Hunter mumbled.

"Wait... I want to go somewhere... Before we start this 'big adventure.'" Nicole says. Both Julia and Hunter looked at her, confused. "I want to got to the cemetery."


"Why did you want to come here?" Hunter asked curiously, looking around at all of the graves.

"I just wanted to see something..." Nicole mumbles. She then walked over to two average graves that were right next to each other.

"Who's graves are those?" Julia asked, Nicole moved out of the way so Hunter and Julia could read them.

One said...

Here lies Jackson Walker, may he forever Rest In Peace and walk with God in the heavens.

The other one had said...

Here lies Melissa Walker, may she forever Rest In Peace and walk with God in the heavens.

"Oh I see..." Hunter mumbled, he then looked down and saw something. "What's this...?" It was a white, plain envelope. "There's nothing on it."

"Open it then." Nicole says. Hunter then opened it and pulled out a letter.

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