Chapter 11~ Tragic Love stories

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Vikrant entered the living room and found Annie was flipping through pages while fidgeting with her pen in her other hand. He cleared his throat and she looked up. She smiled at him, he smiled back. He sat beside her on the single sofa.

'So?' He asked looking at her book.

'Here, this one.'- Annie pushed the book towards him. She pointed at a theorem. Vikrant nodded picking up the book. He brought the book close to his face and read the theorem.

'It is easy.' He shifted placing the book down.

'Really?' She raised her eyebrow. Vikrant nodded placing the book back on the table. He shifted and picked up her notebook. Annie was startled when he snatched her pen. Vikrant scribbled in the book and began explaining to Annie. She smiled and shifted closer. She adjusted her dress and leaned forward. She looked keenly into the book and listened intently to him.

After a while, Vikrant finished explaining and looked at her.

'Done.' He exclaimed.

'Really?' Annie shifted and grabbed the book. She looked closely into the book. Vikrant smiled with pride. He watched her iris darting from side to side as she read it. Then, she lowered the book and smiled widely at him. She dropped the book and raised her arms. She was about to hug him but stopped with her arms in mid-air. Vikrant's smile faded as well.

She cleared her throat and shifted. Vikrant and Annie looked around awkwardly and purposefully avoided looking at each other. They stayed like this for some time and then Annie shifted. Vikrant looked at her. She tugged her hair behind her ear and looked back at him.

'Thank you, Vikrant.' She said and smiled a little. He smiled back. Then, he picked up her pencil and pulled the notebook towards him.

Curiously, Annie looked on as he scribbled few numbers. Then, he wrote his name under it.

'Here, my number.' He said and smiled at her. Annie's frown turned into a smile. She looked up at him.

'Give me your hand.' She said shyly. Vikrant blinked at her. He extended his hand. Annie picked up the pen from the table. He felt goose-bumps when she held his fingertips. She looked up, into his eyes and smiled shyly. Then, she looked back at his palm and scribbled few numbers. Vikrant felt ticklish but maintained a straight face. She wrote her name under the numbers and looked back at him.

'My number.' She said softly. Vikrant smiled moving his hand away.

'Thanks.' He said. She blushed lowering her gaze.

Then, she closed the books and looked at him, - 'I should be going.' She said. Vikrant nodded and stood up. She stood up too. He helped her pick up her books. Accidentally, their hands touched. Annie inhaled sharply and looked at him. He looked back at her. He stared into her eyes. The first time, he was seeing her face from so close. As he gazed into her chocolate brown eyes Vikrant felt himself melt.

Then someone cleared their throat and they moved apart. Dev stood at the door. He grinned at them.

Vikrant glared at him while Annie looked away. Dev raised his eyebrows, his grin widened. Then he turned around and walked away. Vikrant looked at Annie. She had clenched her books tightly and was staring at the ground. He noted her eyes darting. She tugged the long hair strand behind her ear. Vikrant shifted and cleared his throat.

'Come I will drop you home.' He said politely. Without looking up, Annie nodded. Vikrant smiled to himself and began walking. Annie followed him.

'Ma, I am going to drop Annie at her home.' Vikrant called as he unlocked the main door.

'Okay, beta.' His mother called from inside her room. Vikrant then opened the door and stepped aside. Annie looked at him and he gestured her to step out. She walked out of the main door. Then the two wore their footwear.

Vikrant closed the door behind him and followed Annie. She stopped and turned a little. Vikrant stood by her. They exchanged smiles and began walking.

'So, Annie. What is your favorite subject?' Vikrant asked. He needed to start a conversation to kill the awkwardness between them.

Annie looked at him, - 'English.' She looked away again. Vikrant nodded thoughtfully. He shoved his palms into the pockets of his pants.

'Yours?' Annie asked.

Vikrant looked at her and flashed a smiled, - 'No favorites. I hate studying.' He said. Annie raised her eyebrow.

'What?' He shrugged.

'It's hard to believe. You are such a brilliant student.' She complimented sincerely. Vikrant blushing rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand. She smiled and looked front. They stopped by the main gate. Vikrant unlocked the main gate and opened it. He stepped aside. Annie walked out.

'So. English?' – He looked at her and she nodded, - 'No wonder I have seen you reading novels many times in the canteen.' He said. Then he paused thinking if he revealed too much. Annie seemed to not notice. She nodded.

'Yeah. I love reading.' She said. Vikrant was impressed. Reading, dancing - Annie's choices are very good.

'Hmm, but I noticed you always need sad-tragic stories. Why?' Vikrant asked curiously.

Annie shrugged, - 'I like them.'

Vikrant was more confused, she looked at him and smiled.

'I guess you are wondering who likes sad endings?' – She said, and he nodded. She smiled looking away and stopped. She turned and looked seriously at him.

'You know what I like the most about tragic love-stories?' – She paused gazing into his eyes, Vikrant shook his head, she looked away momentarily and then back at him again, - 'The thing that even though the lovers die or get separated their love stories lives on – forever.' She said. Vikrant blinked at her. Annie looked away and unlocked the main gate of her house. She pushed the door and it creaked.

She looked at him, - 'There is something really attractive, really satisfying in reading about forbidden love and tragic love stories. You should try them.' She said.

Vikrant raised his hand and shook his palms, - 'No ways. I am more of happy ending person.' He said.

Annie nodded, - 'But life is not a fairy tale, Vikrant. And not all love stories have happy endings.' She said seriously. Vikrant blinked at her. He noticed the twinkle in her eyes was missing. They kept looking at each other until they heard Toby barking. Annie took a step back and forced a smile.

'Okay then.' – She turned around and then turned back, - 'Please do come home someday, but this time don't jump parapets.' – She smiled widely, - 'in case Toby sees you sneaking, he will bite and he-' – She leaned little, - 'he bites really bad.' She said and moved back.

Vikrant blinked at her, she continued to smile widely. Then, he smiled too.

He took a step back as Annie stepped inside. She turned around, all the while smiling at him, and closed the door. Before the door closed Vikrant waved at her, she lowered her head. A smile lingered on her face. Staring at the closed gate for some time more, Vikrant turned. He stuffed his palms into his pockets again and began walking towards his home. Annie's words echoed in his head,

But life is not a fairy tale, Vikrant. And not all love stories have happy endings.

Then, Dev's words rang in his ears,

Forget about that girl, she is a Christian.

Vikrant sighed and kicked a small pebble on the pavement.

There is something really attractive, really satisfying in reading about forbidden love and tragic stories.

Vikrant unlocked the gate and entered.


Later in the night, Vikrant fidgeted with his mobile. He had saved her number and now was contemplating if he should call her. He glanced at the wall-clock. It is 10 in the night. After dinner, he had gone to the terrace to look at her, but she didn't come out. Perhaps, she was busy. Vikrant sighed and shifted. He turned to his side and pulled the duvet till his chin. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But he kept thinking about her. Her pretty face, her innocent eyes, her thin pink lips, and her voice. Then, her words. 


Annie loves to read and dance, but tragic love stories? What about you, guys? Anyone likes tragic love stories??

How was the chapter, guys? Please drop your thoughts in the comments*smiles*

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