Chapter 16~ I Love You, Annie

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Now, Annie and Vikrant became franker with each other. Annie had stopped hesitating and they began talking anything and everything under the sun. Many times, they also sneaked from their houses to catch up and have Pani- Puri from the same stall. In pretense, to study Annie showed up at Vikrant's place many times. And making some random excuses Vikrant also visited her home.

As the days passed, Vikrant's feelings for Annie increased. Judging from her body language, he got vibes that she was interested in him too. More than friends. But every time he thought of confessing his feelings he backed out. He feared their friendship might get strained. What if she stopped talking to him?

'Bhai! If you will waste your time, then someone else will propose her.' Dev's voice startled Vikrant. He stopped fidgeting with his phone and looked at his brother. He was sitting on his bed and looking at his brother seriously.

'What do you mean?' Vikrant pretended. Dev rolled his eyes.

'My friend, Leo was saying that his elder brother Steve has a huge crush on Annie and he is planning to befriend her.' – Dev looked on seriously, - 'And he is a Christian too.'

Vikrant frowned. Dev went on.

'He said he had been trying for a long time, but Annie doesn't reciprocate. In fact, she hardly talks him or only other boys.'

Hearing this Vikrant felt special, he puffed up his chest and stared at the wall in front of him. Dev frowned shaking his head.

'Bhai,' – Vikrant looked at him, - 'She is friendly with only you. Perhaps, she likes you too. Just confess that you like her. Then, move on to love.' Dev advised him. Vikrant gave a thoughtful nod. Then, he shifted and eyed his brother suspiciously.

'By the way, weren't you the one who had told me to stay away from her?' He asked. Dev shifted on his bed and smiled.

'Yeah, I did. But you genuinely like her. And let us see what the future holds. Whatever happens, we will face it.' Dev said confidently. Vikrant smiled and got up from his chair. He raised his arms and walked towards his brother. Dev protested but he engulfed him in a tight hug. Within minutes they parted, and Vikrant sat beside Dev.

'I will propose her.' Vikrant said determinedly. Dev nodded and patted his shoulder.

'All the best, big bro.'

Vikrant looked at him and leaned to hug him again, but Dev jumped down his bed.

He laughed as Dev made faces and ran out of the room.


In the evening, Vikrant had showered and changed into blue crew neck Tee, black denim, and black leather jacket. Dev looked at him as though he was some strange creature from wonderland.

'Dude, why don't you pierce your ear and get a tattoo?' Dev said with a straight face.

'What are you talking about?' Vikrant replied applying gel in his hair. Dev pressed his lips tightly and shook his head.

'Bhai! You are going to confess your love. Please, don't scare her.' – He said seriously, Vikrant looked at him in the mirror, - 'Ditch the leather jacket, please.' Dev advised him. Vikrant thought for a moment before removing the jacket and tossing it on the bed. Just then, he heard Toby barking.

Annie was out with Toby – He smiled to himself. Then, he hurried towards the door. As he reached the door, Dev called him and wished him luck. Vikrant smiled nodding his head.

He was super confident but as he stepped out of the main gate, his confidence began to waver. And when he saw her with Toby, he lost all his self-confidence. Toby was near the pavements sniffing something among the small shrubs. Annie was tugging his leash and speaking something to him. Vikrant smiled looking at her. She looked pretty in a knee-length red frock, the dress even had a cute delicate belt around the waist. Her golden locks open and resting on her back. She sighed and looked away from Toby. Her gaze fell on Vikrant and her face instantly lit up.

'Hey.' She called him. Vikrant straightened and walked up to her.

'Toby is giving you a tough time?' He asked pointing at Toby. Toby growled at him and he took a step back. Annie giggled.

'I think you offended him.' She said after she had stopped laughing. Vikrant simply smiled. Noticing Vikrant's body language, Annie frowned.

'What happened, Vikrant? Everything all okay?' She asked looking intently at him.

'Huh!' -Vikrant looked dazed, - 'No, nothing – let us-walk.' He gestured forward. Annie eyed him suspiciously but doesn't probe him.

As they walked, Vikrant kept glancing at the dog. Toby was minding his own business but somehow, he was affecting Vikrant and making him more nervous. He felt Annie's gaze on him multiple times, but he avoided looking at her. Suddenly, he felt his throat parched.

After a while, Annie stopped and held his arm. Vikrant was startled when she turned him to face her.

'What is wrong with you, Vikrant Singh?' She asked placing her free hand on her hip and slightly tilting her head to one side.

'Noth-Nothing.' Vikrant lied avoiding her gaze. Annie bit her lower-lip angrily.

'Speak, Vikrant.' She said sternly. He shook his head.

'Is there something bothering you?' She asked, concerned. Vikrant noticed her tone softening and looked at her. She looked on waiting for him to reply. Toby got interested in sniffing the pavement.

'I-I' – Vikrant stared at his palm briefly before looking at her, - 'want to tell-you-some-something.' He hesitated.

'Yes?' Annie asked sweetly. She blinked her cute eyes and Vikrant felt sweaty. He felt like kicking himself.

It's now or never, Vikrant - He mentally encouraged himself. Then, he looked up at Annie. She kept blinking at him and waiting patiently for an answer.

'Annie, I-I want to-say-that. I- I.' – He sighed and took a step closer, - 'Annie, I really like you.' He said and inhaled sharply. He noticed Annie's expressions change, she looked down. Vikrant panicked.

'I am-so-sorry if offended you but – I can't help it. Since the first time I saw you I began liking you and after spending so much time with you I-I-fell in love with you.' He confessed. Annie looked up. Vikrant could hear the loud thumping of his erratic beating heart. Annie blinked at him and then looked at Toby.

'Come, Toby.' She tugged on his leash. Vikrant felt his heart stop beating for a second.

She is leaving? Oh, Shit! He offended her

'Annie.' He called but she doesn't turn back. With a heavy heart, Vikrant watched her walk away with the dog. She opened the main gate and entered. Not once looking back at him.

'Shit!' Vikrant ran his fingers through his hair, then placed his palms on his hips and sighed loudly.


Yaay, Vikrant confessed *_* But Annie *worried face* What do you guys think? Is this the end of Vikrant's love story *gasp*

What are your thoughts on the Chapter, guys? Drop your comments, please *smiles*

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