Chapter 29~ Wedding

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Nine years later, California.

It's a sunny Sunday morning, many people have come in the park. Some for jogging, some were part of laughter clubs, some had come just to laze around. Among the people was 27-year-old Vikrant Singh. Wearing a black tank top and white knee-length Bermuda shorts he had come for his routine exercise and jog.

Vikrant dropped his black bag on the bench and sat. He tied the knots of his sneakers tighter and got up. After warm-ups, he began jogging.

As he jogged he attracted a lot of attention, especially female attention. But he was so engrossed in his exercise that he didn't notice.

After the jog, he stopped by the bench and huffed. He sat and closed his eyes. After his breathing to return to normal he turned and unzipped the bag. He took out a hand towel and wiped his sweaty arms, biceps, and back of his neck. Then, he took out a water bottle and drank some water. Clenching the water bottle and towel he leaned forward resting his arms on his thighs. Vikrant watched people minding their own business. Happy people with no care in the world, no sorrow. Watching the cheery faces brought only some happiness in Vikrant's otherwise depressing and monotonous life.

After a while, he sighed and was about to get up when his phone beeped. He took his phone from his pant pocket and glanced at the screen,

Ronit Calling

Seeing his name flashing on the screen, Vikrant was reminded of his commitment. He checked his watch – 10.30


Vikrant: Hello!

Ronit: Hey man! Are you coming or not?

Vikrant massaged his forehead, - 'Yeah man!' He replied touching his wet hair. He heard Ronit exhale from the other side.

Ronit: Court time is 12. Please, be on time.

Vikrant: Sure

After talking to his friend and colleague, Vikrant cut the call. He leaned back on the bench and took few minutes to himself. He closed his eyes and heard the voices of people talking, kids laughing and birds chirping. He felt relaxed. After some time, he opened his eyes. He stuffed the water bottle inside and placed the sling of his bag on his shoulder.


Vikrant lived in the nearby building. He got into the building and took the stairs to the third floor. He adjusted the sling of his bag and walked towards his apartment. He took out his keys and unlocked the door.

He entered and closed the door. Then, he removed his sneakers and placed it on the shoe rack. He straightened and walked through narrow pathway into the living room. He dropped his bag on the sofa and walked into the bedroom.

Vikrant closed the curtains of the French window and removed his tank top. He dropped it into his laundry bag and walked towards his wardrobe. He took out a formal suit and a towel.

He placed the formal suit on the bed and walked into the bathroom with the towel resting on his forearm.

Vikrant showered, dried himself and tied the towel around his waist. He stepped out from the bathroom and picked up the formal suit. He placed the suit against his chest and looked at his reflection in the mirror. It didn't look bad and so he decided to wear this one.

He drove to the court and parked his car in the parking area and got down. He combed his hair with his fingers as he walked towards the court. He glanced at his watch, 11.45.

Vikrant looked around, there were many couples already present there. He searched for his friend. Soon, he found his friend sitting with a beautiful American girl, his girlfriend. Even though it was a court marriage both were dressed as a bride and groom. Vikrant smiled and walked to them.

'Hey!' Vikrant said. The two stopped talking and looked at him. A wide smile appeared on their faces.

'Hey, Vikrant.' Ronit got up with open arms. They hugged and parted soon. The girl got up too.


'Hi, Caroline.' Vikrant shook hands with her. She smiled at him.

'Good you came. We had thought you will miss our marriage.' Ronit said placing his arm on Caroline's shoulder. Vikrant smiled shaking his head.

'How can I miss my friend's wedding?' He said.

Ronit laughed and then placed his palm on his shoulder, - 'Court marriages are boring, right? That is why.' He replied. Then, he laughed again. Caroline joined him. Vikrant simply smiled.

After completing his schooling, Vikrant had done Engineering and was lucky to get campus placement. Within one year he shifted to the US. Here in the IT firm he met Ronit, they worked together also shared an apartment and soon became friends. They were flatmates until Ronit fell in love with Caroline, his yoga instructor and the two shifted together. Vikrant was very happy for them when they announced they will be getting married. But since they were from two different worlds they weren't keen on getting married twice with two different rituals and so they opted for court marriage.

Though Vikrant was happy for them he was also very envious. Many times, he wished he and Annie could also get married, someday. Even after so many years, Annie's thoughts brought tears to his eyes and make his heart and mind restless.

'Hey.' Vikrant snapped out from his reverie when he heard an unfamiliar voice. He looked up and found a girl standing next to Caroline. She looked Indian.

'Vikrant,' – Caroline smiled holding the girl's hand, - 'she is Poonam. My friend and witness from my side.' She introduced them. The girl, Poonam, extended her hand.

'Vikrant Singh.' He shook hands with her.

'Poonam Oberoi.' She replied.

Caroline went on to tell about Poonam, she is a second generation American and works in an IT firm as a system analyst.

Vikrant was polite and formal with her. He got irritated when his friends teased them. At one point, Ronit realized and asked Caroline to not tease him. Poonam noted changes in Vikrant's body language and wondered why he got so pissed off with harmless teasing. She eyed him until he looked at her. She looked away pretending to not have been staring at him.

Soon, they were called in.


The formalities ended and with them signing in the register they were pronounced as husband and wife. Vikrant and Poonam signed in the witness column.

They clapped as Ronit and Caroline hugged and kissed. Very enthusiastically, Poonam clicked their photos. She suggested she took a selfie with Vikrant, but he refused. She was upset but he didn't bother pacifying her. Something about his brooding nature attracted Poonam. That and his handsome looks.

Soon, they were done and left the building. As they stepped out, Poonam demanded a treat. Secretly, Vikrant kept praying they refuse but to his bad luck, they announced a special party in the evening. Vikrant wanted to refuse but Ronit began emotionally blackmailing him. So, he gave in.


How was the Chapter, guys? Poonam seems like an interesting character *hmmm* What are your thoughts? 

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