Chapter 3~ At Her Home

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A while later, two women Mrs. Singh Junior and Mrs. Singh Senior were standing at the door waiting for Vikrant. One thing they were clueless was why was Vikrant taking so much time to get ready. Finally, when he came out they noticed he was dressed in a blue crew neck Tee and Denim. His hair gelled, and he had applied a lot of perfume. They passed each other a curious glance.

'Arey, beta. We are just going to the neig-'

'Stop wasting time, Ma and come.' Vikrant said as he climbed down the small fleet of stairs outside the main door. The women glanced at each other again. Vikrant ignored them and continued to walk along the pavement.


Nervously, Vikrant shifted in his place. They were expecting footsteps instead they heard a dog barking. Senior and Junior Mrs. Singh panicked and held their hands tightly. Vikrant was nervous too, but he maintained a straight face. Then the door opened and a man wearing olive green Bermuda shorts and white vest opened the door.

'Eeeks.' The women close their eyes. The man frowned and looked away from the women.

'Yes?' He asked eyeing Vikrant.

'We-we-are-your-your neighbor. So, we thought-we-drop-by.' He managed to say. The man's frown turned into a smile and he happily gestured them to come in. The women peeked from behind their palms and covered their eyes again. Vikrant and the man sighed shaking their head.

'Lily, Annie. Look our new neighbor.' The man called and then looked back at the guests.

'Come.' He gestured them towards the living room. Vikrant looked around the room. It was cozy with red colored sofa, a small coffee table, a long bookshelf which was filled with books, a show rack with few candles in amazing candle holders. The aroma of the candles was soothing. The room was dimly lit and filled with different kinds of artifacts.

'Hi,' – The man extended his hand, - 'My name is Alvin Davis.'

'Vikrant Singh.' Vikrant extended his hand and the two men shook hands.

'Welcome to my home,' – Alvin gestured around the living room, - 'Come, sit. Ladies?'

The women nodded and avoiding looking at him they hurried to sit on the double sofa.

Vikrant was about to sit when he saw two people walking into the room. A woman and the same gorgeous girl. He paused looking at her but quickly composed himself. He was in her house and he shouldn't stare at her. He lowered his head and sat down on a single sofa. Alvin called them, and they smiled at the guests. Then they stood beside him.

'She is Lily,' – Alvin placed his arm around the older woman, - 'My wife and she is,' – He pointed at the young girl, - 'Annie, our daughter.'

Annie nodded and smiled a little. Senior and Junior Mrs. Singh smiled widely at the women.

'Lily and Annie, entertain the guests while I get juice.' He said and was about to leave when Senior Mrs. Singh interrupted him.

'Arey, no need beta. We are okay.' She said politely. Alvin looked disappointed but doesn't pester. Vikrant noticed him glance at his wife and she gestured him with her head.

'Okay, then I will take your leave. I have some work.' He lied and walked out of the living room.

Senior and Junior Mrs. Singh let out a sigh of relief.

Lily walked up to them and sat on the other single sofa.

'It is so thoughtful of you all to come visit us. We were talking the yesterday...'

As Lily spoke with the ladies, Vikrant looked at Annie. She was simply standing with her gaze stuck to her fingernails. She kept fidgeting nervously. She was wearing puffed half sleeved blue knee-length frock. Her hair tied in a loose side pony and resting on her shoulder. Her bangs covering whole her forehead. This time Vikrant noticed the glistening pendant. A cross.

Annie Davis – Vikrant said in his head.

And as though he called, Annie looked up. Her gaze met Vikrant and he smiled a little. He noticed her cheek turn slightly red as she lowered her gaze.

After some introduction, Lily turned to Annie and asked her to get some drinks and snacks. She nodded and was about to turn but the Singh ladies refused.

'No, please have something. I insist.' Lily said sweetly.

Vikrant didn't understand why the ladies were so stubborn. Though they were polite in refusing he wasn't liking it.

'I will have some juice.' Vikrant interrupted, and everyone looked at him. Lily smiled and nodded. Vikrant noticed Annie was smiling too. He smiled back. She turned and walked out of the room. The Singh ladies glared at Vikrant which went unnoticed by him.

Soon, Annie arrived carrying a tray with a glass of orange juice and some biscuits. Vikrant watched her walk towards him and extend the tray. He looked up at her and smiled picking up the glass. Annie smiled shyly and walked back to the table. She bent and placed the biscuits on the coffee table. Lily picked up the plate and forwarded it to the Singh ladies. Once again, they refused. Vikrant ignored them and sipped the orange juice.

In their five minutes stay there Vikrant and Annie had many small eye lock sessions. He loved it and wanted to stay longer. He wanted to speak with Annie and get to know her more. But when his family decided to leave he doesn't protest. He got up from the sofa and before leaving he glanced at Annie. She was sitting silently in a corner on a small cushioned stool. She looked up from her clasped palms and her round chocolate brown eyes met Vikrant's eyes. He smiled at her and she smiled back. Then she lowered her head.

'Nice meeting you.' Lily said happily and to the Singh's surprise, she hugged them.


'They were nice people.' Senior Mrs. Singh said and Junior nodded.

Then she looked at Vikrant and frowned, - 'And why did you drink juice?' She scolded him. Vikrant was taken aback.

'Why not?' He shrugged.

Junior and Senior Mrs. Singh rolled their eyes.

'Don't you know. They drink alcohol.'

'Yeah, and I have seen in movies that they make their dogs drink from the same glass.'


Suddenly, Vikrant felt pukish.


Awww Vikrant *_* and Annie, she is cute, isn't she? What are your thoughts, guys? And Senior Junior Mrs. Singh stopped being judgemental *rolls eyes*

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