Making Amends

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Author's Pov

           Bas was in the infirmary, a nurse tending to his bruised face. He was fuming with anger, and unhappy, he regretted the decision he just took cause now his pretty face, basically, his logo was destroyed beyond repair, not to mention the other wounds. The nurse disinfected all the wounds and let Bas in a bed to rest, he laid in the bed and closed his eyes, thinking about today. He was indeed angry, and now more determined to snatch Kimmon for himself at all costs, he knew exactly what he had to do now and fall asleep at peace.

          Kimmon was walking towards the infirmary, he entered the room and saw Bas sleeping on the bed. He was about to exit the room to go back to the trailer to check on Copter when he heard Bas' voice.

- P'! What are you doing?  

- I was about to check on you, but you were sleeping so I intended to leave.   Kimmon approached the bed and sat at the bottom of it where Bas' legs didn't reach. 

- How are you feeling? asked Kimmon.

- I'm fine now. The pain lessened, they gave me painkillers. 

- That's good! Kimmon said absentmindedly.

- How is P'Copter? Bas asked faking concern in his voice.

- He's fine, sleeping. I should go back to him. Kim was about to sit up when Bas stopped him.

- P'Kim, wait!

- Yes?

- I really think P'Copter should see a specialist about his problem. I have a friend who is an expert in the field, he can help P'Copter free of charge. It's safer for everyone this way. Aren't you afraid sometimes?

- Copter will never hurt me, he loves me as much as I love him. Furthermore, he doesn't have that kind of crisis out of nowhere, he needs to be provoked. As of the specialist, you talked about we'll think about it. Get well soon!   Kim was about to sit up again when Bas stopped him once again.

- P'Kim! It wasn't a suggestion. What P'Copter did was assault and if he refuses to seek help from a specialist then I will press charges against him.  Bas said threateningly.

- Bas! He didn't mean to hurt you. Copter is my angel he wouldn't hurt anyone.  Kim said in an upset tone.

- Maybe you are willing to take that risk P', but I'm not. It's your choice special help or prison. Here is my friend's card, hope you'll take the right decision.

            Kimmon didn't say anything, he took the card and left for the trailer to see what Copter was doing while thinking about Bas' ultimatum. 

          Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Bas took his phone and dialed a number. The person on the other end picked up after the first ring.

Bas: P'! I have a special mission for you.


         Kimmon entered the trailer where Copter was still sleeping soundly, he sat beside Copter on the bed while caressing his head, he was thinking about Bas just said to him.

KIM: What am I gonna do, love? I can't lose you, but you went too far this time. Bas is not gonna back off from his idea, he's too stubborn.

         Kimmon was thinking about every possible scenario, but none seemed good for his baby. Either way is baby will feel restrained, chained, but Kim thought that a shrink was better than prison, so he's gonna do everything in his power to convince Copter that seeing a specialist is not a bad idea after all. Now all he needed to do was to think how he's gonna convince Copter that that was for his own health and apparently he must think fast cause Copter is waking up, squirming right next to him.

- Did you have a nice nap, baby?  Kim cooed at his love.  

         Copter softly rubbed his eyes like a little kid to take in his surroundings, after he did, he looked at Kimmon and smiled softly while answering.

- Yes, I slept like a baby. 

- You are a baby, my baby.  Kim smiled back at him just as soft.

- Stop that!  Copter said while blushing.

- We need to talk, baby.  Kimmon said, not happily anymore.

- What about? 

- About your fight with Bas.

- Hmm, don't wanna... Copter said while pouting.

- Copter! Kimmon warned.

- Fine, but he started it.

- How?

- He said bad things, mean ones... He said I'm crazy.  Copter huffed annoyed.

- Did he use the word crazy?

- No, but I know that this was what he meant...

- Copter, baby! You can't lash at people just like that, actually, you shouldn't have done that at all. What did I tell you? We use brains not muscles.

- But, but...

- No buts, now we'll go to Bas to say sorry, and later this week you will talk with someone about what it bothers you.

- With whom?

- A friend of mine, he's a very good listener.  Kimmon had to lie, cause if he'd tell Copter the truth, then he will throw a tantrum and not go.

- Fine, but then we go home. I'm tired!

- Tae is coming to pick you up and stay with you, I still have the photoshoot to do.

          Copter huffed once again, he didn't like it one bit, he could whine about it and convince Kimmon to go back home with him, but he needs to do his work.


- P'Tae, please!

- Copter, I said no. If Kim finds out, he's gonna kill us both.

- Please, just one more. I wanted so bad. It's so good.

- No is no!

- Please, P'Kim won't find out, I promise.

            And speaking of the devil, he just entered the apartment.

- I won't find out what?

- Nothing, Copter is being needy again, that's all.  Tae said dismissively. 

- Did you give it to him? Kim asked.

- Yes!   Tae said desperately.

- How many times? 

- Three, and he still can't get enough of it. He's so greedy, I swear he exhausted every cell in my body, I can't do it again.  

- Copter!    Kimmon called for Copter who was sitting on the couch in the living room, while Kim and Tae were behind the couch standing.

- Yes?  Copter asked innocently. 

- Have you begged Tae to give it to you?

- What? No!  Copter lied, and Kim cocked his eyebrow showing that he knows he's lying. 

- Fine, I did! But I can't help it when it's so good, I just want one more, that's all. Tell him to give it to me.

- Copter, you know you can't have too many cheesecakes. You will get sick.

  !!  A/N: Who got caught in the trap? :))) !! 

- Fine, but give me one more and that's it, I promise. I really, really crave it.

- Fine, but after you go straight to bed without misbehaving at all.   

- I promise!   Copter said solemnly.

         Kimmon went to the kitchen, Tae tailing him behind while Copter watched the TV and waiting for the mouthwatering cheesecake he's about to get.

- I heard what happened today with Bas.   Tae said mater of factly.

- Already? Kim was surprised, that was fast, even for Tae.

- I'm friend with the manager for the shooting and he likes to gossip, that's for sure.

- Oh...

- What are you going to do?

- I really don't know cause Bas wants Copter to go to a therapist or he will file a complaint and you how Copter feels about those.

- Yeah, he really hates them. 

- I convinced him to talk with one though, later this week.

- How?  Tae raised his eyebrow.

- I kind of told him that he will speak with my friend...

- Kimmon.....

- I know, I know, but what I was I supposed to do? Let him go to jail? Plus, I think talking with someone who is more qualified than me and you is gonna help him somehow. 

- I don't know what to say about it...

- Don't say anything, just support me.

- Fine!  Tae rolled his eyes.

- I need to go, it's getting late.  Tae said. 

- Ok, take care.

                     Tae left and Kimmon walked back to the living room with the cheesecake, only to find Copter sleeping soundly on the sofa, he smiled and put the dessert on the coffee table. He took Copter in his arms and carried him to their bedroom. After changing himself and Copter in pajamas, he tucked himself and Copter into bed and snuggled Copter close to him while kissing his head.

- I will do everything for you. I love you!


Finally, I updated this too. I know, it took literally ages for me to update this and it's not fair to you guys, but I will try harder.  Don't know who's still here, but if someone is let yourself be known and do tell what you think about this chapter. I will contemplate about the next update for this book after the interest it has from you, dear readers. If no one is reading this anymore it doesn't make sense to continue, but if there are people who still read this and what more, I will keep updating, depends on what you want.



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