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Copter's POV

I'm walking down the street towards our apartment. You may ask which our? Well, I live with my boyfriend, the famous actor Kimmon Varodom. You may ask why I'm going home alone when I have a boyfriend who supposedly cares for me. It's a long story, but apparently, I have all the time so I'm gonna tell you the story.

I'm in my car driving to a bar which my lovely boyfriend recommended. He texted me saying to go to this bar cause he's waiting for me there. I drive carefully cause I don't want to be involved in a car accident and furthermore if I will my Kim is gonna buried me alive for putting my life in danger and will never let me drive again. Finally, I arrived at the said bar and walk towards the entrance. Once inside I look for my boyfriend, but I don't find him anywhere. That's weird he said that he's waiting for me here, I get the wrong address? I check the message again and indeed this is the right address. Maybe he's in the restroom so I'm going to check. Once I entered the restroom, I'm welcomed by a very shocking and unpleasant image.

My boyfriend is with his butt on the floor and with his back leaning on the wall and Bas is sitting on his lap and, they are kissing!
A lot of emotions are going on inside me now. But I'm not a coward who runs home crying so I launch myself at them and throw Bas away from Kim's lap. He just landed somewhere near the cubicles, but I don't care so I just face my boyfriend only to notice that he's lifeless, he's not moving. I kneel in front of him and check his pulse and thank god he has a pulse. I turn towards Bas and shout.

"What did you do?"

He was kind of confused, maybe from the fall, he focused on me and became aware again. He looked at me as if I interrupted his moment.

"Why the hell did you stop our make-out session?"

Their make-out session? Ok, now I'm mad.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You were going to rape my boyfriend and now you're implying that he wants you."

"Of course, he wants me, the feeling it's mutual. He even said that he's tired of you and will break up with you to marry me and we will live happily ever after."

"That's it. You are dead!"

I was going to launch myself at him, but I heard a fainted voice coming from Kim, he was waking up.

"My baby? Cop..."

I got beside him and hug him, putting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm here. Everything it's alright."

I looked around and Bas was already gone, when I will put my hands on him, he's dead.

"What happened?" Kim asked me, he looked kind of confused.

"You don't remember?"

"Bas told me to accompany him to the toilet and after that everything is black."

"He almost raped you,"  I said gently, I didn't want to scare him.

"What?!" Kim shouted out loud.

"Exactly what you heard."

"But,...he wouldn't...Are you sure?"

"Oh, so I'm lying to you right now!" I said upset.

"I didn't say that it's just that I know Bas and he wouldn't do something like that. He's an angel, did you look at his baby face? I don't even believe that he is capable of raping someone, he's more of a bottom."

I looked at my boyfriend shocked, I couldn't believe my ears. Yes, I know Kim could be oblivious most of the time, but really? He questioned my credibility, his own boyfriend and defend and even praise his own rapist.

"He was about to ride your dick while you were unconscious if I wouldn't stop him in time, you fucking bastard, but I guess I did a mistake cause it seems you didn't want him to stop."  


Kimmon didn't have the chance to finish his sentence cause I get up and run towards my car, I was hurt. My own boyfriend was so blind and couldn't see Bas's true nature, he just sees the angel mask he's putting on every time Kim is around. I promised myself not to cry, but my tears start to drop automatically. My vision was blurred and I heard Kimmon screaming my name somewhere behind me, but despite all that, I just keep running towards my car. Finally, I reached the car and get in, I immediately start the engine and drove off.                                                                      -End of flashback-      

So, that was the story. My own boyfriend chooses that leech, that man-whore instead of me. OK, I know he didn't choose anyone, but the fact that he didn't believe what I told him hurts like hell. This relationship is supposed to be based on trust, but it seems it was just my illusion. I parked my car and hurried towards my apartment, I entered the bedroom and locked the door. I jump on the bed and buried my face in the pillows, the tears came again, I still see that image when Bas is kissing Kimmon. I heard knocks on the door and my boyfriend's voice or I should say, ex-boyfriend?

"Baby, open the door, please. Let's talk."        

"Go and talk to that man-slut, it seems you prefer him more than me," I said crying even harder than before.

"Not like that baby. You know Bas, he is always too clingy, maybe you just misunderstood."

"You were fucking unconscious and he was all over you. Tell me, what I misunderstood? The part where you were unconscious? Do you want to tell me that was mutual? That you lead me on all this time when in fact you just want Bas? That's what I misunderstood?"

I'm so mad right now, how can he still defend Bas? He doesn't even remember what happened, but still, he believes in Bas' innocence.

"Nothing like that baby. I love you so much and you know how hard I worked to get you. I will never lead you on. I love very much Copter, just you."

I walked towards the door to open it, I know he is just as stubborn as me and will not give up until I give in and open the door so let's just save some energy and time. As soon as the door was opened he scooped me up in his arms and walked towards the bedroom. He put us on the bed and gather me close to his chest. I complied and snuggled closer to his chest, hearing his heartbeat. I know that he loves me, he really fought for me. 

I still remember the day when I told my parents that I like a guy which is Kim and they locked me up in my room thinking that is just a phase and if they keep us apart it will go away, but it didn't. Our love grew stronger and Kimmon camp out in front of our house. He stayed in a tent and told my parents that he will not leave until my parents will hand me over to him. And it happened that way, Kim stayed in front of our house for three weeks, screaming like a madman that my parents seize the love of his life and that he wants me back. Finally, my parents that Kim was very adamant and he wasn't going to give up, so they make a deal. My parents will hand me to him if he will succeed in a year to find a stable and respectable job, to buy a house and to ask me to marry him. He did find a job and buy a big and beautiful apartment, but he still needs to propose me. Indeed, he still has three months left to do it and I know that he just wants to make everything perfect and at the right moment.

Back to the present, I'm snuggled up to Kim while he's rubbing my back gently and shower me with kisses wherever his lips can reach. I calmed down now and took a deep breath, letting Kim's soothing scent to invade my nostrils. He smells so good, it's similar to vanilla and he always says that I smell like chocolate.

"Are you calm now?"  Kim asked me still planting little kisses all over my body.


"Feel better?"


"You know that I love you a lot and that I can't live without you, right?"

"I know. I was just very mad at Bas. I'm gonna sue that little bastard for attempted rape."

"Let's talk to him first, ok? Let's give him the chance to explain himself to us."

Kim was kissing my neck now and biting it occasionally. He knows that I'm sensitive there and it always turns me on when he's kissing me there.

"Stop distracting me with your kisses. I'm gonna let him explain himself to the court."

"Don't you think it's a little too harsh?"

"If you are gonna question me again, I will go to sleep at my parent's house and they won't be too happy seeing me before the due date if you know what I mean."

"I'm quiet now."

"Good choice, big boy."

"Let's go to sleep now, it was a tiring day today."

"Stop there cowboy, you kissed my neck nonstop and now you are going to sleep without helping me first."

Kimmon smirked evilly at me. I realized just now what a big mistake came out of my mouth, Kimmon is well aware that I get turned on if my neck is kissed. I'm doomed!

"And how do you suggest to help you exactly?"  Kim whispered in my ear, in a very deep tone while his hand is traveling down my abdomen towards the affected area.

"P-P'Kim, what are ... you ... doing?"

"Oh, you are very familiar with what I'm about to do with your body. I'm not gonna stop until you are dry or you faint, whatever it comes first." 

His hand already arrived at the destination and start working on my belt and right after his skilfull hand slipped right in and grabbed my member with full force and squeeze it tightly. I gasped instantly for air, it's gonna be a long night, a very long night.


Ok, can someone tell me what the heck I just wrote? 

I know it's very low and I made Bas the villain. But, this whole plot was inside my brain for months and after a lot of struggle, I succeed to write it down on paper. I don't know where this whole idea will lead, but I hope that I succeed to please some people with it. And I don't have anything against Bas or something, it's just that he was always with KimCop and he's always clingy to everybody so it makes my job easier and I want to piss off some KimBas shippers :)

Hope you liked it and don't forget to vote and to leave down your thoughts. Thank you!  


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