Chapter 9

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Hey people....
I got so many suggestions regarding the name of the cute angel and I have chosen......
Siya..... For her.....
How is it?
And I'm very sorry to disappoint the others. Don't worry picture abhi suru hua hai.... Aabhi bahot dur jana hai.....
So don't feel disappointed....
So here's the next chapter.....

Swara and Sanskar entered the ward where their little angel was sleeping peacefully.Swara sat beside her and carenessed her head softly.

Swara(softly):Baby See who has come to meet you? Your mamma Get well soon baby A very long and beautiful life is there for you ahead waiting for you to grab it and cherish itYou have such a bright future ahead.(and kissed her forehead lightly).

Sanskar(softly):Not only mamma but papa is also there with you always If your mamma is my PRINCESS then you are OUR ANGEL Get well soon Angel Papa cant wait to play with you.

(He also kissed her forehead and Swaras too).Now you both sleep I have some work to do.

Swara:Where are you going in such an odd time?Did you see the time? Its almost 2:30 at the night and you are going out for some work.Are you crazy Sanskar?

Sanskar: Aare stop meri Jhasi ki Rani Im just going out to make some calls for her adoption. That toh I can do naa?

Swara:Are you crazy? Who would be awake for you at this time? Tell me.

Sanskar:If I want I can do anything

Swara(confused):What do you mean to say?

Sanskar:Nothing(kept his hand on her cheek and carenessed it slowly) You sleep I am coming in an hour okay.

Swara:No. I wont allow you You look so tired Sanky.(carenessing his face) Please kaal kar lena kaam Please.

He sighed and looked at her.He agreed helplessly and she smiled and hugged him.He hugged her back and thought only this woman can make him do what he doesnt want to.He helped her sleep beside Angel and he himself settled on the couch though he knew he wouldnt get any sleep still thought to give a try.

*Next day*

Sanskar was taking with Mark related to something and instructed him to do it soon.Mark left and he entered the cabin to see his two important person of his life sleeping peacefully.He smiled and stayed there watching the sight.The baby moved in her sleep and was about to cry when he went towards her and scooped her up in his arms.

Sanskar(cooing her):Oh baby. What happened? Feeling hungry. Dont worry Ragini maasi has gone to bring food for you, new dresses and new toys for you My Angel will play with it right

And she gave him the most enchanting smile.She was smiling and giggling at the same time getting tickles from her father.Their daughter-father time was disturbed by a voice All smiles to papa and nothing for mumma.. He looked towards her and saw her sitting on the bed with a pout face looking so adorable.

Sanskar(telling to baby silently):See baby someone is jealous.

God knows what she understood but she laughed at his statement.

Sanskar(looking towards Swara):See she understands her father too well. Right baby.

Baby giggled and Swara faked her anger.

Swara(fake anger):Yaa right forget me only. Noone cares about me..

Sanskar:And who said that..(coming very close to her)

She got lost in his eyes and had long forgotten her anger on him.He had such an effect on her. They got interrupted by the opening of the door.

Ragini(closing her eyes):We didnt see anything Didnt see anything.

Laksh(closing his eyes too):Yes we didnt see anything.

Sanskar and Swara were embaressed and blushed.He gave the baby to her and went out of the saying that he has some work. Laksh kept all the things and went out giving some privacy to the girls.
Ragini: So what was going on between you two? Aamm...  Something..... Something.....
Swara: Just shut up Ragini. Nothing like that....  We were just....
Ragini: Oh my god Swara you are blushing....
Swara(fumbling): No... Nothing like that Ragini.....
Seeing her state Ragini started laughing while holding her stomach and Swara became angry on her. 
Swara(anger): You are horrible Ragini... I won't talk to you.....
Hearing her she stopped laughing and looked at her
Ragini: I'm sorry I just couldn't control myself. But on a serious note I am very happy for you and Sanskar. After so many days I am seeing your wholehearted smile. I just pray that you always remain happy  
Swara: And this could only be possible because of him. I had lost my faith in lost but he took time, became patient with me and taught me as if I'm his child and he teaching me to walk. He taught me how to walk on that road again. More than loving or liking him I admire him and I think I can never love him more than he does to me.

Ragini was happy for her friend. Their talks halted due to their little angel. She cried gaining their attention and they laughed at her.
Ragini:Oh Mera baby is feeling neglected... Don't worry maasi is here.... She has bought so many things for you..... Right.... Swara you go and change till then I will make her ready.
She was about to protest but Ragini cut her off.
Ragini: Nope.... I won't listen to you.... I also want to spend some time with my neice right..... So you go and change while I do hers. Now go.... Go ... Shoo......
Swara nodded her head in disbelief and went to the washroom to change.

On the other side Sanskar was avoiding Laksh like a leach.
Sanskar: Laksh please... If you want to irritate me then forget it I am very busy right now....
Laksh: But listen naa once.... (caught him)  Haa... Toh now tell me in details what all happened yesterday and what was her reaction.
Sanskar knew that he won't leave him until he narrated the whole thing to him so he said everything. He observed the chance of his facial expressions after every moment. When the whole story ended Sanskar expected Laksh to give some kind of a reaction but he was standing still and observing him keenly.
Sanskar: What are you thinking?
Laksh: How much you have to be patient with her and to what extent you can love her......
Sanskar (sighing): That's the reason why I couldn't tell her long back and now also before telling I had to think many times..... Many times..... She's like a broken a puzzle and I have to sit down calmly and arrange every piece of it slowly and delicately. Before any gesture or act I have to think thousand times so that she doesn't get hurt. I am ready to do anything for her anything but I just want one thing from her that is HER SMILE
Laksh understood the depth of his love for her and gave him an encouraging smile. Mark soon arrived breaking their moment and handed over some papers to Sanskar.
Mark: Sir these are the adoption papers and this is the.....
Sanskar: The destruction papers of Mr.Sahil Sengupta and Mr.Shekher Bose.... Now the game begins.....
Sanskar smirked......

Swara returned after changing and saw her angel looking cute in her dress and having her food from her maasi while giggling.

Swara: Aar mere baby toh bahot pretty laag rehi hai.... Maasi has chosen such a nice dress for her.....
The baby laughed at her making her smile....
Sanskar and Laksh entered with Mark and no sooner did baby see Sanskar she started jumping to be taken by him. Sanskar handed the papers to Mark and took his angel.
Sanskar: So angel was waiting for Papa,.... And she is looking so pretty....
He kissed her cheeks and she giggled. He shifted his attention towards others and was about to say something when doctor arrived to check the baby.
Doctor: I would suggest everyone to leave the room for sometime till the check up is over. (Everyone started moving out) Swara Sanskar you both wait I need to discuss something with you both....
They nodded and stayed back while others left the room. Doctor checked her and gave an injection which made her cry. Sanskar took her in his arms and tried to soothe her pain. Slowly she drifted into sleep where angels were playing with her. He placed her softly on the bed and turned towards the conversation that was going on in his absence. After the talk the doctor left and he ask Swara about it.
Sanskar: Shona what did doctor say? Angel is fine right?
Swara: She is recovering very fast so he said that we can take her home today in the evening or tomorrow morning.
Sanskar: That's a very good news.... Are you happy now?
Swara: More than you can imagine.....
And hugged him tightly,..... They stayed in that position for sometime....

Swara: Sanskar.....
Sanskar: Hmm......
Swara: You didn't tell me those words again....
Sanskar (confused): Which words?
Swara: Those words which created a new journey for me.....
Sanskar (smiled and went near her ears): I LOVE YOU SHONA......
Swara:I like you Sanskar.....
He kissed her hair and felt contented.
Sanskar: Don't you want to know our Angel's name?
Swara: You chose one?
He nodded and put his chin on her head....
Sanskar: A very nice name just perfect for her....
Swara: What is it?
Sanskar: SIYA.....
Swara: SIYA SANSKAR DASGUPTA.... She's your daughter too Sanskar and a child should always get his/her father's name only    
Sanskar: But you are her mother and we don't have the surname then what will .....
Swara: You are talking as if I always stay your girlfriend. Won't you make me your wife ever?
Sanskar was shock to hear her. She is think of becoming his wife from now only. He was happy to hear it.
Sanskar: Of course you will be my wife but not so soon. As I said you I will take our relationship very slowly so that you can experience every moment of it.... We won't do anything in haste....
She just hugged him tightly.
Swara: You know you are the best.....
Sanskar (chuckling): I know.....

Sanskar entered the room and saw Swara and Siya playing and baby was making baby sounds....
Sanskar: So Siya and mummy are playing.... Don't you want to go home and see your new toys and new room.....
Swara(excitedly): She can go now?
Sanskar: Yes she got discharged but Siya has to be very careful. She's still weak but seeing her improvement doctor allowed her.
Swara: See baby I told you naa Papa will surely do something and he did it... He's a superhero... Right ....
Siya laughed and jumped. Sanskar took her in his arm and threw her up in the air making her giggle and caught her.
Sanskar: I will tell the nurse to pack the stuffs.
He went out and a nurse packed everything. He came back and told Swara to carry Siya and he himself picked her up and went outside. Everyone was seeing them with admiration as to how much he loved her. Swara became red due to shy and hid herself in his chest.
Swara(murmuring): You are shameless ....
Sanskar: Just for you.....
And our little Siya ..... Well she was having fun in her mother's arm.


Swara and Sanskar reached with Siya who during the whole journey was jumping in Swara's lap seeing her surrounding. They felt amused and was smiling the whole way. They were about to enter the house when Ragini stopped them.
Ragini: Wait.... Let me do aarti first....
Aarti was also an amazing thing for Siya and she wanted to hold the lighted diya... But Swara stopped her.
Swara: No baby this is hot it will harm you. So never play with it okay....
They stepped into the house which was beautifully decorated with balloons and streamers..... Siya was again very happy and was laughing all the time.....

After all the celebration Sanskar took Swara and Siya to a room. Swara looked at him questionable. He just indicated her to open it. She opened it and shocked to see the room. It was so beautifully decorated with a baby cot pink wall wardrobe full of dresses and so many toys....

No words were coming out of her. She was speechless. He held her by the shoulder from back side
Sanskar:Did you like?
Swara: Like! I loved it... It's just awesome... It's so beautiful....
Sanskar: Not only you but I guess Siya also liked it...
They looked at her and she was already trying to hold them. Swara went towards the cot and settled her in it and Siya instantly smiled at them. She took one of her Teddy and because busy.
Swara: This looks so perfect... I always wanted this... I am so happy....(placing her head on his shoulder)
Sanskar (wrapped his arm around her shoulder): I am happy because you are happy.......

*Somewhere far from them*
Person 1: How can this be possible?  No this is wrong totally wrong...
Person 2: See because of you we are on roads today....
Person 1: This is all the dirty tricks of that SD. He fooled us.
(very angry) Now I will show him what hell is...... He has messed up with the wrong person....
Mr SD from now your bad time starts .......
Be ready....... To face Sahil Sengupta........

Precap: A short leap.... And what??? Let's see.....
So people the next chapter with many cute scenes.
All is happy till now....
But will it last forever......
Is danger just few steps away from them...

In this who will suffer...
Or who.....
Let's see....
Till then.... Good night
And happy reading.....

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