Chapter 1

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I was walking home from the university when I saw an old clutching his chest. I walked up to him.

"Are you alright?" I asked and the old man sighed. "Would you like to sit on the bench in the park?" The old man shook his head and sighed again.

"No...someone will pick me up." I rubbed his back as he said that while still clutching his chest. Pretty soon a black limousine pulled up and a young man stepped out.

"Are you alright sir?" The man asked and then the old man addressed me.

"Yes I'm alright and I have this young lady to thank for her kindness." The old man smiled at me gently.

"Oh I didn't really do anything except rubbed your back. You don't need to thank me for something so small." I said while smiling at the old man.

"Oh but you saved my life and I thank you for that!" The old man smiled again.

"I have to leave now. I'm sorry. Goodbye!" I started walking away when...

"Wait at least tell me your name Miss since you should me such kindness." The old man was still smiling when I looked at him.

"My name is Alana." I said sweetly. The man took out a piece of paper and wrote a number on it.

"Please call me if you need anything. Goodbye Miss Alana." The man stopped talking and took a good look at me but then waved it off. He got into the car with the younger man and they drove off.

"Oh..." On the back of the paper was an invite addressed to me.

"Oh he invited me to his party. Then it would be rude if I didn't attend but what would I wear...?" As I asked myself that the other young man appeared.

"Hello." I looked at him and took the moment to study his facial appearance. He was very handsome, he had silver hair, lavender colored eyes, wore extravagant clothing, and always had a smile on his face.

"Oh hello." The young man looked at the paper in my hand and smiled.

"Are you attending?" He still wore his smile as he asked.

"Oh but I don't have anything to wear..." He still smiled as he answered.

"Then you can borrow this dress." As he said that another young man came out of a car with a beautiful burgundy colored gown and burgundy colored shoes. I accepted the dress with a smile.

"Thank you! I promise to return when the party is over!" I smiled gratefully at the young man before me.

"How about we meet here and I'll give you a ride to the party?" I nodded my head before waving goodbye and walking home with the beautiful dress.

I opened the door to my apartment and stepped in. The party would be in an hour now because I've been out almost all day. Right now it is 8:00 o'clock. I started to get ready for the party. I showered first, then slipped the dress and shoes on, and finally did my make-up and hair. My long mahogany-brown hair was in a neat, curly, ponytail like bun. I didn't wear a lot of make-up. I thought that a little eyeshadow and lip gloss would be just fine. I picked up a necklace that mom gave me. It had a beautiful blue jewel on it and it always sparkled. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that I had to go and meet the young man from earlier. I hurried out the door and towards the place where we were supposed to meet. In the distance I saw the young man and ran up to him. He smiled at me gently and the other man from before got out.

"Prince Edward we really must be leaving." Prince Edward...? Oh, now that I look at him he does look like Prince Edward so...he is Prince Edward!

"Shall we be going?" Prince Edward smiled gently.

"O-oh are you sure because I wouldn't want to trouble you!" I spoke hurriedly.

"It's okay now come." Prince Edward took my hand gently in his and pulled me into the limousine. We drove to the castle in silence.

(30 Minutes Later) We reached Nobel Michel Castle and we all stepped out of the car. We entered the castle and I was amazed by all of the beautiful decorations. They were beautiful decorations and I smiled to myself softly. That was when the old man whom I have met earlier appeared.

"Sara? You came back." The old man looked overjoyed and I was confused.

"Um, my name is Alana. Sara mother's name. How did you know her name?" The old man looked at me in surprise and then his face went solemn.

"This way Miss Alana." The butler whose name was Zain took me and the old man to a room, separate from the ballroom.

"What is it?" I looked at both of them in confusion.

"Miss Alana you mentioned that your mother's name is Sara correct?" I nodded slowly. "Do you know of any of your mother's relatives?" I thought for a moment before I shook my head no. "Does your mother ever talk about her family at all?" I shook my head no again. "What is your father's name?" Zain and Mike stared at me intently.

"His name is Alexander." I answered softly. Both Zain and Mike's eyes widened.

"Miss Alana it seems you are Lord Michel's granddaughter." My eyes widened.

"B-but how can that be?" Zain looked at my so-called grandfather and he nodded his head.

"Sara ran away from home forty years ago and married a young man named Alexander. We didn't know where they went or if they had any children but Lord Michel has been very upset ever since that day when Sara ran away but now you're here." Zain smiled and I started to piece things together. Mom never spoke of her family or her heritage because I know she's not Japanese like dad and neither am I but I'm still her daughter. All along she was the daughter of a noble family and I am Nobel Michel's granddaughter. I looked deep into Mike's eyes and saw...

"Mom's hazel eyes... Grandfather...?" I spoke quietly as Nobel Michel smiled and I hugged him. After a while of chatting and getting to know one another Grandfather had only one request.

"The only request that I have is that you keep the secret of you being my granddaughter only until my 100th birthday which is in a couple months." I nodded at grandfather's words and glanced over at Zain when he addressed me.

"Lady Alana did your mother teach you anything? Something royalty would do or...?" I thought about it for a moment before I remembered how mom would always teach me about etiquette, horseback riding, dance, history, and different languages.

"Oh yes! Mom would always teach me about etiquette, horseback riding, dance, history, how to speak in different languages, how to play instruments, and other stuff ever since I was old enough enough to read and write." Zain nodded and smiled gently.

"That's good so you don't have to learn about this stuff if you've been taught everything about it when you were young."Wait what does he mean I don't have to learn it now?

"Wait so I was going to learn all of that if I didn't know any of it?!" Zain and grandfather nodded quietly. For once I'm actually glad that I did learn all of that stuff!

"I shall be retiring to my room now. Alana please return to the party." I nodded my head bid grandfather goodbye and goodnight. I did as grandfather said and returned to the party. I stood off to the side of the ballroom and watch everyone dance when...

"May I have this dance?" As a new song started to play Prince Wilfred came up to me and asked me to dance while holding his hand out to me.

"Of course." I smiled as elegantly as I could and placed my hand in Prince Wilfred's. I studied Prince Wilfred's features as he led me out onto the center of the floor. His blonde hair looked smooth as most of it fell around his face, his blue eyes showed a hint of happiness as they met mine, and he was taller than me. He's so handsome... I thought as he pulled me close and placed one hand on my waist and the other in my hand as I placed my remaining hand on his shoulder. Prince Wilfred and I gazed at each other throughout the song and I felt the burning gazes of the ladies staring at us. Prince Wilfred didn't seem to notice the stares of the people around us as he only paid attention to me and the dance. As we gaze at each other my heart beat quickens and I feel my cheeks start to grow hot. I managed to suppress the blush that nearly overtook my face. Prince Wilfred danced with such elegance and I managed to dance just as elegant. The song started to fade, signaling the end of the song. Prince Wilfred and I let go of one another. Prince Wilfred bowed his head to me and I dipped into a graceful curtsy for him. Prince Wilfred smiled sweetly before taking his leave.

After sometime it was time for me to go home. I returned the dress that Prince Edward lent me and walked home but when I got there I was frozen to the spot.

"W-what happened...?" My apartment and the entire complex was in flames. Firefighters were there trying to put the fire out and when they did all that was left of the building was ash and burnt pieces of the building. "Where will I go now...?" I then remembered grandfather's number so I took out my cell phone and dialed his number. Ring Ring After a few minutes someone answered.

"Hello?" I heard the gentle voice that only belonged to my grandfather on the phone.

"Sorry for calling you so late grandfather but..." I told grandfather about everything that has happened and that I have nowhere else to go. Grandfather had arranged for me to stay in the kingdom of Phillip.

Hi guys I hope you liked the prologue because there will be more! Anyway Alana will be staying in the kingdom of Phillip and will also be spending some quality time with Prince Wilfred. Don't forget to leave comments and see you in the next chapter! Goodbye! ;D

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