Chapter 10

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Chapter 9: Phillip's New Princess

After leaving Nobel Michel Castle, Wilfred and I had returned to Chateau Phillip. The Queen and King were apologizing to me over and over again even though I told them that it was okay. After a while I got them to stop apologizing. I am currently walking through the halls of Phillip after receiving a break from Princess Training. I always knew that Claude was strict but with training he is extremely strict. The only comfort I ever get out of these breaks is of being with my beloved prince. I walk briskly down the hall towards his room and as soon as I approach the door, the door opens and I'm pulled inside into a pair of familiar warm arms. I smile as we both fall onto his bed tangled in each other's arms.

"How was training today?" He asked while stroking my hair.

"Hard as usual but I'm making progress nonetheless." I said as I closed my eyes in content. "Wilfred?" I asked softly as I looked up at him.

"Yes?" He answered as he looked down at me.

"Do you think the people will accept me?" I asked softly and I heard soft chuckles.

"Of course they'll accept you. My parents accepted you and so will they." He said reassuringly as he kissed the top of my head.

"I believe you." I whispered softly and after that I felt soft lips on mine.

"No matter what happens, I'll protect you." We stayed like this until it was time for me to get back to Princess Training.

(6 Months Later) Wilfred and I have been busy all week with preparations for the wedding. We barely have enough time to see other but luckily for us preparations are almost complete. The wedding is to be held one week from now. I have been all over the place with my official duties and final preparations for the wedding.

Currently I'm in the limousine with Wilfred. Wilfred was dressed in his uniform and I was wearing a royal blue dress with thick straps that sit beneath my shoulders lined with gold, red, and white, a pair of royal blue shoes, and white gloves. I wore my hair down and it was curled. Wilfred and I were currently on our way back to the Chateau from our official duties but...

"Why did we stop?" I asked turning my head to Wilfred. The car had stopped for some strange reason.

"I don't know..." We both turned our heads to the front to ask Claude when... Click!

"Huh?!" The door suddenly swung open and a man with a black mask stood in the door. "W-Wilfred?" I asked moving closer to him.

"That's them! Get 'em!" Wilfred tugged me closer as the men reached out for me.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." He said reassuringly.

"Your Highness, help is on the way!" The minute Claude said that I felt my arms being tugged towards the door and when I turned and looked I found myself being dragged out of the car.

"Ahh! Wilfred!" I got one arm free and reached out for him.

"Alana!" Wilfred tried to reach out for me but...

"Don't move or I'll shoot her!" A gun was held to my head and I was paralyzed with fear. Wilfred automatically stopped and glared at the men in anger.

"Let her go." Wilfred demanded with a glare.

"I don't think so Your Highness. We'll give her back soon enough." The man laughed.

"Take me instead of her." Wilfred...

"Hmmm..." The man started to ponder it over but I interjected.

"Wilfred don't. I'll be fine. I know you'll come and get me so I won't worry." I said softly even though I was scared stiff.

"Over there!" Suddenly there was a shout.

"Damn it's the bodyguards! Let's go!" The men dragged me away and the only thing I heard was Wilfred calling out to me.

I know he'll come for me.

I was thrown into a room and handcuffed to the bed by my wrist. I stood in front of the window trying to figure out where I am but to no avail. I put a hand to the window as I heard the door click. I turned around and saw a man.

"Who are you?" I asked standing my ground.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ando Sakihara. I'm trying to get a Black Market going but I don't have anything to auction off at least I didn't until now..." He said with a grin.

"You're going to sell me?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Think, people will pay millions to get their hands on Phillip's future princess and Nobel Michel's granddaughter." I shook my head and glared.

"You can't sell a person to another person! That's not right!" I shouted.

"Who cares? As long as I get money I really don't care what happens to you." My whole body froze and I felt my eye twitch slightly.

"Where am I?" I asked trying to figure out where I was knowing that there's a tracking device in one of my earrings.

"Don't worry Princess. You're still in Phillip for the time being but that is all I'll tell you." The man smirked and left the room locking the door behind him.

"Wilfred please find me soon..." I whispered gazing back out the window.

Narrator's POV

Back at Chateau Phillip the entire castle was in an uproar over the missing Phillip Princess. Lord Michel had been informed and had bodyguards investigating secretly, Phillip doing the same. Both were doing everything in their power to find the missing princess for both the sake of Phillip and its prince. Wilfred was determined to find his princess no matter what so he often spent his time listening to the reports of the police on what they found. Wilfred and Claude also paid close attention to the tracking device which had picked up on the missing princess's earring. Little did they know that it was going to suddenly get harder to find the missing princess which means longer separation for Prince Wilfred and Princess Alana.

Hi guys so I'm sorry that I haven't updated recently but I continuously got writer's block and thinking on it so hard made my head hurt and let me tell you I easily get headaches so to me it's a REAL pain. Anyway here it is! I thought I might add some action in here somewhere. I mean hey gotta keep things interesting right? I am also helping my cousin (AstroSagittarius) with her stories because to tell you the truth they are not that all...but she'll get better. So I typed up one Prologue for one of her stories (not published yet BTW) so when it's posted please read and comment so she'll be happy and bubbly like always! So don't forget to leave comments and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye! :D

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