Will you still love me?

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Haruka Namesake I hope you like it! 

Image link: http://45.media.tumblr.com/4d8311727e3ff992e32f51331b6de2c1/tumblr_mz9guv9mh31s1gq98o6_400.gif


(y/n) = Your name

(h/c) = Hair colour

(e/c) = Eye colour

'Italics' = Suou's thoughts

"Speech" = Flashbacks of various things (y/n) says to Suou

Suou looked up at the sky, twinkling stars being reflected in his shimmering blue orbs. A small smile made its way onto his face as he glanced down at the sleeping figure in his lap. His arms encircled her and brought her closer to his chest. One hand found its way to her head, tangling his fingers into her flowing (h/c) locks. The wind blew gently around them as people strolled along the streets below. He leaned towards his resting lover and placed a chaste kiss onto her forehead. Closing his eyes, he thought about his girlfriend and everything that had occurred between them to create this unbreakable bond.

"So you're the guy who saved Princess Ame? Thank you, we owe so much to you! I'm (y/n), a friend of Ame's."

'You made me feel at home, like I was already one of you, when we first met.'

"I heard that you beat some shinobi all by yourself. You really are amazing, Suou!"

'My heart fluttered for the first time when you said that, especially when I realised how beautiful your smile was.'

"Your eyes are blue, like the ocean. I could stare at them for hours..."

'You spoke so softly as you complimented me again. As my cheeks warmed, I realised that I was in love with you.'

"Suou, you're a Yagyu?"

His eyes snapped open. Remembering your look of shock made something tighten in in his chest. He was a Yagyu, wasn't he? He wasn't a normal person, was he? He couldn't live with other people because they feared him, didn't they? His hands began to shake. Why did you love him anyway? He remembered the villagers and their harsh treatment of him.


"Get out of here!"

"Y-You're a demon!"

"Just DIE already so we can be left in peace."

He bit his lip as he felt tears come to his eyes. He didn't ask to be like this, so why did everyone have to torment him like this? He tried to help them! He tried to belong! But they rejected him.... this world rejected him and made him feel worthless.

'Humans are selfish beings. They take what they want without caring about the consequences. They fight, they kill, they steal, they betray each other. All they think about is what they will gain from it. They don't care about how the person suffers in their last moments, they don't care about the families they have torn apart. All they care about is how much money is in their pockets. Maybe the Shinobi came here to change that, to kill the selfish humans and force humans to unite in order to fight against them. Even then, they still fight and kill and steal and betray. Humans truly are horrible beings that are beyond help.'

"You shouldn't determine what everyone is like just because some people are cruel, Suou. People say that the world is cruel, but that's not true. This world is wonderful." 'A sad smile was plastered on your face. I could see the sorrow swirling in your (e/c) eyes.' "The world isn't the problem, it's the people in it. You're right about that. Even so, there are some people that make this world a world worth living in. To me, you're one of those people, Suou!"

'You're one of those people to me as well, (y/n). I used to hate the world, but now it looks so much more beautiful with you in it.'

"Suou, I love you!"

'I love you too. I don't tell you that much, but don't doubt that my feelings are there. I'm glad that I met you. But even if I lost both of my arms and couldn't embrace you anymore, would you still love me? Even if I couldn't speak anymore and couldn't tell you how much I love you, would you still love me?

Even though I'm a monster, will you still love me?'

Slowly, the girl's eyes opened and she gazed at her white haired lover. With a gentle smile she placed her hand on his cheek and wiped away a tear he didn't even know had escaped. As he stared into her dazzling (e/c) eyes, all of his doubts disappeared. All of the love she felt for him was shining in her eyes. He knew that she loved him as much as she loved him. As he pressed his lips against hers, he felt the influence of the villagers disappear and finally




he felt happy.

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