Chapter 4 (old)

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So far, life is BORING. With nothing to do, no one to talk to, and not even a speck of dust to flick at, wow. The workers here would often bring me food, but that was all. They insisted that I sleep off the shock and pain. But I wasn't shocked, I was BORED! HELLO! I yowled impatiently while a veterinarian (I just keep learning new human words every day, don't I!) was bringing me food. "Here you go, Willow." She said, quickly bringing in the food in a small tin. Oh, right, I forgot to tell you: They named me Willow. The food here was terrible. It made me feel sick a few minutes after I ate it, but it was the only thing to replenish my hunger. I lapped at the slimy chunks, stopping as I was surprised by the taste of it. It was actually delicious! Finally no more disgusting flavor! I went ahead and howled down the meal. After eating, I sat there, eager to do something. But the vet turned and left. I grunted. I didn't want to stay here any longer. I carefully hopped off the counter and quietly stalked through the empty halls. My fake eye helped me navigate in the dark along the way. Looking left to right where there I could find every door, I began scanning them...

WAITING ROOM... nope..

STITCHING... no...

Ow! My leg hurts. I growled. Come on, concentrate!

ROBOTICS... what?

Is this where they got my fake eye? Wait... I have to find Oak. I sniffed at the floor, and sure enough, his scent was fresh, and strong...

RECOVERY ROOM... hmm, I began sniffing through the tiny space under the door. Yup, he's in there. There's a tiny knob on the door, and if I can just get to it and push it...

I leaped as high as I could, and managed to grab onto it, but the surface was slippery, so I hit the floor again. My injured leg slammed right onto the stone floors, and making me gasp as the agony intensified. If I couldn't jump up to get a good grip, then I would have to scratch a hole in the door. All of a sudden, I felt a rush of panic, and a faint noise and a flash of light filled the dark and empty halls. The light became brighter and the noise got louder, and more devices on the wall began to create the same noises and lights. I immediately began to scratch frantically at the door, begging for something to open it. I heard water rushing loudly above my head, and even dripping on the walls. I yowled, calling to anyone inside there. The freezing waters began to rise up to my chest, and I began to float off the ground. My paws grew numb with cold, and I was swept away from my destination. People and other animals began panicking as they waded through the wet debris and the swampy water. I was sucked into a hole in the ceiling, and found myself gasping at the surface of the flood. This feeling felt so familiar, by the way I tried to push myself against the tides and how much stress I was putting into it...

The previous flood... I needed a new eye and a leg support, because of the first flood. I froze suddenly, letting the water slam me straight into a building. The sudden jolt winded me, but I began to fight the wave again. It wasn't deep like last time, but this flood was far from over. Busy cars seem to be lifted off the streets, and were floating, but would soon sink. I had to find the hilltops where my home was, but it felt like it had been so long, I didn't know where to find it! I pushed forward, trying to stay afloat and keep swimming forward. I felt the presence of a car somewhere... I turned around and tried to move away from the car, but it was actually behind me. It slammed right into me, and pushed me into a building, hitting my injured leg on it. There was a loud snap, and there was so much agony engulfing me. "OH, FOR THE LOVE OF FRANCIS, HELP ME!" I yowled. I was cold, and my fur felt like ice. My heart raced as I kept gasping in fright. There was a loud rush of water, and my eyes widened. The wave was coming! I had to struggle free from the pressure of the car on me. I attempted to push myself out from underneath the surface of the car's paws, but nothing helped. It was filled with water, and was sinking along with me as it kept dragging my head down the building wall. Everything seemed to floating as the wave drew closer. The water levels rose, but I was able to get away from the large hunk of metal. I waded upward, trying again to leep up with the surface, but as the wave came in view, there was another car, level with my face. It rammed into my right eye, and whatever I could see out of that fake eye was gone, completely black. I panicked, trying to fight against all the weight and pressure, but I was completely submerged now. Blood gushed from the right side of my face and stained the water around me into a dark crimson. I felt very dizzy and light, barely even feeling the impact and pain on my back as I slammed into another wall. My eye rolled into my head...

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