first encounter

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My P.O.V

I'm Evie, and I'm 13 years old, and it's the night before a tennis match in mid-september, and I was sleeping so soundly, until I started to have a bad dream. When started when Bill Cipher and I fused and turned in to Evill.
When school was done, my friend Elle and I were getting ready for a tennis match, and while we were waiting for the bus, I told Elle what happened.

Me: ... it was so terrifying. What if it actually happened?

Elle: IDK man, I don't think Bill was there, but I'll ask if he was.( Calls Bill): Hey Bill, were u at Evie's house last night?

Bill(on the phone): No, but I do know who visited O.S., William, my brother.

Elle(on phone): Oh, thx Bill.

Bill(on the phone): NP, Blue, love ya.( Hangs up)

Elle: ("blue"shes): Well, it wasn't Bill, but his brother, William.

Me: but how could it be his brother when he looked exactly like Bill?

Then when Elle and I looked through the window, and we saw a blue triangle coming toward us.
Me: who is that?

Elle: I think Will, but I'm not sure.

???: U-ur r-right.

Me: W-who r u?

???:M-my name is William Cipher,b-but u can call me W-will.

Me:(backs up shyly)

Elle: So ur Bill's brother?

Will:Y-yeah, what r ur n-names?

Elle: I'm Elle.

Will: Oh, ur Bill's girl, r-right?

Elle: ("blue"shes) yeah.

Will:( turns to me): and u-u r?

Me:(stays quiet and backs up up shyly)

Will: U-ur shy 2, huh?

Me:(shakes my head yes)(says quietly): I'm E-Evie.

Will: G-glad 2 m-meet u-u 2.

Elle: Glad 2 meet u 2 Will.

Will:T-thx.( "Blue"shes light blue)

(I'm still chasing Will)
Me( Breathless): so... th- give me a second ( trying to catch my breath)
Will: How do u, reader, like the book so far?
Me: That is what I was gonna say, u stole my line.
Will: no I didn't, I was finishing ur line while u r catching ur breath.
Me: (sarcastically): sure. Anyways...
Both of us: Hope u r enjoying the book, jinx, double jinx, triple jinx quadruple jinx fiv-( burst out laughing)
Me (through laugher): u owe me a hug, Will
Will: we'll c about that ( Chases me)
Me: (screams historically, while running around): u can't catch me!!
Will: yes I can! And just admit it u love me!
Me: Fine I admit it, but u can't get me😜💙💙

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